The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 246 - Grief in Hell

Chapter 246 Grief in Hell
Zhang Yunyan remembered what happened in the Devil’s Cave of Qinglong Mountain. The memory was still fresh and she was still afraid about it.

In that “hell”, it was mysterious and terrible everywhere, which was even more terrifying than the Yan Mansion. Her suffering was beyond description and she was desperate.

It was a closed desperate situation with nowhere to escape. Jiuyou Sage and Four King Ghosts were chasing her wildly, and she was unable to fight. She and little monk Shikong must die.

Yunyan and Shikong had to face the cruel reality. They were eager to die quietly without being harmed by the devils.

In despair, Yunyan didn’t expect that in the disaster that the world collapsed. She and Shikong and Turtle Elf survived miraculously. Not only that, she had increased her internal and external force, and had a fish-like ability, which was incredibly miraculous.

Zhang Yunyan hoped that tonight, like that time, in the “hell” of Living Yama, at the time of mortal death, an incredible miracle could occur, and she could escape from the place of death again, so that she could kill Yan Xiaopeng, take revenge for her parents’ death and eradicate the bullies for the people.

In meditation, two vague figures came to her mind–the former battle companions Shikong and Turtle Elf. She didn’t know what the situation of the two friends was, and she missed them more.

At this moment, whether it was Shikong or Turtle Elf, if they could appear, she would be saved and Yan Xiaopeng would be killed.

She was convinced that if the two friends knew that she was in trouble, no matter how much risk they would take, they would come here to rescue her.

Zhang Yunyan looked sad. She sighed silently and was wishful thinking again, but this was a hopeless dream. The two friends were far away in the ancient forest in the mountains. How could they know that she was in trouble? They wouldn’t come, and her desperate wish couldn’t be realized.

In the thirst for survival, the fiery “shooting star” flashed out again.

Yunyan had fantasies and wondered if that mysterious thing could reverse the situation, bring about miraculous changes, and save her from the mortal disaster.

Last time, she came here to take revenge, and when she was about to be killed by Living Yama, Cloud-reaching Crane Bai Yunfei came like a god and saved her out.

Now, would the flaming “shooting star” suddenly come and take her away from “hell”?

In despair, the fiery mysterious thing became the only hope of survival, and it was a faint fantasy.

It was a wonderful dream. The occurrence of miracles would be as difficult as reaching the sky.

In pain, Zhang Yunyan was longing for a beautiful dream which was unable to be realized. She knew that there was no hope for survival, so she sighed. She was lonely and helpless, and had to bear the coming death. It would be terrible and miserable.

The reality was ruthless and cruel, and she was powerless to reverse it. Her tragic fate couldn’t be changed. She had to endure the mad ravages of Living Yama, say goodbye to others in pain, and go to the hopeless hell…

Zhang Yunyan longed for her soul after death to have an extraordinary ability, which would be as powerful as Jiuyou Sage, so as to kill Yan Xiaopeng, suck his flesh and blood and make the enemy a skeleton.

Only in this way could she resolve the hatred in her heart. She and her parents could die without regrets.

This was another beautiful dream. For the death of herself and the desire to take revenge, she was comforting herself, and also it was spiritual ballast.

Yunyan knew that this was impossible. It was the release of hatred and the hope of fulfilling the vow. It was meaningless. She could only sigh in vain.

Zhang Yunyan thought of the underworld and felt more painful. She didn’t live up to the expectations of the deceased relatives, and failed the missions given by the two families. She felt guilty, and was too shamed to see the spirit of her parents, adoptive parents, and the three brothers and sisters of the Lin Family…

She was very sad and frustrated. Why was it so hard to achieve her wish of revenge?Updates by vi p novel

Yunyan entered the enemy’s home for the first time. Not only didn’t she kill Yan Xiaopeng, but she was almost killed by the enchantress’s sword.

She came to revenge for the second time, and was unfortunately knocked down by ecstasy powder. Had it not been for Bai Yunfei’s rescue, she would have died under Living Yama’s sword.

Now, she was caught by the enemy again. Soon she would die, and she was unable to change the situation…

Waiting for death in the desperate situation, Zhang Yunyan remembered those unfulfilled vows, and felt her heart was bleeding in pain. It was the vow of all her life, and in this life it could no longer be fulfilled.

This time, Zhang Yunyan regained energy and set out on the road of revenge again, but she didn’t expect to end up with the same tragic result as last time. Her family revenge had not been taken, her vows were not fulfilled, and she was extremely distressed and desperate.

In the desperate situation of death, she kept missing, clenching her teeth in bitter hatred to Yan Xiaopeng, and shedding angry tears for the loved ones who died. None of the vows in this life had been fulfilled, and there was no chance to complete them. This was the biggest pain, and she could only die with it.

Yunyan was dedicated to revenge, and to get rid of this great scourge for the people. How could she know that she would die before she could accomplish it? The bleeding heart was even more painful, and she could only die with the hatred.

Thinking of Yuntian and Yunxia, Zhang Yunyan felt heartbroken. Where were her siblings? Were they still alive?

She knew nothing about the situation of her brother and sister. She had been looking forward to reuniting with the luckless brother and sister, but after searching for more than ten years, she was still unable to do so.

