The Concubine is Covering the Vest Every Day

Chapter 7

Chapter 6:

Seeing that Wei Yubing was really thinking about her words, Tang Yunian felt guilty and was busy talking about other topics, which made the princess put it down temporarily.

After lunch, it really was a nap, the princess went to rest, Tang Yunian wanted to go too, but after thinking about it, he felt embarrassed again, but there happened to be a soft collapse in the house, Tang Yunian moved it outside the house and lay on it lazily in the sun sun.

Dong Xue stood by the side without saying a word, Yun Xiang and the other maids only thought about it, but fortunately, Mammy Li was sick for two days, otherwise they didn’t know how to talk about the concubine.

Wei Yubing saw Tang Yunian when he went out. The diligent, progressive, and disciplined concubine, chosen by her father herself, lay lazily on the soft slump. The two or three volumes of books she borrowed from herself were neatly placed on the stone table, and her head was covered with a green Lotus leaf shade. Wei Yubing vaguely remembered that the lotus pond in the Princess Mansion was on the east side. It would take about half an hour to walk there.

“Princess.” Tang Yunian slept very lightly, and immediately opened the lotus leaf when he heard the footsteps, and he saw Wei Yubing sitting beside him.

“Bengong is making a fuss about the concubine,” Wei Yubing said warmly, “Are you going to rest in the house?”

“No.” Tang Yunian said quickly. During the lunch break, the princess actually asked her how good it is to be outside, not needing to share the same bed and basking in the sun. Wei Yubing didn’t say anything after all, and Fu Er said a few words to Yun Xiang next to her.

It took half a quarter of an hour for Tang Yunian to know that the princess had introduced the housekeeper to her, along with the maid and the servant. What shocked Tang Yunian was that, with the addition of Li Ma, Yunxiang Dongxue and others, there were 400 people in the princess’ mansion, 50 of them were from the palace, and another 200 were added. bodyguard. And according to Yunxiang’s introduction, the princess was already very frugal, so she left so much.

Just… this word really has a soul.

“Don’t worry, prince-in-law,” Wei Yubing thought thoughtfully because she couldn’t remember these troubles, “It will take a long time to come to Japan, and the prince-in-law will have time to learn more about it in the future.”

“Mmmm.” Tang Yunian nodded with a dull expression. She didn’t have time. If she had time, it would be better to bask in the sun to supplement calcium. If it weren’t for a hidden danger, the position of consort would be quite suitable for her.

After dinner, Tang Yunian reluctantly put down his chopsticks until his stomach was a little full. After the crowd dispersed, Tang Yunian pinched his face and then pinched his waist.

“What is the concubine doing?” Wei Yubing was puzzled.

“The food at the princess’ mansion is very good,” Tang Yunian said with some melancholy while being satisfied, “I’m worried about getting fat.”

Wei Yubing smiled lightly, “Does the concubine care about this? The concubine is thin, so why worry about it?”

If you look at Tang Yunian by the standard of an adult man, he has a good appearance but a thin body. Her delicate face, fair skin, and short stature made her easy to distinguish among the men in Beijing. Although it won’t fall down when the wind blows, the image of a weak scholar has been handled very well by her. The appearance of a man and a woman is probably the most straightforward perception of someone who has seen Tang Yunian.

From what outsiders see, Tang Yunian knows that she is a girl! If he really does not care about eating seafood, his body will be out of shape. Well, eating is very important, and appearance is also very important. Tang Yunian decided to restrain himself a little.

“Yeah,” Tang Yunian replied in a dignified manner, “it’s not worthy to stand beside the princess now. If you only have a fat face then, wouldn’t it be even more embarrassing to see the princess?” Wei Yubing seemed to be amused by her. Seeing this, Tang Yunian pinched his palms at a loss. She had been with the princess for two days. It is undeniable that every time she looked at the princess, she was so moved!

She really likes this face, Tang Yunian moved his eyes slightly to avoid looking too stupid, but luckily the princess didn’t pay much attention to her reaction and walked past her as if nothing had happened.

After spending two days together, Tang Yunian discovered that the princess’ favorite thing was reading, whether it was day or night, as soon as there was nothing else to do for the princess, she would definitely be reading, and that’s it. This also has some advantages. It is precisely because the princess likes to read books that Tang Yunian can borrow two volumes of Wei Shi to read.

With the memory of the original body, reading is not a problem, and writing may take a lot of effort, after all, she has to imitate the original handwriting as much as possible. Wei Shi was boring, but Tang Yunian read it with relish. The most interesting was the late emperor Wei Yingdi.

Emperor Wei Ying’s political achievements were outstanding, and he reigned for 30 years. He ascended the throne as a young man, and he was generous and benevolent. The only thing that people criticized was the harem. He favored the queen, and even abolished the harem for her. Although the court ministers criticized him, he was helpless. Up until the front of Li Chu, the front and back of the harem looked peaceful.

“Consort,” the princess called her at some point, Tang Yunian reluctantly raised her head from the book, and the princess asked her, “Is the consort going to sleep on the floor today?”

Tang Yunian couldn’t care about the book anymore, because of the straightforward words of the princess, he didn’t pick up the words for a while.

“The concubine can speak directly if there is something.” The princess was very generous.

