The Concubine is Covering the Vest Every Day

Chapter 30

Chapter 29:

The next day, in front of Tang Yunian’s gate.

Qiulan and Dongxue lay by the door and listened for a while without a sound coming. This was not the first time the two heard the movement in the room today, but they were still disappointed again.

“Why hasn’t the concubine woke up yet?” Qiu Lan went into the yard bored.

“It shouldn’t be.” Dong Xue was also confused by the second monk, and he didn’t go to the morning court on a normal day, and the concubine never slept until midnight.

“Could it be because of reading yesterday?” Qiu Lan guessed. “Come back later?” The two agreed.

About a quarter of an hour later, Tang Yunian woke up leisurely. After stretching, he grabbed a piece of clothing and put it on, and opened the curtains. The dazzling sun shone straight in, “Is the sun so big?” Tang Yunian muttered while putting on his shoes, but he still didn’t want to open his eyes.

She is so sleepy!

In the past, in order to bankrupt the Tang family, she read several books of law, but in modern studies, she can watch videos, listen to lectures, and even ask a lawyer, but now, she can only face the boring and obscure ancient text.

In order to reassure Tang Zhen and his daughter-in-law when choosing a major at university, she deliberately chose a literature major that had nothing to do with economics, but she didn’t focus on it at all, and she was lucky to have two certificates. Naturally, there is no research on this ancient script, thanks to the memory of the original body, but this calligraphy, Tang Yunian sighed, she could only imitate it as much as possible.

Last night, it was precisely because of these ancient words that she got it in the middle of the night, but in fact she didn’t read a few pages, and Wei Shi was a little interesting.

“Prince-in-law.” Finally hearing the movement inside, Qiu Lan couldn’t wait to knock on the door.

“Come in.” Tang Yunian said. As soon as Qiulan entered the door, she saw the concubine sitting in front of the mirror with her hair loose, “Qiulan, please help me get this hair done.”

After brushing her hair and washing her hair, Tang Yunian casually took the towel from Qiulan, when she suddenly heard her scream in horror, “Master Consort, your nose…”

“My nose?” Tang Yunian raised his hand and touched the blood from his nose.

“It’s okay,” Tang Yunian didn’t care much, picked up a clean handkerchief and started wiping it, and joked with Qiulan, “What’s the fuss about, it’s normal to get angry when it’s dry and dry.”

But the nosebleed got more and more rubbed, and it only stopped for a while, ticking on the hilt.

Seeing that the clean handkerchief was instantly stained with blood, Tang Yunian was stunned. Qiulan was in a hurry, and she was about to break out, “This servant goes to the palace doctor.”

How did she get so many nosebleeds so well? Tang Yunian took out another handkerchief, covered his nose and began to think, soup, that soup!

“Qiulan, come back.” Tang Yunian lost his handkerchief and couldn’t care about his nose. Her panicked look made Qiu Shi think that something big was going on, and ran out without even saying a word when he went after him.

After a while, Tang Yunian leaned in front of the door and saw a familiar figure, like a big stone fell in his heart, and patted his little heart. Fortunately, he caught up, otherwise, as soon as the doctor came over, wouldn’t it be impossible to hide it from drinking those strange soups? That’s really called throwing your face out.

“Consort, you have shed so much blood, how can you not see the doctor?”

Tang Yunian first praised Qiu Shi, and then called Qiu Lan in. She remembered, why did Mammy Li suddenly want to eat those for herself yesterday. She said that the eyes of the four were not quite right.

“Prince-in-law,” Qiulan also remembered after a moment of silence. This matter… It was said that Mammy Li’s pharmacy was too aggressive, but now Qiulan can only ask boldly, “Would you like a servant to take care of it for you?”

Already holding the handkerchief again, this is not something that can be stopped immediately. Tang Yunian insisted, “I’m okay.” The point is, “Qiulan, today’s matter is not allowed to go out.”


“It’s okay to say no to slaves.” Qiu Lan lowered her head.

“Let’s talk to your brother when you go out.” Tang Yunian covered his nose and didn’t forget to ask him. Fortunately, there were only two of them outside the hospital. By the way, “Where’s Dongxue?”

“Seeing the concubine, you are awake, and Dongxue is going to serve the meal.”

Three poles in the sun, should she still consider having breakfast? Looking at the sky, Tang Yunian still decided to eat it. She had so much blood, so she should make up for it.

in the main courtyard.

Seeing that it was almost noon, and the familiar figure had not yet been seen through the small window, Wei Yubing was secretly surprised, but asked an irrelevant question, “Yunxiang, is it almost time for lunch?”

“Yes.” Yunxiang replied with a smile, “Does the princess want slaves and maids to pass meals?” Wei Yubing waved his hands absentmindedly, continued to hold the book and began to read, and put it down after a while, as if suddenly thought, “Today’s kitchen can be Do you have vegetarian steamed duck, fried bones with flour, and Yu Chan soup?”

“The servants are all ready.” Yunxiang replied immediately.

“Oh.” Wei Yubing lost interest again, replied lightly, and continued reading.

After another quarter of an hour, Wei Yubing put down the book again, and said like a small talk, “What is the concubine doing today?”

“My servant didn’t see Dongxue Qiulan today, so I didn’t ask.” Yunxiang replied. “Does the princess want to see the concubine?” After a moment’s pause, Yun Xiang boldly guessed.

“It’s just weird.” Wei Yubing said.

“The servant also finds it strange. Usually, like this time, the concubine has been in the yard for half an hour.” Now that he saw the meal, he didn’t even see anyone.

