The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 239 - Successful Escape

Chapter 239 Successful Escape
Red Hair King Ghost stared at the beauty, Yunxia, with a grim smile, revealing the desire of greed. His dirty heart was pounding and he could not control.

Seeing his concubine Yunxia was motionless, Yan Xiaopeng was both anxious and helpless. His heart was in his throat. He shook his head and sighed, not daring to stop the devil’s violence by force, and he could only swallow the bitterness of shame.

He endured and accepted it, considering it a way to deepen the friendship. In addition, he just saved his own life, and it was his turn to repay the favor.

However, the return of favor was embarrassing, but also heart-breaking. It was hard to say whether it can deepen the friendship. The master was the master, and the slave was the slave. In front of the master, he will always be a slave who could only swallow his rage, which was really helpless.

Seeing her husband was unable to stop the Red Hair King Ghost, the concubine knew that she was doomed and could only accept her fate. She was helpless and was very afraid to think about it. This was the result of relying on the devils. This night, she would be mercilessly ravaged by the Red Hair King Ghost.

They must make the dedication despite their unwillingness. The couple had to accept it, hoping to keep the life.

Yan Xiaopeng and his concubine knew well that the Red Hair King Ghost was hungry. After venting his sex desire, perhaps he would want something to eat. What would happen next, the couple could not decide and they had to follow the will of Heaven. In more specific way, they had to see whether the devil would show his mercy.

The Red Hair King Ghost was about to start when he suddenly remembered something. He patted his head and said, “Oh, I almost forgot it. The Sage sent me here to ask about the boy and girl. How is your preparation?”

Seeing he stopped staring at his concubine and turned to look at him, Yan Xiaopeng felt relieved. He immediately seized the opportunity and asked Yunxia to leave here.

The beautiful woman was so frightened that she had no strength left to stand up. She lay there trembling constantly, not knowing where to hide.

Living Yama looked at the beloved concubine and sighed, helplessly. It seemed that such dedication was necessary.

He did not dare to neglect the inquiry of his “good friend”, and said quickly, “Red Hair King Ghost, I have been busy doing this, and I have found more than 40 children till now.”

He did not give up. During the talk, he was still winking at Yunxia to tell her to hide upstairs.

Living Yama did not know that at the moment, the concubine had no strength to walk and could only be the toy of the Red Hair King Ghost. Perhaps next…

In fact, Yan Xiaopeng’s advice was unnecessary. The upstairs was not a safe place. As long as the Red Hair King Ghost wanted his concubine, no matter where they were, the result was the same, and she would still fall into the hand of the devil easily.

It’s hard to know whether the Red Hair King Ghost would give him face. If he raped her in front of his good friend, no one would know whether Living Yama’s heart would be dead.

Perhaps, the Red Hair King Ghost would give face to the host of the Yan Mansion and would go upstairs to vent his desire.

In addition, it was warm upstairs with enough equipment, and was better than the environment of the downstairs. Even if his concubine had no strength to come back, she would be taken upstairs by the Red Hair King Ghost.

Hearing Yan Xiaopeng’s words, Red Hair King Ghost was a little dissatisfied, “Master Yan, if so, the number is not enough. The sage can’t wait, and you must do it as soon as possible.”

“Well, well, I will hurry up, I will hurry up, and I will catch a hundred pairs of virgin boys and girls for the Sage. This is a matter of great importance to the Sage, and also to the Yan Mansion. I won’t ruin it. Don’t worry.”

“Well, then, if you ruin it, and make the Sage unhappy… Well… It’s hard to say.”

The Red Hair King Ghost was angry, staring at the Living Yama, his eyes burning with red light. His words were neither gloomy nor cheerful, and it was clearly that he was threatening his “good friend”.

Hearing the devil’s words and looking at his “good friend”, Yan Xiaopeng trembled with fear and he suddenly felt a sense of crisis. He was afraid and sad. It was so hard to keep the relationship with the devil.

Not daring to show the least sign of being afraid of the difficulty, he said hastily, “I… I will do my best. Please speak well in the presence of the Sage. Red Hair King Ghost, don’t worry. Even if I stop doing other things, I will do it, and in a few days, the boys and girls will be ready.”Updates by vi p novel

As the host of the Yan Mansion, he had to grovel before the unimportant devil and beg for mercy. Even so, he had to make contributions selflessly.

“Well, how well your work has done depends on the result.” The Red Hair King Ghost asked again, “Is that unicorn behaving well? Has it gone out or not acted on duty?”

“No, no, the unicorn is very conscientious. It has been guarding this place and has never left. With it here, no one can come near. You can rest assured.”

Yan Xiaopeng glanced at the concubine who was curling here, holding her head. He sighed. It seemed that despite the unwillingness, she had to make sacrifice.

He was anxious and helpless. Just give the devil whatever he wanted. Hopefully, the Sage wouldn’t blame him for the stuff of boys and girls. For the Yan Family, he was the most important, and others must serve him and make sacrifice for him, even if it was his life.

