The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 259 - Monster!

Chapter 259 Monster!
When Zhang Yunyan came to the front of the courtyard, she pushed the door and found that it had been bolted. Looking in from the crack of the door, there was only the dark night, and everything else was unclear.

During the observation, she paused felt something dangerous. With her heart beating faster, she became more vigilant.

Yunyan listened carefully. There were children crying and the scolding of adults.

She came under the wall of the courtyard, putting away the steel knife, then climbed the wall, and squatted under the wall to observe what was going on.

This was a quadrangle courtyard. It was quiet and dark as there was no light in the main room and the wing-room. It looked like no one was living here. The children were still crying and the sound came from the backyard.

Zhang Yunyan pulled out the steel sword and was about to go back for a look. She was suddenly frightened and shook involuntarily. With her wide-open eyes staring at the front left, she was extremely nervous and terrified.

Under the big locust tree in the corner of the house, there was a huge body, and the eyes which were as wide as a pair of bowls were shining green and they were staring at Yunyan.

What was that guy? It was terrible, and even more terrifying in the dark night, which was shocking.

Zhang Yunyan didn’t know what the beast was. But she was sure that it was neither a livestock nor a beast like a tiger, a leopard or a lion. Those fierce beasts did not have such big body like two bulls, such big eyes which were even shining with green light. It was really shocking.

For a moment she could not confirm whether it was a strange beast or a terrible monster. She was sure that this guy was at least a fierce monster.

What to do? Run away or fight against the monster?

Zhang Yunyan was hesitating, fearing that the monster could not be defeated, but she did not want to give up the opportunity to kill the enemy’s offspring. She devoted herself to destroying the Yan’s Family and let Living Yama die without descendants.

What should she do in face of danger?

At the time, the monster hummed and stood up immediately. Its tall body was even more frightening. Almost at the same time, it flew over to her as fast as lightning, and it was unexpected.

Zhang Yunyan, despite her nervousness and fear, was guarded and dodged. But she was still a little slower. Her clothes were torn by the sharp claws, and several cuts were made on her chest, bleeding.

The monster failed and banged its head against the courtyard wall. The two-foot-thick brick wall collapsed. In the blink of an eye, the dust was rolling and flying. A large gap appeared in the tall courtyard.

Zhang Yunyan was horrified, as she didn’t expect this guy with huge body was surprisingly agile, fast, and powerful. It was amazing and so unexpected.

The monster’s powerful attack and the collapse of the heavy wall all showed that this guy was very extraordinary. It was not only fierce and brutal, but also powerful beyond her imagination.

Zhang Yunyan was very nervous and flustered. Facing the extraordinary monster, she was unable to kill her opponent, and she was caught into a dead corner.

Run away quickly?

This was by no means possible. The monster was quick and frightening, and she had no chance to escape.

Fighting with it?

This was even more delusional. Her ability and strength were far less than that of the monster. She was unable to resist the fierce hunting, avoid the sharp fangs and claws.

This courtyard was already a “hell”. Zhang Yunyan had no way to escape, and her life would be ended here.

It was silent in the bamboo forest, and the courtyard was surprisingly quiet as the children were no longer crying. They must have been frightened by the roar of the monster and did not dare to speak again.

The quiet night had been torn by the monsters, and fell again into the atmosphere of terror. The moon hid in the dark clouds, and the stars were blinking in horror. They were all anxious and silent.

The bamboos and the trees stood silently, trembling. All the creatures were terrified and they were all afraid of dangers.

At this moment, it was dead quiet. This heaven and earth seemed to become a void, and disappeared without a trace…

The quiet moment flashed by, and the terrible scene was presented in front of everyone.

In the face of the terrible monster, Zhang Yunyan was determined to fight desperately, and it was the only way. Although there was no way to live, she couldn’t sit still. She didn’t dare to rest, and before the monster turned its head, she rushed to the front and slashed her sword.

But the monster responded very quickly, and it turned back suddenly. “Dang!” It hit the steel sword with the hard horn on its head, and then rushed over.

Persecuted by death, Zhang Yunyan hid behind a large tree with surprising agility. Before she reacted, the monster’s stout long tail swept swiftly, and she was so scared that she lied on the ground in a hurry–this was an instinct, and she could not help herself.

Almost at the same time, the long tail like a steel whip swept across the place with the whistling sound.

“Dong!” There was another shock, and the trunk as thick as a washbasin was snapped with the sound of “Click!” The fallen tree almost hit Yunyan.

It was really dangerous. If Zhang Yunyan’s reaction was a little slower, she would be killed by a steel whip-like tail.Access v ip novel. com

Seizing the rare opportunity, she jumped over and slashed at the monster’s waist.

The monster turned back quickly, blocking the sword with its sharp horns on its head, and rushed over.

When Yunyan saw there was no chance, she ran out through the gap in the courtyard wall. It was spacious outside, and there might be a chance for her.

