The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 256 - Misfortune Kept Coming

Chapter 256 Misfortune Kept Coming

Luo Yusheng told Shen Xiaoyan that from now on, the two of them would be husband and wife, and this would be their home, she should settle down and live with him.

Seeing such a beautiful woman, this bachelor was happier than picking up a nugget on the road. How could he let her go?

At this point, Shen Xiaoyan’s situation was worse than the time when she was sold to Brother Chen. At that time, it was in a lively market with many people around, and some people stood up for her and helped her out.

Now, she was locked in the room with no way to escape. She was lonely and was under the control of other people. Like a bird in the cage, she was terrified, sad and more helpless.

Shen Xiaoyan hated the man in front of her, the woman who sold her, Brother Chen, and she hated her uncle even more. If it wasn’t for her uncle who sold her, she wouldn’t suffer from such disaster.

She was about to marry into the Liu family and start a new life. However, she did not expect that the long-awaited marriage would suddenly come to naught and she had to endure one terrible nightmare after another.

Xiaoyan was very sad. Then she had no energy to hate others, but could only hate her life which was so miserable.

Since the death of her father and second aunt, she had not had a good time. Hard days and terrible disasters kept coming one after another. Her vulnerable body and mind could no longer bear it.

The rest of her life would be restrained here, and there would be no good days for her. Facing the terrible wedding, Xiaoyan was anxious and scared, tears filled up her eyes.

She was reluctant to give up and asked, “Where does that woman live? I’ll go and talk to her.”

Luo Yusheng shook his head and sighed again. He told Xiaoyan that the middle-aged woman was not from the village and he didn’t know where she lived. That woman made a living by selling women and children, how could she settle down at one place?

Besides, even if she found the woman, it was also useless. Xiaoyan was already his wife, and she had to live here for this life.

Shen Xiaoyan saw that Luo Yusheng was very familiar with the woman. How could he not know her whereabouts? He must be lying to her.

Xiaoyan was unwilling to be at the mercy of the woman, and she wanted to talk to her about it; besides, the money was spent wrongly and she wanted to get it back.

In fact, no matter she wanted to argue or to ask for money, it was not her purpose. Xiaoyan just wanted to take the opportunity to escape from the terrible “captive cage”.

Luo Yusheng believed that Xiaoyan’s words, and also sighed that it was not easy for poor people to save money. However, he did not regret the cost, and he was very satisfied. It was worthwhile to be able to marry the beautiful Xiaoyan.

He persuaded Xiaoyan that this was a matter agreed upon by the two sides, and he couldn’t regret it. Just let it go.

He told Xiaoyan that she could be at ease, and he would treat her well in this life. Not they were in a quite difficult condition, but if they worked together, it wouldn’t take long for them to get better.

Shen Xiaoyan had just escaped from Brother Chen. She never expected that she would be sold here again. She was imprisoned in a “cage” and forced to get married.

She looked at the strange room and strange man, feeling sad and kept crying. She was resentful why her life was so hard.

She was helpless and unable to withstand successive blows and the sad ending. However, tears could not save her, and she was unable to get rid of the terrible destiny.

Her parents passed away early. In the past few years, she had endured one after another disaster and calamity. When would be the end?

Luo Yusheng persuaded her for a while but it was still useless. He was somewhat helpless.

He sighed and said, “Dear, this is your fate, you have no choice but to accept it, who can escape from fate? You come to my home, it means that we are destined to be together, and it’s fate that connects us together. What else can you not figure out? Don’t be sad.”

In Luo Yusheng’s view, no matter for men or for women, what they wanted was to get married and bring up children. With these, we should be satisfied.

He reassured Xiaoyan that this family would surely be thriving. When they had children, it would be funnier and happier, and they would live a good life.

Shen Xiaoyan couldn’t listen to a single word. She kept crying and begging for freedom.

Seeing Xiaoyan was so stubborn, Luo Yusheng stopped paying attention to her. He thought about how to handle the unexpected marriage and how to make his wife settle down. Soon he had an idea.

Luo Yusheng hadn’t been in a relationship and had no sex experience since he became an adult. Desire and reverie were always there. He had no ability to marry a woman, and his unbearable desires and good dreams could only be suppressed.

Now, when this bachelor saw such a beautiful young woman who was already his wife, the dry land in his heart was finally wetted by the spring rain, he hugged Xiaoyan and started.

The loneliness and thoughts of all those years burst out like volcanic eruption, which couldn’t be stopped. The fiery passion was like “magma”, and it was spread on Xiaoyan’s body.

That mouth no longer left the fair and delicate face, and the thick hand caressed on the weak and delicate body relentlessly.

He not only wanted to satisfy his long-existed desire, but also wanted to get things done as soon as possible, so that the woman could settle down and he could stop bothering.

Xiaoyan was more frightened. She tried to break free but in vain, she anxiously cried.

“This is a good thing. What are you crying about? Which couples don’t do this?”

Luo Yusheng was still persuading. He held Xiaoyan to the bed and ripped her clothes roughly.

