The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 234 - To Demand Enemy’s Life

Chapter 234 To Demand Enemy’s Life
Yan Xiaopeng saw the concubine so afraid of the thunder and hurried to appease her, “My dear, don’t be afraid. There’s nothing to be afraid of with me by your side. You won’t die. What can I do if you die and leave me alone? I can’t live without you. ”

As soon as the words of Living Yama came to an end, the voice of the concubine was heard in the room, “Hum, it sounds good. If I’m gone, wouldn’t it be more desirable to you? That way, you can be with the coquettish girl day and night. There will be no one else in your heart. ”

“Well, it’s not like what you said. You have thought too much. There’s no one else in my heart, only you. There is nothing to worry about. It’s unnecessary to think about it.”

Yunxia was dissatisfied and then sighed, “Sir, this thunder is not the most terrible. I am more afraid that you will abandon me if you have that coquettish girl. If so, I…I will be miserable…”

Her voice was trembling, full of complaint and sorrow. She was weeping in a low voice.

Seeing his beloved wife so sad, Yan Xiaopeng frowned and sighed slightly, “Well, how could this happen? You really have thought too much. That woman is of low origin and is not worthy of being my wife. Alright, alright, you can rest assured. I won’t marry her. I’m just playing with her when I get bored, nothing else.”

“I am by your side all day and always do what you want. Isn’t it enough for you to relieve your boredom? I see. You’re tired of me and you found a new girl. You confessed without being pressed, and you are really fickle in affection!”

Seeing her complaining endlessly, Yan Xiaopeng shook his head helplessly. He pondered over and over again, in order to please the beauty. He could only part reluctantly with the girl.

He sighed and reassured, “My good girl, I am really pleased by you, I can’t bear leaving you. Well, I’ll just…just… Well, I don’t want that girl anymore, you should be at ease. Well, you, you…uh… ”

He shook his head. His words were full of regret and helplessness, and his ugly face was full of resentment.

“I wish you have faith in your word.” The concubine was still sobbing.

“Well, to have faith in my words, you can say that again. No matter how reluctant I am, I won’t eat my words, especially for you…”

Yan Xiaopeng sighed. It was still difficult for him to give up. He hesitated again and again and finally made the decision. He had to “have faith in his word”.

He had a hard time in his heart, looked at the concubine, and said reluctantly, “Butler, that woman…that woman… I’ll give her to you as a concubine. Oh, I tried my best to bring her back. I didn’t expect to give her to you before I do something to her. How can… There is no way but to give up her. You have romantic luck. It’s a great fortune to you. Oh… ”

Living Yama felt reluctant. His heart was filled with mixed feelings, and his stuttered words showed the difficulty of giving up. It was the first time that he gave the woman he liked to another person, and he was both sad and discouraged.

He was very envious of the butler who had such a “romantic luck”. The “romantic luck” was originally owned by himself, but was given to other person by his own hands, which was annoying.

At this moment, Yan Xiaopeng was no less jealous than the concubine, but at this point, he could only envy the person who came across the luck outside.

The butler had no hope for the woman, but suddenly hearing the good news, a heat flow instantly swept through his body, and he was so excited that the fine hair on his body spread out without any omission.

The “joyful good thing” was back again, and it was the “swan” that he longed for. Just like dreaming, his passion was surging, and his body was almost swollen.

He didn’t expect that he could really do what he wanted tonight and stop the suffering. This dramatic change seemed like a dream. He couldn’t believe that it would be true, and his nerve endings became active again.

Just then, a thunder exploded. The butler shrank his neck, and hurriedly covered his ears. The erect fine hairs shrank back, and his nerve endings were too frightened to move again.

Although the fine hairs shrank back, the joy still filled his body and mind, and the butler was shaking with excitement all over his body.

He didn’t forget to confess, “Thank you, Sir! Thank you, Sir! I will go find her. I will go find her…”

He chuckled, and he was so ecstatic that the raging storm didn’t shut his grinning mouth up.

Zhang Yunyan cursed secretly, “You scum. If you also want to hurt people, you will be trying to kill yourself, and you won’t have much time to live, just like Living Yama!”

As soon as the butler’s words came out, Yan Xiaopeng immediately became dissatisfied and hummed, “Well, you are so anxious. You just want to entertain yourself, so you don’t prepare for tomorrow? There are so many things to do for tomorrow. You need to check the accounts, count the capital and interests. You also have to arrange manpower, prepare vehicles and weapons. If you don’t hurry up to prepare, you will make mistakes. “

Living Yama was very sad for losing the beloved beauty. Seeing the butler so anxious to find her and enjoy the romantic luck that should have belonged to him, he was even angrier. He snapped sharply, venting the dissatisfaction and grievance in his heart. He could only resent and vent. The concubine was here, so there was no way to take back the beloved beauty.

The butler knew that he was a little overjoyed and hurriedly confessed, “No, no, Sir, please rest assured. I will not sleep tonight until I prepare for everything, and I will not destroy tomorrow’s arrangements.”