The monster fluttered a few times without success. It became manic, roaring violently, and its green eyes were flashing more brightly. It couldn’t wait to swallow this tenacious creature.

It couldn’t let the prey escape. Then it flew out of the gap, and rushed to Zhang Yunyan with the whistling wind.

Yunyan could only dodge, struggling to kill it.

Faced with the terrible monster, she has no ability to cope, but must cope with it. She couldn’t escape in such danger. With her was at stake, she was on the verge of collapse.

As he escaped the monster’s culling, Zhang Yunyan finally succeeded, and the sharp steel sword was stabbing on the monster’s butt.

However, the monster’s skin was thick, and the sword left only a shallow wound. It did not hurt the vitals, not even the deep skin.

She was shocked again and was very disappointed. It seemed that it was harder to kill this guy than to climb up to the sky.

Suddenly, Zhang Yunyan thought of Shen Xiaoyan, who was hiding in the bamboo forest, and she became nervous. She must lead the evil beast away, and though she could not escape, she would not bring trouble to Xiaoyan.

Thinking of this, she quickly burrowed into the bamboo forest nearby, waiting for the monster to follow.Access v ip novel. com

When Yunyan saw the monster rushed over roaring, she was frightened and fled to hide in the bamboo forest.

The monster rushed to the edge of the bamboo forest and stopped. Staring at the dark bamboo forest with big green eyes, it snorted unwillingly.

It seemed that this guy had the intention to hunt and kill her, but dared not enter the bamboo forest. After hesitating for a while, it turned back, and soon disappeared from the gap in the courtyard wall.

The fierce killing ended, and the bamboo forest was extremely quiet. It was still enveloped in the atmosphere of terror. Every creature was frightened and horrified.

In the thick bamboo forest, a figure was shaking, and it was Zhang Yunyan.

She didn’t run away. Knowing that she couldn’t escape the monster’s hunt, she just wanted to distract the guy away from this place and trade her life for the safety of Shen Xiaoyan.

Zhang Yunyan was relieved to see the monster return to the yard. She was very surprised and very relieved, because she did not expect to escape the deadly disaster.

She wiped her sweat, and looked nervously at the gap in the courtyard through the bamboo forest in case of anything wrong.

Yunyan was a little puzzled. Why didn’t the monster hunt and kill her and why did it let her live? Did it fear the bamboo forest?

She didn’t know why, so she could only make guesses. It was another mystery.

In close contact, Zhang Yunyan had already seen the appearance of the monster. The guy was not only fierce and cruel, but also looked terrible.

This fierce god was swift and cruel when it was attacking others. Even when it was standing still in front of others, they would be scared to death.

The monster’s eyes were as big as the mouth of a bowl, and the size of its skull was conceivable. On top of its head was a long and pointed horn, shining brightly.

It had a large mouth and could swallow a fat sheep. The teeth were sharp and long, flashing with cold light and were as sharp as knife. Those two tusks were more terrifying, as they were much larger than that of the male elephant. They were sharp and dazzling.

The monster’s head was surprisingly large and pitifully small compared to its large and sturdy body. The body was huge and heavy, and if any beast was crushed by it, they would undoubtedly die.

This guy had a thick and long tail, which was rigid and flexible. As it fluttered the tail, it looked like a soft steel whip. No matter it was a thick tree or a hard stone, the tail could crush it.

It had thick limbs with great strength, and sharp pointed claws. If one was slapped, he or she would lose its life.

What was more terrible was that such a huge guy could move bizarrely and quickly. Even the cheetah or civet could not compare to it.

When encountering such a monster, if you had no power, there was no way for you to win, and you had no choice but to be killed.

The fierce god was so terrible. Its sloppy face could scare people to death, let alone being culled by it.

Zhang Yunyan was really unfortunate. She had just revenged her family, and was in high spirits. She had never expected to encounter this fierce god accidentally. After a few rounds, it was lucky that she had not been killed.

Thinking of the monster’s face, its large and agile body, and the power of its attack, she was not only nervous and anxious, but also frightened. Her wish to destroy the Yan’s Family had become a pipe dream.

Anyway, she wasn’t dead yet. With a short period of peace, it was time to think about what to do next.

What should she do? Should she kill the descendants of her enemy?

At this moment, Yunyan was panicking. The monster was waiting here and it was extremely dangerous. It was more terrible than the bare escape, and the slim chance of “life” would be gone.

She did not have the ability to fight with the monster and destroy the Yan family. Escape was the only way, and she could only give up the chance of revenge.

Zhang Yunyan sighed. She was anxious and unwilling. If Yan Xiaopeng’s descendants survived, one day they would become a huge trouble and she would be chased and killed by them.

However, if she went to destroy the Yan’s family, she would be extremely dangerous as she had no ability. She was confronted with a fierce god whom she could not cope with, and the crisis and danger she encountered were unimaginable. She would die and be buried here.

This was a matter of life and death. Zhang Yunyan was hesitating. It was really difficult decide whether to attack or to retreat.

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