Straightforward? What did she say, that I didn’t want to do anything with you, or that she was a girl, Tang Yunian racked his brains and didn’t want to find any excuses.

“In that case,” the princess laughed, “the concubine, please do it yourself.”

This is too, too good to talk about. “Princess,” Tang Yunian said hesitantly, “I didn’t mean that.” Getting married to the bridal chamber is a matter of course. If she keeps hiding, will the princess think that she dislikes her? She really doesn’t mean that.

“I know.” The princess smiled lightly.

The more she is like this, the more guilt Tang Yunian feels. The princess is such a good person. If it wasn’t for the emperor’s marriage, she would definitely be a good story with her husband.

“I-I’m just a little unprepared.” Tang Yunian said slowly, “I haven’t had much contact with women before, and I’m afraid I’ll offend the princess.” It’s okay to say that, of course, the original body has never contacted any women. , She devoted herself to the imperial examinations, plus her daughter, so Twenty and Crown were neither married nor engaged.

“Did the concubine not want to get married?” Wei Yubing asked after a moment of silence.

The original body really didn’t plan to get married, but Tang Yunian didn’t say it.

“The royal father gave the marriage in a hurry,” Wei Yubing said, “I met with you before the big wedding, and I haven’t asked the concubine if she has a favorite woman?”

“No,” Tang Yunian replied immediately without thinking, “My classmates are the ones I have the most contact with every day.” Saying that I have the most contact is actually just a nodding acquaintance, because I have to hide my gender and I have been studying in my own for many years. Can’t even find a close friend.

“In this way, this palace does not have a stick to beat the mandarin ducks.” Wei Yubing smiled relievedly, “The concubine must feel that the marriage is rushed, you and I are not familiar with it yet.”

That’s right, that’s what she meant. Finally, she was able to find a decent reason. Tang Yunian nodded again and again.

“Bengong only spends two days with the concubine,” Wei Yubing said after thinking seriously, “but it will take a long time to come to Japan. If the concubine is willing, this palace will know more about the concubine, and we will talk about it later, how about it?”

Can you find someone better to talk to than a princess? Tang Yunian’s eyes lit up, and he couldn’t help himself with joy in his heart. He repeatedly responded to what the princess said, “Thank you, princess, for your understanding.”

“You and I are husband and wife,” Wei Yubing said softly, “It should be like this.” Tang Yunian still thanked him again and again, but the princess picked up the quilt and asked, “Did the concubine use this bed yesterday?”

“Yes.” At a glance, Tang Yunian said busy.

The princess looked at the ground again and frowned. Tang Yunian thought there was something wrong, but she heard the princess say, “It’s not right for the concubine to sleep on the ground during the summer season, so I will go and order them to move a small bed into the house. Room.”

“No need.” She thought of such trivial matters, but Tang Yunian repeatedly stopped her, “Princess is thoughtful, but it’s fine for me to sleep on the ground.” The princess obviously didn’t think so.

“Really.” In order to convince her, Tang Yunian also mentioned to her the place where he used to sleep, “I used to spend the night in the barren mountains when I was a child, and the princess’s bed is more comfortable than the bed at home.”

“The concubine lived so hard when she was a child?” Wei Yubing’s eyes widened, obviously unimaginable, “The concubine really suffered, but don’t worry, with Ben Gong in the future, I will never let the concubine be so miserable.”

I really believed it, she just mentioned it casually! The suffering is true. She has lived in barren mountains, fields, and ruined temples, but it’s not her. Tang Zhen ignored her, but her grandfather doted on him very much. Tang Yunian never suffered materially.

“It’s all gone.” Seeing the princess’ distressed eyes, Tang Yunian silently scolded himself several times in his heart. The princess is so kind and someone who came from a golden key first heard that his life was so miserable, how could he feel good?

“Look, princess, I’m still healthy and standing in front of the princess!” Tang Yunian turned around to show the princess himself, “There is an old saying that the heaven will give you a great responsibility, so people must first work **** their minds. Work your muscles and bones…”

“I must have suffered for the first 20 years in exchange for the happy event of marrying the princess.”

Wei Yubing swept away the unhappiness before, and turned to joy, “How can the concubine know that it is a happy event, if this palace is arrogant and domineering, the future life of the concubine will be miserable?”

“I heard that there are many people who don’t want to be the concubine. Has the concubine really not worried at all?”

“It was a little bit when I didn’t see the princess,” Tang Yunian said honestly, “but…”

“but what?”

“It is fate to be able to marry the princess,” Tang Yunian said with a smile, “the princess is standing in front of the minister at this moment, and the minister believes in the princess.”

Wei Yubing’s smile froze for a while before she replied, “My concubine, don’t trust this palace too much.” Tang Yunian didn’t pay much attention to her words. She believed that the princess was very kind to Tang Yunian, but only if Tang Yunian He is a man, but at this moment, the princess has been very good to her. That being the case, contentment is always happy, what else is there for Tang Yunian to be dissatisfied with?

“Princess go to bed early,” Tang Yunian laid the floor, and turned around to see that Wei Yubing was still sitting in front of the bed, and his movements were exactly the same as before.

“I have to go to the palace tomorrow, will the princess not come back and see again?” Tang Yunian said in a negotiating tone.

“Yeah.” Wei Yubing responded. When Wei Yubing settled down, Tang Yunian went to turn off the lights by himself.

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