The butler looked like he just took a shot of stimulant. His face was full of laughter, his spirit was refreshed, and his tone contained infinite joy. It seemed that the raging storm seemed to disappear.

He opened the umbrella and hurried away. The tapping sound was much louder and more frequent than the sound when he came, showing an impatient eagerness and venting his longing.

With a smile on his face, his heart was restless, missing his beloved beauty and yearning for a beautiful dream.

The butler no longer needed to have useless thoughts about but could really do what he wanted. He was so excited that he forgot himself. He would continue to do it with his beloved beauty for the rest of his life.

At this moment, his mood and state made him not afraid of the wind and rain. In order to prepare for tomorrow’s affairs, even if he was busy all night, he would be full of energy and not tired at all.

However, the attraction of that “swan” was even greater. How long he could hold on and whether preparations will end in a hurry was really difficult to say. Perhaps the heart of desire would soon be possessed by the beautiful woman, and he could not spare his mind to care about other things.

When Zhang Yunyan saw the butler disappear in the wind and rain, she immediately entered the courtyard and came to the door of the house. Then she opened the door with a knife and gently pushed the door and got into the house.

She looked around with the help of the light of lightning. The first floor was empty. There was a table and two chairs in the corner, a tea set on the table, and an extinct oil lamp. Nothing else.

Strangely, there were two rough wooden piles which were over man-height. She didn’t know what they were used for. Maybe they were left over when making the warehouse.

It was quiet and indifferent downstairs.

Upstairs, there was the laughter of Yan Xiaopeng and his concubine, which was another world.

Zhang Yunyan looked at the wooden stairs and snorted secretly. The feeling of hatred was even stronger, and she couldn’t wait to kill the people upstairs with her sword.

She walked softly and stepped on the wooden ladder to the second floor.

Two huge candles shone brightly and illuminated the room.

Yunyan quietly looked in and searched around, and at a glance she saw Yan Xiaopeng, who was playing with his concubine on the bed. Her anger rose, her blood surged all over her body, and she flew over, hoping to devour her enemy.

Yan Xiaopeng heard the sound and hurriedly looked around. Seeing the sudden advent of the enemy who had already rushed to him, he was very surprised and extremely frightened.

When he saw the deadly sword split down, his desperate screams changed their tone. He hurriedly rolled over to dodge and kicked her without extra effort.

Zhang Yunyan was unprepared. She was kicked, and stepped back unsteadily for a few moves.

Living Yama took the opportunity to get out of bed and immediately grabbed the steel knife. He was about to slash at the enemy, but seeing Zhang Yunyan rushing over again, he hurriedly dodged the sword. Hearing a bong, not only did he not dodge the heavy Magical Dragon Sword, the steel knife in his hand almost fell off.

Yan Xiaopeng’s hand was hurt, and he was frightened and paused.

For such a short time, how could the enemy’s strength become so strong? That sword she used was so heavy.

On that terrible stormy night, he fought against Zhang Yunyan and was very impressed. Although the enemy’s strength was stronger than his, it was not so great. He did not expect that in such a short period of time, this little girl’s strength could have greatly increased and have such an amazing change.

Living Yama was puzzled. He was even more afraid and hopeless, deeply feeling that the God of death had arrived, and he could not escape from death tonight.

In despair, he called to the concubine Yunxia, and asked her to call someone to save him.

The ferocious god suddenly came again, and her husband’s life was already on the line, the concubine was extremely terrified. She had already had such a horrible experience, and she still remembers it so clearly that she shuddered and crouched on the bed, hoping to grow a pair of wings to fly away from this horrible place.

At this moment, besides the moaning sound, the concubine had no strength to speak. How could she move? She couldn’t take care of the husband’s life anymore.

Seeing that the only family couldn’t be counted, Yan Xiaopeng lost his hope. He wanted to deal with the horrible goddess with ecstasy powder to turn the table, but unfortunately he did not bring it with him.

He didn’t have the opportunity to go find it in the cases, and the goddess who wanted his life would not let him. What should he do?

Living Yama wanted to buy his own life with money, but he knew it was useless and he had to think of some other way. The goddess of death was in front of him, how could he come up with anything? How terrible!

Death was an inevitable ending, and Yan Xiaopeng was terrified and desperate.

The martial art of Living Yama was not as good as Zhang Yunyan’s, and the enemy had increased her strength, so he had no ability to resist. He didn’t dare to fight with her directly.

He was old and fat, no longer flexible and agile. He was trying hard to dodge, but it was difficult to cope. He couldn’t subdue the horrible goddess, and he couldn’t avoid the swift attacks. There was no way except death.

Yan Xiaopeng was extremely nervous. In order to survive, he could not give up himself. He had to struggle anyway. He had been practicing for a long time, and he could be regarded as a martial artist. He had to fight until the end and was longing for escaping from death.

He was trying to avoid, begging hard, shouting desperately, and trying his best to save his life.

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