The Concubine’s Daughter Comes Around

Chapter 380 - coma

“What! Why don’t you tell me sooner if there is such a thing!” Wu Jitian fiercely stood up and slapped him on the table, slamming the maid in front of him.

The palace lady was naturally frightened, and she immediately knelt down, scratching her head, and still shouting, “Emperor’s Atonement! It’s not the slave who deliberately concealed the Emperor, but

Madam, the mother said that she wouldn’t let you know. The slaves really couldn’t bear the pain of the mother every day, and the slaves discussed what they told you secretly … “

After saying that, the maid was lying on the ground and trembling, for fear of incurring murder.

Wu Jitian also calmed down a little, he rubbed his temples, and then commanded: “Get up, go, Taiyi called you to the maiden’s palace, right away!”

“Yes, go here.” The maid stood up tremblingly, sighed with relief, and ran out in a hurry.

“Come! Go to the queen’s palace! Hurry up!” As soon as the young woman’s forefoot went out, Wu Jitian shouted loudly, her frown slightly, her eyes full of anxiety.

why? Why couldn’t she find her abnormality earlier? If it weren’t for someone to report, I would just do nothing stupid like that?

Wu Jitian gritted his teeth and smashed his punch on the wall beside him. Now he was on his way to Dong Ling’s sleeping palace. His full self-blame made him a bit painful.

All he could do now was to rush to her side and accompany her! Nearing the palace, Wu Jitian immediately accelerated his pace and ran towards the inner government.

Pushing open the door of the room, Wu Jitian came in panting, and Dong Ling was sitting in front of a bronze mirror, combing his hair, and saw Wu Jitian rushing in in such a hurry, Dong Ling also frowned

Then I understood, sighed, and said, “I’m fine …”

As soon as the words fell, Wu Jitian stepped forward and hugged her, his voice trembling, and said, “Why, why not tell me, you know when I heard the news there was

Worry more about you. “

Dong Ling’s mouth showed a slight smile, feeling the body temperature and full love of the burly man in front of her.

“Isn’t it okay with me, nothing is wrong, rest assured.” Dong Ling patted Wu Jitian’s back softly.

After that, a tadpole hit her, like a hammer hitting her head severely, and her heart seemed to be held by an invisible hand as usual, it hurts

The pain made Dong Ling snorted and then hugged Wu Jitian tightly.

“What’s wrong?” Wu Jitian just remembered it and was then hugged tightly by Dong Ling. Wu Jitian also reacted and hugged Dong Ling and stroked her hair.

After a while, Dong Ling’s breathing calmed down, and Wu Jitian was also very distressed. In these days, is Dong Ling such a person suffering from pain?

The thought of Wu Jitian’s remorse grew deeper here. He secretly vowed that he would stay with Dong Ling anyway in the future and not let her suffer such pain alone.

Outside the door, the palace ladies reported the arrival of the Taiyi, and Wu Jitian quickly got up and asked the Taiyi to give Dong Ling a good look.

Taiyi immediately entered the state, holding Dong Ling’s veins, and after a while, his brows frowned deeply, and his other hand was a beard, which made a sound of doubt from time to time.


Wu Jitian looked a little anxious aside. He asked, “How is it? Is there any big problem with the Queen’s body?” Wu Jitian was worried.

“The emperor rest assured, the queen’s body is not big, but it seems to be too abnormally stable. I didn’t notice any abnormalities in the pulse …”

The doctor was still frowning. As soon as the words were finished, Wu Jitian frowned, looking at Taiyi’s eyes a little more impatient.

“Everyone said that I’m fine, maybe it’s not good to take a break recently.” Dong Ling explained to the old doctor, and at the same time did not let Wu Jitian worry.

“Everyone is like that, and it’s okay.” Wu Jitian still frowned. He just saw Dong Ling’s illness. How could this be a simple break?

not good?

“You step back.” Wu Jitian waved his hand and motioned the old doctor to step down.

The old lady was a doctor, and then she left. Her heart was still very tense. The most fearful thing of being a doctor was this kind of thing. When she encountered a disease that was beyond the reach of her medicine, the emperor

Unhappiness is the scourge of death.

Every other day.

Wu Jitian cast aside political affairs and deliberately came to accompany Dong Ling. He didn’t want Dong Ling to be with her when no one was around.

The two strolled in the yard and watched the fishes in the water playing. Dong Ling’s face was also full of smiles. Wu Jitian was also very happy watching the nature.

The two walked slowly in the yard. Suddenly Wu Jitian felt a heavy shoulder and turned to see that Dong Ling had fallen beside him.

Wu Jitian suddenly panicked, and quickly picked up Dong Ling to trot all the way back to the room, and also ordered the next person to call a doctor.

The doctor came quickly, and Dong Ling was already lying in bed at this time, still unconscious, but this time the doctor still couldn’t detect the illness, and the angry Wu Jitian kicked him out.

Later, a reward order was issued, and the world famous doctors were summoned to treat Dong Ling for treatment.

A few hours later, Dong Ling woke up, and Wu Jitian kept stepping in front of her bed and didn’t dare to leave, for fear that when Dong Ling left, he …

Regarding that situation, Wu Jitian didn’t dare to think about it. He knew in his heart that if Dong Ling was lost, that pain would be around his life.

“I’m okay, but suddenly tired and want to sleep for a while.” Dong Ling waved his hand indifferently, signalling Wu Jitian not to worry, but regarding his physical condition, Dong Ling really felt

No bottom, I say these things now to reassure Wu Jitian.

But why did Wu Jitian come down with peace of mind …

A few days later, from time to time, some doctors came to see Dong Ling for medical treatment, but all returned without success. Although the reward on the reward order was very generous, but this was a reward order from the emperor.

Who dares to deceive the emperor?

Therefore, these famous doctors did not dare to lie, and the results of the diagnosis were surprisingly consistent: the county master’s body was not affected.

This makes Wu Jitian very irritable, and now he doesn’t care much about politics, and sometimes he doesn’t directly go to the early dynasty, which makes people talk a lot …

Wu Jitian didn’t even bother about these arguments. He now only has Dong Ling in his heart, and he can’t stand anything else. He was afraid that one day he would wake up and find that Dong Ling would leave.

Drive yourself …

In the morning a few days later … Wu Jitian came to Dong Ling’s room and found Dong Ling unconscious …

A few days later, Dong Ling was still in a coma …

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