However, Yunxiang bowed her head and held back her smile, “The princess wants to be the concubine, why don’t the slaves go to the concubine’s yard to ask now?”

Wei Yu gave her a cold look. Yunxiang is not afraid at all. The few dishes that the princess mentioned just now are all the favorites of the concubine. It is already time for dinner, but the princess still refuses to eat. She is not waiting for the concubine. Two reasons?

“I heard that the concubine worked hard yesterday and should be concerned about one or two things. Go and see for this palace.”

“Yes, yes, this servant understands.” Yunxiang said and ran out with a smile. Wei Yubing sat in another place, but continued to think in his heart, this person is used to being idle, what would he do if he suddenly damaged his body by working hard for a while? After all, he is also his concubine now, so he can’t go out because he is sick and weak, right?

Yunxiang walked very fast, and turned back after a while, “Princess, the concubine said that she wanted to be alone, so she sent the servants away, and the servants entered the courtyard and asked the servants to come over for dinner. Don’t disturb the princess’ meal, she ate alone.”

“What’s going on?” Wei Yubing frowned.

“My servant heard that the concubine only woke up today. She didn’t seem to feel very well after waking up, but she didn’t let Qiu Lan and Qiu Shi call the government doctor and wanted to stay in the room by herself.”

“What’s wrong?” Wei Yubing asked immediately, and then walked out, “Is the palace doctor dead? The concubine isn’t feeling well, so I don’t know how to go and see it?”

Did you just not make it clear? Yunxiang followed the princess’s footsteps suspiciously, didn’t the concubine herself not let him shout?

Approaching Tang Yunian’s courtyard, Wei Yubing saw Qiu Lan and Qiu Shi from a distance. “What are you two doing standing here? Where’s the concubine? No one to take care of?”

“Go back to the princess,” Qiu Lan said hurriedly, “the concubine said not to disturb the slaves.” This is normal. The concubine needs fewer people on weekdays. Occasionally, she wants to be alone, and there is even a person behind her. No.

“How long?”

“About half an hour.”

“I heard that the concubine’s body is damaged, what’s wrong?” Wei Yubing asked again. Now Qiulan can’t say anything.

“Princess,” Qiu Lan fell to her knees, and Qiu Shi followed, “The concubine… don’t let the slaves speak.”

“What’s wrong?” Wei Yubing looked unhappy, and her voice became a little louder.

“Concubine, concubine,” Qiu Lan fell to the ground, her face almost touching the floor, “It’s… a nosebleed.”

“Nosebleed?” Wei Yubing turned around and looked at Yunxiang with a subtle expression, Yunxiang’s brain was spinning so fast that she almost blurted out, “It won’t be because of yesterday…”

Before he finished speaking, he knew everything he should know, and only Qiu Shi was left puzzled. Wei Yubing waved them back and walked to the window of Tang Yunian’s room.

It was noon, and the curtain was pulled tightly so that no sunlight could leak into the room, Wei Yubing knocked on the window.

“Who?” Tang Yunian in the room was so frightened that he lost his mind.

Aware that Tang Yunian’s voice was obviously wrong, Wei Yubing pressed the doubt first, “Husband, it’s me!”

Princess? Is the princess outside now? Tang Yunian was nervous and directly knocked down the porcelain bottle on the table. Fortunately, she quickly caught it in her arms before landing, which prevented the louder voice from coming out, but Wei Yubing had already heard it.

“Husband, what’s the matter with you?” For what happened yesterday? Intuition tells Wei Yubing that it is not, but apart from this, Wei Yubing really didn’t think of anything else for the time being.

Could it be that she was just talking, but she was very concerned about it? But if she is a woman and not a real man, will she feel that her self-confidence is thwarted?

There was no answer from the room for a long time.

After thinking about it for a while, Wei Yubing said, “If your husband doesn’t like it, just don’t let Mama Li do it next time…”

“No, no,” Tang Yunian said quickly, “it’s not because of that.”

that is because?

Because, for this reason, it is difficult for her to say it.

Today is really her unlucky day. Tang Yu Nian thought fadingly. I woke up with a nosebleed in the morning, and finally took two hot breakfasts, and the result…

If it weren’t for the familiar feeling slowly slipping from him, Tang Yunian would have almost forgotten about this matter. Obviously, as a girl, she should take this matter to heart.

But now the menstrual time is not accurate. It has been more than a month since the wedding. She has never been here once, and naturally she has never cared about it. Today, she suddenly came, and Tang Yunian began to panic.

She can still hide her chest flat, what should she do with this?

“Yu Bing,” Tang Yunian tried to ease his mood before he said, “It’s almost lunch time, you can go eat first, I’ll be alone later.”

“I asked the kitchen to prepare my husband’s favorite steamed duck and soup early in the morning. If my husband doesn’t go there now, wouldn’t it be a waste?”

Steamed duck? Alas, unfortunately, I can’t eat it anymore. Tang Yunian sighed, “Yu Bing has been bothered, but I got up late for dinner today, and I don’t want to eat anything at the moment.”

“Do you open the door first?” Wei Yubing’s patience gradually ran out, but thinking about what was wrong with this person today, it’s better to see the person first.

Tang Yunian couldn’t resist in the end, and dragged his steps to open the door.

I haven’t seen you all night and all morning. Why is my face pale, and she was still very ruddy yesterday, “Have you looked in the mirror, husband?”

Look in the mirror? What is the opening remarks of the meeting, Tang Yunian replied in a daze, “I took a picture when I got up early.” Wei Yubing didn’t say a word, and dragged her into the room.

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