The Crazy Adventures of Kevin



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Gwen replayed the recent events involving Kevin and couldn’t help but hug her pillow in frustration. Feeling that getting angry wouldn’t change anything, Gwen opted for a quick shower to calm her nerves.


As she undressed she heard something fall and hit the floor lightly. Gwen who is a studious and well-organized girl couldn’t believe that she packed something extra she didn’t know about and turned around carefully.


It was a note.


A neatly folded piece of paper that had Kevin’s aura in it as she could sense it easily.


With furrowed brows she bent carefully, already donning a towel and ready to hop in the bathroom.


“Listen, I might have been a bit edgy or more so than usual…” Gwen read out loud with a scoff.


“No kidding, Mr. Edge Lord!” Gwen said with a smirk as she sat down on her bed to continue Kevin’s note.


“… A lot has happened to me in a short time. I don’t think I have much time. I am dealing with a lot now, but I would like to leave my mother with something before something happens at least. She’s been the most understanding person in my life that I often misunderstood most of the time…”


“Aww, Kevin. So you do care.” Gwen let a smile grow on her face but it soon turned upside down.


“Time? What are you saying Kev?”


“It’s been long. Why don’t we catch up properly? I left my phone number below, call me. I'd like to take you out, let’s talk. Sincerely, King Kevin?” Gwen raised her brow at that and read below.

“P.S., You are allowed to be in awe.”


“Jerk. He certainly has gotten cockier.” Gwen smiled once more and left the note on her bed, deciding taking her shower now was best.






Kevin landed discreetly near a five-star hotel and began using the black card he attained from the generous Peter.


“Welcome to Alphonso Suites. How can I help you?” An attendant at the door scrutinized Kevin from head to toe.


From the way Kevin carried himself, it looked too good for a con artist. The attendant was rather shocked that the young man in front of him didn’t come with a car if not the valet wouldn’t be standing by idly without offering to park his car.


“You seem to be alone tonight Sir.” The attendant continued, seeing that Kevin was just observing his surroundings rather than the person in front of him.


“Yes, I am looking for a rather comfortable suite. Private. Soundproof walls or a wing with less noisy occupants.” Kevin responded easily while giving a judging look to the attendant.


Yeah, he’s definitely a spoiled brat with the way he looks at me. Let’s just get this over with.’ The attendant surmised in her head and led Kevin to the reception to book a room.


The moment Kevin pulled out a black card from his jacket, the receptionist minimized the window in her computer for budget rooms since she wasn’t buying Kevin’s demeanour even though he gave off an aura of royalty. But now the receptionist immediately pulled up the junior suite window but cancelled it and put up a senior suite window which took a while to load.


“Um… what’s your name, Sir?” The male receptionist asked.




“Sir, why don’t you follow me? We can pick your suite faster that way. And you can call me Julian.” Julian directed Kevin.


It didn’t take long for the duo to find a suite that suited Kevin’s taste. But Kevin wasn’t done. He paid for his suite and requested a taxi to a dealership that night and Julian’s eyes couldn’t help but light up at the sound of that.


There was a night when he finished his shift early and a rich kid came along and booked the most expensive suite. He was with friends and even invited some celebrities over, all the staff present that day were given no less than five thousand dollars. It was a work night any who missed it regretted it to this day and Julian wasn’t going to let a chance that could heal his pain and suffering leave him like that.


“Allow me to take you there sir. I know many dealerships around here if you don’t mind.” Julian offered with the widest of smiles.


Kevin could immediately tell what was on his mind, anyone could tell what was on his mind. The female attendant who met Kevin first hid her frown when she saw Julian sticking to Kevin like glue. As they went past the reception, Julian talked to someone on the counter about covering for him for a while.


“Where are you going, Julian?” The female attendant from earlier stopped Julian and Kevin in their tracks.


“If you don’t mind Kate, our VIP customer is in need of services I can easily render to him right now.” Julian answered.


“If that is so, you may resume your duties at your post, I believe I can satisfy his needs and grant services worthy of the Alphonso enterprise.”


Kevin found this interesting as he watched to see what Julian would do. He was fine either way since he just needed to be somewhere at the moment.


“You may not be wrong since at Alphonso, customer satisfaction is what we pride ourselves in, but I will be granting him services myself this time Katie, thank you for your heartfelt concern but if you don’t mind, Sir Kevin’s needs are time sensitive and to be treated urgently.” Julian smiled back and led Kevin out of the building and into the employee parking lot where they boarded Julian’s Blue Honda Civic.


“Nice car.” Kevin complemented but Julian could only smile back as he started the engine.


“There’s no need to be too polite Sir”


“No, I am serious. It’s a nice car and very easy to mod if I do say so myself.” Kevin relaxed in the passenger seat without a care in the world.


“So you are into cars, Sir Kevin?” Julian asked as he pulled out of the parking lot and into the main road.


“You could say that.” Kevin responded as he closed his eyes, envisioning his sweet ride.


“Alright sir, let’s get you to the nearest dealership.” Julian said and revved his engine.



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