The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 232 - The Evil Servant

Chapter 232 The Evil Servant
The thought of Zhang Yunyan reminded Yan Xiaopeng the terrifying scene where he was about to be killed under the sword, and he felt scared. He could not imagine that the terrible danger would happen again. It was so horrible.

He told the butler to be careful. The enemy was hiding somewhere, waiting for the right moment to make trouble, and he must strengthen the guard and leave no chance for the girl to attack him, otherwise, he would be dead.

Yan Xiaopeng had already known that Zhang Yunyan was fierce. He hoped to destroy his enemy as soon as possible so that he could set his heart at rest.

At this day, he asked his butler to go to the county, and the purpose was to ask the governor to send more people and intensify the search. He wanted to arrest Zhang Yunyan and get rid of her as soon as possible.

Since Zhang Yunyan was saved and taken away by Bai Yunfei in the Yan Mansion, Yan Xiaopeng had been restless and worried.

Zhang Yunyan was a huge stone in his heart, and with this, he had been hard to breathe. The stone must be removed as soon as possible. Otherwise, he would never have a peaceful life, and big trouble would ensue which would even cause his death.

The butler was delayed because of the heavy rain and he returned to the Yan Mansion after dark. Before he had time to eat, he ran to report to his master.

Yan Xiaopeng was restless as he was waiting for the result, and he asked his butler the arrangements of the governor and other news.

The butler immediately told him, “The governor promised to send more people to search her tomorrow. You may rest assured.”

Inside the building came a sigh, “This is good, this is good. Alas, if the girl is alive, I can’t stop worrying.”

The butler snorted and said, “Sir, the governor had got so much wealth from the Yan Mansion, he has to work hard.”

Hearing that, Yan Xiaopeng sighed, “Yes. Man dies in pursuit of wealth, and birds die in pursuit of food. It’s true that if you have money, you can make the devil push the millstone for you.

Zhang Yunyan was angry. She didn’t expect that the official worked so hard for the enemy. No wonder Living Yama was unscrupulous. As the imperial government official, the governor did not enforce law for the people, and he even shielded and indulged the bad man. He also deserved death!

At this time, the butler said, “Sir, the governor said that he would send money to the magistrate, so that the magistrate could order the governors of other counties to arrest Zhang Yunyan. Well, he also said that he was short of money, and I don’t know what to do with it.”

As the butler finished his words, the voice came from the building, “Well, he just wants money in the name of the magistrate. He is really insatiable!”

The butler understood, and smiled sadly. He didn’t expect that the governor would still ask for money even though he had got so much. He was so greedy. Alas, having power was great for one could do whatever he wanted and no one could compare to him.

Yan Xiaopeng was very discontented, and then he sighed and said, “OK. Send him 100 taels of sliver in two days.”

“Oh, Sir, I just gave him two hundred taels of sliver today, do we still give him money? There would be no end. Let’s put it off.”

“Oh, it’s not over. That guy relies on silver. Never mind. Since we must give him money, it’s better to give him earlier. Otherwise he may get angry, and slow the search. It would be more upsetting. There is no other way.”

Yan Xiaopeng was distressed and helpless when he heard that. “Friendship” bought with money could only last for a while, and was unreliable.

Seeing that the renowned master was fooled by the governor, he sighed.

He sighed and said, “Power is better than money. If you open your mouth, a lot of money will come.”

From the room came a wry smile. There was no reply except a sigh.

The butler frowned, then sighed, and said, “Sir, the governor sent the two hundred tael to the magistrate, and is it too little to send him 100 tael? And will he get mad? If this affects our matter, the money would be wasted.”

Yan Xiaopeng was discontented, and he scolded, “Don’t listen to that bastard. He won’t hand in his money to the magistrate. If he did, he could only send a small part of it, and a hundred tael is enough. Besides, he pleases his superior for his own sake, and we have nothing to do with him. Why bother?”

After that, the people in the house sighed.

The butler shook his head and sighed. The governor wanted to bribe his superior, and the money he sent all came from the people. Even the Yan Mansion must give him.

He was angry. The governor wanted to please his boss, why must the Yan Mansion pay the money?

But the butler was fine with it. Even his master couldn’t handle this, not to mention him. He would just do what his master told him to do. The money belonged to the Yan Mansion, and had nothing to do with him. He would not feel reluctant, but he was a little jealous.

Yan Xiaopeng knew the feeling well. Those corrupt officials were insatiable like bottomless box. Money was his heart and soul, so how could he be willing to give them away. Hut for the sake of life, he had to do so.

Yan Xiaopeng was helpless, and he could only give his money reluctantly. At this time, he needed the help of the governor. Getting rid of the enemy’s descendant was the priority, which was related to his life. This must be done as soon as possible.

