The Concubine’s Daughter Comes Around

Chapter 176 - Was dug

“Is this gold?” The big man quickly stepped forward and dug out the gold that could reveal a corner.

Immediately, he saw that he put it next to Zi’s mouth and bit his teeth hard. “Oops.” He screamed when he suddenly felt pain.

“Ha ha ha ha, this **** mother is really gold, rich and rich, Lao Tzu is about to get rich.” Although the big man still looks drunk, but at the moment knowing the stuff in his hand

When it was true, I was awake long ago.

I saw that Dahan continued to dig by hand along the place where he found the first piece of gold. After a while, there were several pieces of gold in his arms. Looking at the more gold that was dug out, Dahan

My heart was moving.

“No, you have to go home quickly and have someone come to help.” Said the big man, picking up the gold he had just dug, he climbed out of the hole with a good step.

On the black night, Dahan seemed to be so careful to cover the things in his arms. Soon, Dahan came to the village and saw him walk into a house.

In some tattered thatched cottages.

But when he had just entered the room before he could say anything, he saw that his wife was standing not far from him with a knife, and his eyes were filled with hatred.

“Wang Tieniu, have you gone to drink again? You who killed a thousand swords, took all my hard-earned money to drink, and you still have a face back, but that’s the life-saving of our family.

Money, me, me … my mother has fight for you today. “The woman took the knife in her hand and rushed to Tieniu.

At this time, the old lady standing not far from the woman was busy holding the woman’s waist, begging her face, crying, “Safflower, safflower, you can’t be stupid

Yeah. “

“Daughter-in-law, you see, what is this …” Iron Newton immediately persuaded, kneeling on the ground and taking out the gold in his arms.

Safflower was held by the old lady’s waist and could not move. It was full of anger. At this time, when Wang Tieniu saw Wang Jinniu’s hand, he threw the knife to the ground in surprise and pushed it open

The old lady’s hand rushed to Wang Tieniu to take the gold from her hand.

“Oh my gosh, this is gold.” Honghua yelled incredulously.

Upon hearing her voice, Wang Tieniu stood up quickly, covered her mouth quickly and made a ‘shh’ gesture, “Daughter, please keep quiet.”

Honghua realized something, and nodded her head quickly to show that she understood, and then Tie Niu took down the hand covering her mouth.

The old lady also came to the two at this time, picking up a piece of gold that fell from the ground, her face was inconceivably tense, “Oh, you, where are you from?”

The old lady was very worried, afraid that this was where her son had taken it, but this was gold, which could be afforded by their poor family. If the host family knew it,

They’re upset.

Since her wife’s departure, her son has been idle all day long, if not the old man left them a little bit of family property. His son is afraid that he won’t even be able to marry his wife.

It was originally that she thought that her son would marry a good wife and mother after sharing a good wife, but what surprised her was that the daughter-in-law was not only a good wife and mother, but also counted them all day.

The family’s money is subsidized by the maid’s family.

Originally a relatively wealthy family, a family of four now lives in a thatched cottage of less than a few square meters, and the wind and rain will worry about whether the house will collapse.

Now that they have become a joke in the village, Honghua ca n’t get back her money to subsidize her family, and the days later start to get tense. Not only does her daughter-in-law not do things,

Sometimes I force my son to do things, but the money is never enough. In this room, there are two days of noisy and three days of noisy, and five days are about to start.

Today, because Wang Tieniu was laid off, he didn’t return, and Honghua’s silver and two were gone. So I suspected that Wang Tieniu took the money to be happy. This time, Honghua decided to come with him.

You are alive, but now Wang Tieniu can come up with so much gold.

Safflower was very greedy for money, so she didn’t care what Madam Wang was worried about. She grabbed Wang Tieniu’s hand and asked excitedly, “Where did you come from, Tie Niu?

Wang Tieniu was not in a mood to quarrel with his daughter-in-law at this time, but he was fluttering at this moment, and then he thought to himself about how he met gold

Daughter-in-law and elder mother listened.

“Sister-in-law, quickly get the shovel, let’s dig for gold.” Wang Tieniu couldn’t wait to dig for gold, he couldn’t wait to get the gold back into his arms immediately.


“Okay, you wait.” Honghua was also excited to hear the whole process.

“My son, that’s enough. Don’t go there. There must be a master in that place.” The old woman was digging for gold when she saw her daughter-in-law and her son was worried.

Has always inherited the excellent quality of the old man, that is, do not touch things that do not belong to you.

“Ma’am, don’t worry, take good care of Xiaobao at home, and you’ll just wait for your son’s blessing.”

“That is, you old man is still going back to take care of my baby son, wait for us.” Honghua impatiently dragged Wang Tieniu and left, not listening to the old lady at all


It was slightly bright the next day, and Dong Ling and Wu Jitian took the miner he found to the cave.

It was just when they came down that they were surprised to see the land that was obviously dug and some gold scattered on the ground.

“This was dug up.” Dong Ling frowned.

“It seems to have been dug last night, but a small horn was dug. It must have been found by a nearby villager passing by, so it was dug in the night.” Wu Jitian was sober, he

Looking at the cause of the nearby groundbreaking analysis.

Dong Ling also seemed to understand something at this time. She and Wu Jitian looked at each other, so they let the miners start work first.

After that, the two came near and started investigating. It was found that someone fell from the cave yesterday and found a clue all the way to Wang Tieniu’s house.

“That’s right.” Wu Jitian looked at the clue in his hand and stared at the dilapidated thatched cottage in front of him, nodded surely to Dong Ling.

The two came to Wang Tieniu’s house very calmly, Wu Jitian kicked the door open, Dong Ling and he quickly entered the room, and saw a lot of piles in a corner of the room.

Gold, they suddenly knew.

“Who are you, what are you doing in my house?” Wang Tieniu also came to the middle of the room at this time, watching Dong Ling and Wu Jitian breaking in, he was anxious and questioned.

There is still no hidden gold in his house. The two looked at the gorgeous clothes, and the man beside this woman made Wang Tieniu nervous.

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