The Red Hair King Ghost hadn’t taken the concubine away. The Living Yama wouldn’t give up, and he must avoid the unwilling sacrifice.

He said quickly, “Red Hair King Ghost, go back to the Sage that soon he can get the boys and girls and tell him to make preparations.”

At this point, the Red Hair King Ghost had lost his interest in Yan Xiaopeng. Instead, he stared at the concubine again.

Hearing the words of Yan Xiaopeng, he didn’t even look at him, and responded, “Oh, it looks like you are quite confident. It’s good. I can rest assured.”

Seeing that the Red Hair King Ghost ignored him, the Living Yama was very anxious, and he had no way to ask him to leave. So, he could only sigh.

The Red Hair King Ghost rested his eyes on the concubine and said, “It is still early, and I’m a little tired. I’m hungry and thirsty, so I want to stay here for a rest.”

He looked ready for what would happen next. He couldn’t wait.

Hearing that, Yan Xiaopeng went into panic. This guy would start to hurt his concubine, and according to his words, she would lose her life. What should he do?

Although he was unable to stop the “good friend” doing what he wanted, he was unwilling to give his concubine up. Before the devil pounced on his beloved one, he would struggle to find a way to stop the sacrifice. The sacrifice might not only involve her body, but also her life.

The Living Yama said quickly, “Red Hair King Ghost, since you want to rest here, we find a fine woman to accompany you. No, no, you can find as many as you want, in case you get lonely. You can do whatever you want, as long as you are happy. I’m a little tired and want to go upstairs to rest with my concubine. Please help yourself.”

To take the initiative is to gain the upper hand. As soon as he finished his words, he immediately went to help Yunxia walk, hoping the Red Hair King Ghost would not be that presumptuous to take her away regardless of their friendship.

He was not sure. If his “good friend” was determined to take the concubine away, he could only accept it and endure it. This was the return of favor. However, he must beg the Red Hair King Ghost to have mercy, and not hurt the concubine’s life.

The Red Hair King Ghost looked at the Living Yama and the concubine who was trembling with fear. He felt a little depressed and upset. Suppressing the desire in the heart, he breathed out twice. He really wanted to take the beauty away.Updates by vi p novel

The Red Hair King Ghost sighed. It was not proper to take the woman away, since the Living Yama had already been with her. What was more, the host had already agreed to let him take whatever he wanted, it was not good to hurt the concubine.

He shook his head helplessly, still reluctant to give up, but he couldn’t force them. So he had to give them the honor and leave this place for another woman.

Yunxia was young, beautiful and attractive. Woman like her was a rare beauty.

The Red Hair King Ghost had long been infatuated with her, but he had not got her yet.

He came to the Yan Mansion with the intention to make love with the concubine and vent his desire. However, before he started, he was caught in a dilemma, and could only give up temporarily.

In the future, he would come to his friend’s house again. This night, he failed, but there was next time. Just wait for a few days patiently. Next time, he must take the beauty. It would happen a lot of times.

Seeing that the Red Hair King Ghost had gone, Yan Xiaopeng and the concubine were relieved. His big body and her small body were limp at once. They sat limp on the ground like mud.

The two people held each other tightly. One was crying with tears flowing with no stop. The other was sighing in resentment, mixed with bitterness and spice.

The room was as quiet as death. Even if the terrible devil was gone, the atmosphere was still ghastly.

Thunder and lightning kept coming from time to time, shaking the terrifying “hell”, tearing the gloomy darkness, which was frightening.

Looking at the concubine sadly, Yan Xiaopeng was heartbroken and fearful.

He looked at the dim oil lamp, and inadvertently saw a thick stake where Zhang Yunyan was tied to. Suddenly, he got angry.

He let go of Yunxia and went to his enemy. He kept scolding kicking and banging her, intending to vent his fear and anger toward Zhang Yunyan.

The Living Yama was so angry that he couldn’t control himself. With no desire to have the beauty and torture the woman, the only thing he wanted was to get rid of the terrible evil god.

He held the steel knife and raised it, ready to chop his enemy into pieces and vent his rage.

Outside, the wind and rain were blowing and the thunder was roaring.

On the first floor, the dim light was shaking and the atmosphere was full of terror and endless sadness. The angry lightning rushed into the room, and the room suddenly became white and bright, showing the terrifying appearance.

At the moment the steel knife struck, there came a loud cry in the room.

Yan Xiaopeng was startled, and he put the knife away to see what happened.

The concubine was so frightened that she put her hands on her head, with eyes closed. Her whole body was shaking.

Yan Xiaopeng was panicked and looked around quickly. When he found out that there was no Red Hair King Ghost, he felt relieved.

Seeing that the concubine was so afraid of killing the enemy, he sighed and threw the steel knife away. With the clattering sound, he went to hold Yunxia and comfort her.

Glaring at Zhang Yunyan, the Living Yama was very angry and he scolded. Then he held the limp concubine upstairs.

Seeing that the two hateful men disappeared, Zhang Yunyan was less angry, and she was absorbed in grief and despair…

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