Shen Xiaoyan was desperate. She cried while struggling, “No, you have to wait until the wedding. If you rape me, I won’t settle down with you in the future, and I won’t let you live a good life!”

Xiaoyan was powerless to resist. She was frightened and helpless, and could only threaten him in this way.

Luo Yusheng paused for a moment. He hesitated and couldn’t help sighing. Although he stopped, he still hugged the beloved wife tightly.

He was thinking and hesitating, and finally decided that he had to consider the future, so he had to suppress the desire in his heart and reluctantly let go of Shen Xiaoyan.

He sighed and said, “Dear, you are already here, for the sake of getting along with me without people judging you, we shouldn’t wait any longer, let’s get be married tonight. You clean up the house and freshen up, I’ll go buy some food and invite a few friends to have fun by the way.”

Without listening to Xiaoyan’s answer, he got up and went out of the door, locked it, and left in a hurry.

A smile spread over Luo Yusheng’s face, and his steps had never been so brisk. With the song he hummed, he felt joyful, and hoped that the wedding night came quicker.

He finally realized his long-existed wish and could soon feel the nourishing of love. He was looking forward with great joy to the future of the small family…

Shen Xiaoyan got rid of the strong body temporarily and was finally relieved. Thinking about sharing the same bed with that strange man in the whole life, she couldn’t stop crying. She was trapped in a “cage” and was lonely and helpless.

The room was full of anxiety and fear, and the sound of weeping pierced through the window paper, which made the insects sad and avoided it quietly.

At this point, there was only crying in the “cage”, but then… Even the worms knew that there would be a tragedy that could not be avoided.

Shen Xiaoyan was crying. She was unwilling to spend the rest of her life here. She wiped the tears and pushed the door, finding that it was locked.

She came to the window and pushed it, but it was pinned and couldn’t be opened. She was so anxious that she couldn’t stop crying and sighing.

Xiaoyan was eager to escape from the predicament. She no longer hesitated. She grabbed a shovel and smashed the window lattice, then immediately climbed up the window sill and got out through the hole. She jumped down desperately, hummed for the pain of falling and sat on the ground.

Xiaoyan couldn’t care about the pain, she got up and ran. She stumbled outside the village and directly went into the woods.

She finally escaped from the “cage”, but was still nervous and afraid to stop. She ran and panted, and finally came to a main road.

Shen Xiaoyan looked at the setting sun and the vast field. She sighed and dragged her tired body, and moved her legs step by step.

Where was she going?

Xiaoyan didn’t know it herself.

Who was she looking for?

Nobody knew.

Shen Xiaoyan walked aimlessly along the road. What she saw was strange fields, strange roads, and strange pedestrians. Everything was strange to her. She didn’t know where to go.

She was very helpless and anxious, and her beautiful face was covered with dust. She was overwhelmed by sadness and grief.

Xiaoyan had tears in her eyes. She hated why her life was so painful and miserable. A living person was sold again and again like an item, what happened to this world?

There was only an indifferent uncle who she could hardly rely on in the world. The Liu’s family of her fiancé could have been relied on, but it was occupied by her aunt’s daughter. She had no choice, and didn’t know where to go in this big world.

Shen Xiaoyan was lonely and had nowhere to go. How could she live in the future?

The sun was about to set. There were few pedestrians on the road, the birds were gone, and the fields were quiet. The sunset dyed the clouds around in red, which was especially bright against the bright sky.

The scenery was quiet and beautiful, which was pleasing to the eye.

Sadness filled Shen Xiaoyan’s face. She was not in the mood for enjoying the scene. She was a little afraid and anxious.

She looked at the sky and sighed, “Where shall I rest tonight? Dad, mom, what can I do in the future? I have no way to go…” Her tears flowed while saying.

She was worrying about how to go home. The journey was long and she had no money. How could she go back? Besides, her uncle’s family no longer took her in. Where could she go when she went back?

Shen Xiaoyan escaped from the terrible “cage”, not knowing where to go and who to go to. She was alone and helpless with nowhere to go.

With a sad face and anxiety, she looked at a village from afar and rushed there hurriedly. She had to find a place where people gathered to spend the night, because it would be safer than in the wilderness.

The village was very large. Smoke was rising. The villagers had returned home and were preparing dinner.

Shen Xiaoyan looked around. Without any money, where would she fill the belly?

She looked at the dark sky, and was worried about eating and sleeping. She sighed incessantly.

There was a restaurant on the side of the road. Shen Xiaoyan walked over involuntarily and looked in. There was no one eating inside, which was very bleak.

She looked at the table and tableware in the room, her stomach growled and her mouth moved. Helplessly, swallowing saliva didn’t work, and the growling was still urging. She was desperately hungry, and she was hesitating to enter or not.

Just then, the owner came and invited her with a smile.

Shen Xiaoyan hesitated for a moment and followed him in. After sitting down, she felt flustered and wanted to leave. The growling of the stomach stopped her, so she had to relieve her hunger first.

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