The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 243 - Slave’s Difficulties

Chapter 243 Slave’s Difficulties
With the atrocious behaviors of Jiuyou Sage and the devils, Yan Xiaopeng was helplessly hateful and hurtful.

He knew from his own experience that no one could resist what their master wanted to do and had to accept it. No matter how reluctant they were, they could not show their discontent.

Otherwise, he not only couldn’t stop the master’s behavior, his master would also become more severe, which might even threaten his life. This was how he treated others.

Yan Xiaopeng was helpless and fearful to the devil’s behaviors.

At the time, the “reward” Jiuyou Sage and the devils gave, was what he used to give to others. Obviously he would understand, and he should do.

He thought it was his right to be the master. With the power, no one dared to resist him. Since that, the devils were his masters, and they surely had the power to do this, and he could only accept it.

It was terrible and sad that the power of the devils had been used toward him.

Currently, Yan Xiaopeng was the slave of Jiuyou Sage and the devils. He was very angry and also hateful.

Under the authority of his masters, he did not dare to resist, but to obey them at the will of the devils. Otherwise, if the “sharp sword” that was hanging above his head fell, his life would be doomed.

He was accustomed to being a master, and at this time, he was suddenly reduced to a slave, and battered by one reluctant “award” one after another. He felt unbearably sad and frustrated.

However, he valued his own life more, which was the most important thing in the Yan Family. Relatively speaking, other people and other things were irrelevant, and they must suffer.

The women of the Yan Mansion had to endure more. They had to obey the master’s master, and sacrifice for the safety of their master.

Living Yama had no ability to protect women, and no way to avoid the devil’s bullying, so, he had to turn a blind eye.

In pain, he could only find reasons to comfort himself. This was to repay the devils for not killing them, and they should make sacrifices.

As the saying went, little help brought too much return. What was more, it was about life, and he could not repay them too much.

The first “dedication” started from Jiuyou Sage. It happened at the first time the old devil came to the Yan Mansion.

When the old devil visited the Yan Mansion for the first time, he was happy to see the spiritual tablet in Yan Xiaopeng’s bedroom. It was the first time that someone worshipped him like a god, and he felt overjoyed.

When Jiuyou Sage learned that the Yan Family had got a few pairs of boys and girls, he was full of praise.

The first time his master came, Yan Xiaopeng did everything he could to please the old devil in order to make him happy. In order to enhance the friendship with his rare “friend”, he asked his concubine Yunxia to accompany him.

Yunxia was very afraid of the ferocious devil, and could not avoid and leave, so, she tried to deal with the situation, but her eyes had been avoiding the terrible figure.

However, when Jiuyou Sage saw that Yunxia was so young and beautiful like an attractive fairy, he noticed her quickly.

His heart was stirred by desire, and he was interested in nothing else. His filthy heart was always stirring.Updates by vi p novel

Jiuyou Sage had just arrived, although he was infatuated with the concubine, he must save face for the host. Pressing down his desire, he did not insult the concubine in front of Yan Xiaopeng.

When he left, Jiuyou Sage took Yunxia to the cave when no one noticed, and he had a good time with his beloved beauty.

Several days later, he reluctantly sent the concubine back to the Yan Mansion, and waited to get back together with the beauty.

Fortunately, the concubine was not hurt too badly by Jiuyou Sage, and he just amused themselves.

The old devil knew that if he wanted Yan Xiaopeng to fight for him, he could not do way too much, and hurt his slave’s family.

In these days, Yan Xiaopeng did not see his concubine. He got anxious and was confused and anxious for the disappearance of Yunxia.

He sent many family members to search her day and night, but with no news. Anxious and angry, he scolded and punished his family every day.

When he was extremely anxious, the concubine suddenly came back. Yan Xiaopeng was both surprised and doubtful. Seeing Yunxia looked terrified, depressed and haggard, he was very distressed and also very confused.

When Yunxia returned home, she was still nervous, afraid, and also deeply ashamed.

She did not want to tell the thing that she was insulted by Jiuyou Sage. But Yan Xiaopeng kept asking, eager to find the answer after her disappearance for so long. She had no way to conceal it, and began to tell him the terrible experience.

When Living Yama heard this, he was very angry and began to curse. After that, he sat on the ground like a deflated ball, and could only sigh and swallow the unbearable bitterness.

He knew too well that although he was rich and powerful, his life was in the hands of Jiuyou Sage, and he dared not offend him.

He had nothing to do with what his master had done, but he could only bear it, and he dared not vent his anger. Otherwise, the “sharp sword” on his head would fall and kill himself.

To his surprise, the master of the Yan Mansion was treated like this. He understood what misery really tasted like. What should have been his “reward” to others became what he received from his master.

As a slave, he could only accept his fate. Without the power of the master, he felt the pain of a lower-class people.