He knew how important it was to rely on the government. In the future, the Yan Mansion needed the support of the governor, and had to give him money. They all got what they wanted.

Living Yama was discontented, and his voice was fierce, vowing to redeem the money.

He told the butler to get ready quickly. Tomorrow, if the weather was fine, he would go to the Lianhu Village to collect his debts from those poor men. If there was nothing of value, he would arrest people. The men would work as coolies for the Yan Mansion, and the women would be sold to repay the debt.

As the saying goes, without a sheep, there can be no wool. He not only wanted to take advantage of this to make a big profit, but also wanted to make chaos in the hometown of his enemy to vent his anger.

Zhang Yunyan accidentally heard Yan Xiaopeng ulterior intention. She was so angry that her pretty face stiffened and flashed with a terrible expression.

She swore to herself that she would kill Living Yama this night, and that the devil would not live till tomorrow. Otherwise the villagers would be in great trouble.

When the butler heard the words of Yan Xiaopeng, he snorted, showing agreement. He claimed that he should have done so long ago, and that he should be ruthless to these poor people, otherwise the repayment of debt will be hard to get.

Zhang Yunyan swore. The butler was just a bully under the protection of a powerful person, and he was also as fierce as an evil devil of Living Yama. She glared at the shifting figure of the housekeeper, and swore in her heart that if the evil devil dared to bully people and kill them, it would never get away with it.

The butler approved of the arrangement for tomorrow, but was somewhat discontented with the master’s orders for the night, and kept shaking his head and sighing.

He looked at the stormy night sky and sighed, “Sir, I will get ready for tomorrow. Alas, with the heavy rain, it is not convenient.”

He did not dare to express his displeasure. Looking at the endless rain, he sighed with sorrow.

Yan Xiaopeng also sighed. The weather was rare, and was the same as the last time Zhang Yunyan came here, which was disturbing.

As he listened to the howling and shocks outside, he remembered the night, and he was still frightened. He was not afraid but anxious, hoping he could pass the night safely.

Living Yama thought the rain came quickly and would go quickly, estimating that tomorrow would be a good weather. He told the butler to prepare so as not to delay the trip to the Lianhu Village.

Looking at the dark night sky, and the heavy rain, the butler was very sad, hoping the weather would soon get better.

The master was still urging him, and the butler looked sad again, sighing at the rain all over the sky. He grumbled to himself that the weather of tomorrow had nothing to do with the night, and that even a clear day could not take the place of the storm.

At the moment, it was raining and blowing hard, and both he and the horse were tired. He still hadn’t had his dinner, how to prepare?

However, the master had ordered, and the housekeeper had to obey him. He had to deal with it, otherwise he couldn’t explain to him.

He looked at the shining window on the second floor and frowned. Why hadn’t he heard the delicate voice or the laughter?

It seemed that the noble beauty had fallen asleep, and she must be dreaming with a good mood after the pleasure.

Alas, unfortunately, that noble person’s good mood was not given by him, which was so… He could only feel regretful, because it was not supposed to be done by a servant, and he could only miss her.

The butler frowned, sighed, and left after he said goodbye to Living Yama.

At this time, the words in the house came again, “Butler, you have not been home for many days. Today, you went to the county against the rain. It’s tiring enough. It is not easy for you to work so hard at night in such a heavy rain.”

The butler had just taken a few steps, and stopped hastily, “Thank you, Sir, for your concern. It was really tiresome…”

He squeezed a bitter laugh. Looking at the rain in the dark and listening to the blow of the rain against the umbrella, he sighed.

The butler grumbled as he went along, “It is not easy indeed. I am hungry and tired, and it is not easy to do things in the wind and rain. Alas, different people have different life. What you do at night is pleasurable, and what I do at night is tiresome. There is no way to compare. It’s true that the well-fed don’t know how the starving suffers. I have not seen my wife for more than ten days. You have a beautiful woman in your arms, how can you understand my pain…”

The desire of the butler is intolerable, and he forgot hunger and tiredness. He just wanted to find a woman to vent his desire. It was only wishful thinking, and he dared not do this even if he had the courage. Without the order of his master, he would be caught into trouble if something bad happened.

Living Yama was a very difficult master to wait on. He was cruel to his servants. If he annoyed his master, losing his job was a small matter, and he did not know what punishment he would suffer.

The butler was confused, and slowed down, as if he had forgotten the storm.

At this time, a voice inside the house came, “Butler, you have worked so hard, and deserve to be treated well. It is not easy to work hard on a stormy night. So, when you have time to rest, you can go to find a satisfying woman to accompany you and get rid of your boredom and loneliness.

Hearing this, the butler was surprised. He did not expect that the happy thing would come to him in the blink of an eye. He also didn’t expect that his master was so considerate. He felt warm in the heart and smiled.

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