Her adoptive father Lin Hailong died tragically, and Lin Jiaxiang and other two siblings also died unfortunately. The enemy Feng Jiabao had been at liberty so far, and these deep hatreds had not been resolved.

In sadness, a handsome figure flashed out, which was Jiaxiang, and she felt more heartbroken.Updates by vi p novel

She was deeply in love with Jiaxiang and would like to spend this life with him. But even before they got married, he passed away…

Taking revenge was the mission given by the Zhang Family and the Lin Family, she must complete it.

However, the reality was too cruel, and she had been pushed on a road of no return, ruining these unfinished missions. Her wish of all those years had come to nothing, and she was full of grief and despair.

Zhang Yunyan came to revenge here after careful thought and preparation. She set foot on the road of revenge with confidence, and did not expect to suffer such a great disaster.

This was reality, an extremely cruel reality. She couldn’t change it. If it was God’s will, it was cruel. If it was her fate, it was too miserable.

Yunyan hoped that the jade was still in her hand, so that she could use the powerful magic to get rid of Red Hair King Ghost and Yan Xiaopeng. If so, she was willing even if she was tortured to death by the jade.

This was another beautiful dream, but unfortunately it had long vanished.

Facing the ruthless reality, Zhang Yunyan really couldn’t figure it out. She was upright and her parents were kind and honest. Why did God treat the Zhang Family so cruelly?

Yan Xiaopeng committed numerous crimes and which were even hard to write. Why did God take care of and protect such wicked people?

The world would change and did not change according to the will of people. Even if Zhang Yunyan couldn’t figure it out, and no matter how dissatisfied and heartbroken she was, the reality was so cruel, she couldn’t reverse it. She could only wait for death.

Zhang Yunyan was about to die. It was hard for her to reunite with her siblings, revenge and killing were already empty talk, and the desire to learn from a teacher had become a beautiful dream. She was very distressed and desperate. Despite her unwillingness, she could only abandon everything and wait for death.

Yunyan thought of Yuntian and Yunxia, and she became sadder. Their parents gave birth to the three of them, and she was about to die, not knowing if her brother and sister were still living in the world. Would the Zhang family disappear? Was the fate of the Zhang family so miserable?

In the sorrowful thoughts, Living Yama’s hideous face flashed in his mind, and the vicious words stung Yunyan’s heart again, “Girl, your whole family can’t live, you must die. This is God’s will. It is God who made me to exterminate your entire family…”

“Exterminate your family! Exterminate your family! Exterminate your family…” These five words pierced her heart like five sharp knives. She was suffering from great pain and despair.

Yunyan’s eyes were wide open, and she was screaming in her mind, “Living Yama, I’m going to exterminate your family! Exterminate your family…”

In the anger, the tied ropes made her awake. She sighed and kept weeping. Everything was over. She was about to die and the Zhang family was going to be exterminated by Living Yama…

Zhang Yunyan was like a tiger imprisoned in a cage. She was extremely violent, but was unable to break free from the strong bondage.

She was like a brave goddess who wanted to destroy this “hell” in the living world, but she couldn’t, as she wanted, fought, killed and purged the dirty things of this world.

Unwilling to face death, she had to accept the terrible reality.

Yunyan was about to die, and there was still a little hope. She hoped that her brother and sister were alive. They could remember the hatred of their family, find their origin, and that they could take revenge for their parents, also the Zhang Family could have successors.

She also had no illusions about this hope. Even if her brother and sister were alive, they might not necessarily remember the hatred of their family. Especially Yunxia, she was too young to remember her origin and the culprit who killed her parents.

Perhaps the younger sister had changed her name. She didn’t know where her hometown was or who her parents were. It would be impossible for her to take revenge for their parents.

If Yuntian was still alive, he should be able to remember the hatred of their family. However, he might not be able to kill Yan Xiaopeng, and he wouldn’t be able to revenge for the debt of blood.

This was the reality. The spirits of the Zhang Family were destined to die with hatred without getting any consolation.

Yuntian was the only man in the Zhang Family and the only hope of them. He was more important than her. Yunyan didn’t want her brother to take risks in Yan Mansion. If he didn’t have the ability, he shouldn’t take revenge.

She hoped that Yuntian could live a peaceful life and keep the only hope for the Zhang Family. It would be a comfort to the spirits of her parents, and her sense of guilt could be reduced.

Zhang Yunyan was missing and crying, and her tears were flowing down silently.

Her brother and sister’s immature figure flashed in front of her. It was an indelible memory in her life, although it was from more than ten years ago, it was very clear.

For more than a decade, she had missed them often and never forgot them.

The loss of her sister was another heartbroken pain for Yunyan, because it had something to do with her, which was due to her unforgivable fault. She had always felt guilty and ashamed.

The disappearance of Yunxia was another tragedy of the Zhang Family. Until this day, she still vividly remembered it, and when she thought of it, she would sheds tears and couldn’t be more regretful.

Since then, she had been searching for Yunxia. Without any outcome, she was desperate. She worried that her sister was dead.

Zhang Yunyan did not give up, and she would never give up. She was still inquiring and searching, and she would keep searching until the day she saw her brother and sister, or until she died.

This was a big wish of Yunyan in this life, which had been impossible to fulfill…

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