Yan Xiaopeng was angry but he had nowhere to vent his anger nor could he revenge. He resigned himself to what his master had done and could only swallow his pride, leaving a shadow of pain in his heart that could not be removed.

From then on, when the devils came to the Yan Mansion, he was very careful in case of such humiliation.Updates by vi p novel

The devils knew nothing of human feelings, let alone friendship, and they were still doing what they wanted.

These guys came and go without a trace, and it was a pipe dream to be on guard against them. How could the Living Yama guard against them? He just had complaints in his hearts, which was his instinctive reaction.

Jiuyou Sage and the devils did not want to hurt Yan Xiaopeng’s family and would not let the women they wanted go. As long as they came to the mansion, they would do whatever they wanted to seek pleasure, but with different means.

In the Yan Mansion, all the good-looking women and girls were no exception. The daughters-in-law of Yan Xiaopeng also became devils’ dolls.

Jiuyou Sage noticed Yan Xiaopeng’s dissatisfaction, and they restrained a little. Every time they came to mansion, they would first make the women dizzy, and insult them when they were asleep.

But for this, few people in the Yan Mansion knew including Yan Xiaopeng. He thought his masters restrained themselves a little, and was relieved.

In addition, Yan Xiaopeng also knew he dared not stop them. As a slave, he could not express his complaints openly. Instead he could only have silent resentment and had to force a smile before them. He was not allowed to show his discontent, but to keep his anger to himself, and gradually numb himself.

The women who got insulted during their sleep could feel little, and even they knew, they would regard it as a nightmare rather than take it for real and investigate it.

Fortunately, the women were not pregnant, otherwise the consequences were unimaginable. If they gave birth to a person who looked like a ghost or a monster, they would be terrified and how could they explain.

Luckily, after Yan Xiaopeng’s struggle, he saved his beloved concubine, and Yunxia was no longer insulted by the devils. He felt a little relieved.

Did he really save his concubine?

It was hard to say, those devils were fierce, dissolute and unruly. They would not treat the host of the Yan Mansion differently. Maybe the concubine had not felt it.

Living Yama felt good, and relieved. Out of sight, out of mind. Anyway, the Yan Mansion was back to its quietness of the past.

It was hard for Yan Xiaopeng to find support and he really wanted to enhance the friendship with the devils. However, it was hard to get along with the devils, and he was always nervous, which made him ambivalent and helpless.

As the saying went, when caught in a boat, one could not help but drift with it.

With the support of the government and the omnipotent devils, he was more unbridled in the area and was free to take whatever he wanted.

Living Yama hoped that Jiuyou Sage and the devils would try their best to help him, but he was again afraid to be bullied by his masters and was more worried that the “sharp sword” would fall down to take his life.

He was very helpless, and could only be careful when he was with them. He had to deal with the relationship which was not like friendship, or in other word the exchange of interests between each other.

Living Yama knew well that he would not get the thing that he had been longing for easily. No pains no gains.

For the benefit of the Yan Family, it was necessary for him to put up with it and so should others, which was necessary.

Yan Xiaopeng needed these devils to support him to dominate the area and do whatever he liked. He wanted more than that. He also wanted to get a method from the devil to prolong his life and enjoy the happiness of the world forever.

Living Yama told her how he met and knew Jiuyou Sage and the devils and showed off how he was close to them and how deep their friendship was in order to stimulate Zhang Yunyan.

He thought of all the “rewards” which the devils gave, and was bitter and upset. But he could not show them in front of his enemy and could only let the emotions stay in his heart.

The thing that he went to explore treasure but was frightened by the devils could only be known by him alone. The “glorious history” should not be shared with others.

Hearing Living Yama’s showoff and looking at his complacent look, Zhang Yunyan went more hateful.

She did not expect that Jiuyou Sage and the devils were so close to Yan Xiaopeng and they even sent their subordinate Monoclonius here to protect him.

Yunyan sighed in the heart. With the devils making chaos, even if she could survive, it would be hard for her to revenge her parents.

She had no ability to eradicate Jiuyou Sage and the devils and the bully Yan Xiaopeng, so, she would only shout and scold angrily.

Yan Xiaopeng was angry to hear her curses and grabbed the stick to hit her for a few times. He heard the concubine was urging him, and then he sighed, no longer paying attention to Yunyan.

Zhang Yunyan’s mouth went dry after she cursed him. She shut her mouth up, and fell into grief and anger…

Outside, the wind was blowing hard, the rain was pouring down, the thunder was roaring, and the lightning was flashing, which were striking violently against the earth’s filth.

In the room, it was quiet and silent and the oil lamp was dim. The room was enveloped in a gloomy atmosphere of terror, which made people quite uneasy.

Yan Xiaopeng was thinking about something when the thunder roared accompanied by lightning. He was frightened and his heart beat faster.

He soon calmed down. Looking at the window he sighed and was worried about the endless storm.

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