The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 236 - Walk into the Trap

Chapter 236 Walk into the Trap
Yan Xiaopeng grabbed Red Hair King Ghost hard and kept begging. At this moment, this devil was the only backer to keep his life, and the only hope for survival. In any case, he must seize this life-saving straw.

Under Zhang Yunyan’s intimidation, Red Hair King Ghost was nervous and fearful. He hated the enemy who destroyed the cave and killed his companions, but he was worried about his life. He felt distressed.

He suffered a heavy blow from the jade, and this had scared him out of his wits. He did not dare to fight with the enemy rashly. He was hesitating, watching, and judging the situation.

Zhang Yunyan saw that big talk couldn’t make her get rid of Red Hair King Ghost, so she had to threaten the devil with action, “Red Hair King Ghost, since you want to die, I will allow you to, and this treasure will give you a try of its power!”

As soon as the words stopped, she deliberately waved her hands, staring at Red Hair King Ghost, hoping that the devil would run away immediately, thus she could kill Yan Xiaopeng.

Red Hair King Ghost saw that his enemy was about to start, he suddenly panicked, and hurried to hide aside, ready to escape at any time.

Zhang Yunyan saw the opportunity. She immediately rushed over and waved the Magical Dragon Sword to kill Living Yama.

Yan Xiaopeng was scared out of his wits, and he shouted in tears. He didn’t know where the strength came from. He rushed and hid behind the Red Hair King Ghost, with his fat body trembling constantly.

Red Hair King Ghost frowned and glanced at Living Yama with dissatisfaction. Wasn’t he drawing fire against himself? He stared at Zhang Yunyan immediately and didn’t dare to relax.

The devil made up his mind, once something went wrong, he would immediately fly away. Self-preservation was the most important. He could never care about Yan Xiaopeng’s life.

Zhang Yunyan sighed secretly and threatened again, “Red Hair King Ghost, you are determined to die. As soon as I use my magic weapon, you will vanish. Why aren’t you running? What are you waiting for? Do you really want to die beside Yan Xiaopeng?”

Zhang Yunyan saw that the devil had not escaped and was looking at her nervously, she was a little disappointed. She had nothing to do.

She couldn’t give up. She had to act no matter whether it would work. She gritted her teeth and hummed, “Since then, I will let you go to hell together!”

As soon as her words ended, she waved her hands seriously, hoping that the devil would flee immediately.

Red Hair King Ghost was so nervous that he hurled Yan Xiaopeng away and fled.

Seeing Zhang Yunyan rushing over, Living Yama ran to Red Hair King Ghost while screaming, and then held him desperately.

Red Hair King Ghost frowned. It seemed that he couldn’t get rid of the wretch.

Zhang Yunyan was afraid that the bluffing act would reveal the truth, and she didn’t dare to attack Red Hair King Ghost. The scene in the Devil’s Cave was still clear. When she faced Red Hair King Ghost for the first time, she had no ability to fight against the devil despite the help of Black Tiger. This guy could easily kill her.Updates by vi p novel

Now, facing the devil who killed people even without blinking an eye, she couldn’t kill Living Yama for a while. She couldn’t help but feel anxious and helpless. She was in despair, hopeless of revenge, and incapable of escaping. The consequences would be unbearable.

Zhang Yunyan was not dreaming about getting rid of Red Hair King Ghost, nor was she capable. She didn’t dare to dream about saving her life because she couldn’t escape from the devil’s pursuit. She just wanted to kill Yan Xiaopeng and fulfill her desire for more than a decade, and she could die without regret.

However, with the intervention of Red Hair King Ghost, this wish was difficult to achieve, and it might be just a dream. She had no idea for the moment except intimidation. All her skills had been exhausted.

Zhang Yunyan was trapped in a desperate situation. She didn’t give up in the face of the fierce god. She must fight for the vow of revenge. She was still bluffing, threatening Red Hair King Ghost, and looking for an opportunity to kill Yan Xiaopeng.

Red Hair King Ghost was very guilty and had been panicking. The enemy was not terrible. It was the treasure that was too powerful.

He was still afraid, the moment of the destruction of the cave was too horrible, and the power was as powerful as heaven being separated from earth; the horror of the imposing momentum, like the slump of the sky, had been deeply portrayed in his heart, and he was frightened every time he remembered it.

He didn’t dare to fight with Zhang Yunyan, and also didn’t dare to push too hard, so that the treasure wouldn’t be used to kill him.

Red Hair King Ghost stared at every move of Zhang Yunyan, wondering constantly. He wondered how to deal with the enemy for a while, and was hesitating about to go or stay.

He looked at Zhang Yunyan vigilantly, persuading, “Girl, the saying goes well, and you should listen to people’s advice. You have to think about your future. Don’t go too far, just stop.”

“There’s a huge debt of blood between me and Living Yama, it’s impossible to let him go!”

“Listen to me, let’s just make peace. I don’t want to ask about the hatred between you and Yama. It will end in the future as you want to. But tonight, I’m here, and I won’t let you kill him. How about leaving?”

Seeing that Red Hair King Ghost was still afraid, Zhang Yunyan was a little relieved. She couldn’t let go of Yan Xiaopeng, and she must kill him tonight. Otherwise, if the enemy got away, she might never find him again. Her revenge would be put off to the indefinite future.

Besides, Red Hair King Ghost hated her so much that he won’t let go of her easily. He didn’t do anything for the time being, because he was afraid of being hurt by the treasure. Once he got the opportunity, he would show his despotic power.

Yunyan knew well that the devil was making peace now, that’s because he wanted to lower her guard. He was looking for the opportunity to revenge for destroying the cave.

Yan Xiaopeng saw Red Hair King Ghost showed no intention of protecting him for his own life, he was even more flustered. He had no reliance, and in the face of his enraged enemies, he had to figure something out by himself.

He couldn’t resist. He glanced around in horror, and when Zhang Yunyan and Red Hair King Ghost were talking, he took the opportunity, ran away and fled downstairs.

Yunyan paused, and then shouted and chased after him.

Red Hair King Ghost shook his head, sighed, and flew down as well.

Zhang Yunyan chased downstairs. In the pale lightning, she found that the enemy had reached the door of the house. Like an angry tiger, she rushed towards him, aiming at killing Living Yama.

Seeing that Yan Xiaopeng was in dire straits, Red Hair King Ghost hesitated a little, and then he decided to use magic to attack the enemy while Zhang Yunyan was not ready.Updates by vi p novel

At that moment, with a crash, the floor flipped instantly, and Zhang Yunyan fell down before responding. In the blink of an eye, the ground returned normal as if it hadn’t moved.

It turned out that Yan Xiaopeng started a trap and let his terrible enemy fell into the hole.

Zhang Yunyan was very surprised and remorseful, because she wasn’t alert. Her waist twisted as if she was stabbed by a sharp knife, the pain was unbearable. The devil was here, the enemy was alive, so she couldn’t take care of this anymore. She gritted her teeth and wanted to stand up.

At this moment, the ground cover was opened, and Red Hair King Ghost rushed, grabbed her and took her up immediately.

Yan Xiaopeng rushed over, slammed Zhang Yunyan to the ground with a stick and tied her firmly together.

At this time, the concubine Yunxia was still in fear, but her tension was eased and her weak body was no longer trembling. She listened to the noise and shouts downstairs. She frowned, feeling afraid and anxious.

She was afraid and uneasy. She wanted to see what was happening downstairs. Was her husband in danger? Thus, she accumulated some strength, dragging her uncontrollable legs, and slowly moved her frightened body and mind from the wooden stairs down.

The enemy was captured, and Yan Xiaopeng’s panicked heart calmed down. He wiped the sweat from his head, exhaled a few breaths, and then turned on the oil lamp. There was light on the first floor.

Under the dim light, the interior appeared which was gloomy and terrifying.

Here, the furnishings were very simple, with only tables and chairs. There was a large square hole in the middle of the ground, which was a hidden tunnel trap set by Yan Xiaopeng in advance.

Zhang Yunyan woke up. Her head hurt, she frowned and couldn’t help but groan a few times. She wanted to move, but she couldn’t. Only then she knew that she was firmly tied to the rough wooden stake.

What made her even more shocked was that Red Hair King Ghost and Yan Xiaopeng were in front of her, looking at herself fiercely.

She saw two sloppy faces, and then the scene of her fall flashed back. She knew that she walked into Living Yama’s trick and had been caught by the enemy.

Yunyan sighed secretly that not only did the desire for revenge fail, but she also could not escape from death. Her long-existed vows and her mission were in vain. She felt heartache and burst into endless grief and despair.

Red Hair King Ghost glared at Zhang Yunyan and cursed, “Damn girl, you’re about to die. Let’s be honest, where is the treasure hidden? Give it to me!”

It turned out that the devil wanted to get that magical treasure. He had searched her for it but didn’t see the jade. He felt strange and disappointed.

Zhang Yunyan fumed, “Red Hair King Ghost, don’t be so happy. The treasure is hidden here, and you can’t see it. I can call it out at any time, take your life, and let you die without burial place!”

She had no ability to fight, and couldn’t escape. She could only threaten them.

Red Hair King Ghost sneered dismissively, “Girl, don’t be arrogant, before you take it out, I will kill you with a flap!” He was very angry, “You little girl is too hateful, not only you ruined the cave, but my second and third brothers died as well. This revenge for the destruction and death must be taken, just at this moment!”

The vicious face and the roar of devil made the “hell” even more horrible and terrifying.

Then, Red Hair King Ghost switched his subject and said, “But, if you give me that treasure, Sage can save your life. From then on, we will not be enemies and we will go our separate ways. Think about it. This is the only way out, and that’s where your life and death lies. Don’t lose your life for something didn’t belong to you originally.”

Zhang Yunyan was shocked by the words. Judging from his words, Jiuyou Sage was still alive and Black Hair King Ghost was not dead.

The power of the jade was shocking, and the entire cave was destroyed in an instant. These three guys could still survive, which showed how extraordinary they were.

She was puzzled. How did these three guys escape from the place deep underground?

It was too unexpected, incredible and unbelievable.

The three devils did not escape from the underground river, otherwise she would see them. Besides, the positions of where they stood would not be pushed into the stream by the jade’s magic power, but to the opposite direction.

In this way, Jiuyou Sage and Four King Ghosts were buried deep underground along with the collapse. There was no doubt about it. They were very lucky to escape from that place, and their skills were shocking.

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