The Crazy Adventures of Kevin


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Mike moved over to greet Gwen as he could feel a strange energy around her, something sweet, something enticing.


Mike thought of a plan to woo Gwen as the local charmer at his school; coming up with lines was easy, and creating the ideal environment, timing, and circumstance was something he could do with his powers.


The second he shook Gwen’s hand, a spark ran through both of them.


"Wow," they both said at the same time.


"That’s never happened before," Mike said, his eyes fixed on Gwen.


Slick bastard,’ Kevin thought with folded arms.


"Maybe it’s because we both have powers," Gwen surmised.


I didn’t have to say anything. I still got it,’ Mike smiled and took a quick glance at Ben and Kevin.


"That’s a theory," Mike added.


"That’s nice, we are all freaks. What about Trish? She looks like she needs rest," Kevin joined in, wondering if he could transfer his cultivated energy to a normal human.


He feared that he might still have some divine energy left that he hadn’t yet tapped into and wondered what would happen to the girl if he just shared it. He theorised that nothing bad should happen since he had already removed all impurities but remembered she might not even know how to cultivate energy and just add more life to her lifespan. Maybe he would test that out later.


"You’re right, Kevin. I should make sure Trina gets home okay. But after that, why don’t we meet up at my place and talk?" Mike suggested.


"Sure!" said the enthusiastic Ben.


"Sounds fair," Gwen added.


Kevin thought about experimenting and wondered which human he should start with first. Maybe open up a pharmaceutical company and get testers to sign an NDA and…


Mike picked up the girl and flew as his body began to glow again.


"Not recommended for stealth," Kevin commented, looking up at the boy who took to the skies. They all followed Kevin to his car and followed the moving light in the sky.


Soon after, Kevin parked at a mansion, and the team got out of his car to meet Mike at the door.


"Mom and her new husband live in the main house. They leave me alone to do what I want," Mike made small talk as he walked alongside the group and opened the door to his house.


"Cool!" Ben could only imagine how much time he would spend watching Sumo Slammers reruns and playing video games if he were left alone.


"After you," Mike gestured, clearly referring to Gwen, which made her raise an eyebrow but entered anyway.


Ben followed after, and Mike wasted no time slamming the door in Kevin’s face.


In that split second before the door could hit Kevin’s face, do you know what Kevin did?


He had options.


Option one: Let the door slam on his body, which would cost Mike to finance another door since the door would break on impact with Kevin’s dense crystal skeletal structure and expose his durability and strength to Mike.


Option two: Let the door pass through him since he could already dematerialise himself and walk in casually as if Mike had slammed the door after him, which would cause a little confusion in Mike, who thought he timed it. Maybe hack his camera systems so that when he checks, nothing strange should happen.


Option three: Kevin’s hair turns red, and the door bends over from the heat coming from Kevin’s body, but this time he will be liable to pay for the door. But does Kevin have to?


Option four: Be bigger than this. He can easily walk in before the door hits.


Option five: Return the door back to the sender with the fury of a thousand suns! Maybe that will teach him after he wakes up from having a concussion.


Kevin chose…


Option two.


I will deal with this one later,’ Kevin thought as he walked through the door and sent his nanites into the household to gain access to all networks present.


They all walked into a large room that had a few large computer screens, tables, and chairs.


"What’s all this stuff?" Ben asked, hoping Mike was a rich kid into Sumo Slammers like him.


"Some of my dad’s Plumber gear. I brought it over from his headquarters," Mike answered with Gwen next to him.


"I could take you there later if you want," Mike this time faced Gwen.


"Uh, no thanks," Gwen declined politely.


"Well, I’d like to see it," Ben said.


"Here… let me show you something," Mike said, grabbing Gwen’s hand.


"I can follow you just fine," Gwen said as she pulled her hand back.


A little stubborn but nothing I can’t bend,’ Mike thought and brought Gwen to a screen that was already on and displaying a world map, a pie chart, and other statistical interfaces.


"I am patched into the Central Plumbers’ monitoring network," Mike said as Kevin smiled while approaching Mike.


"It’s connected to everything… global and interplanetary internet, earthbound law enforcement frequencies," Mike explained.


"Oh, and of course, the badge communicator channel," Mike leaned backwards to face Kevin.


"Nice, I mean interesting," Kevin smiled as he knew he too now had access to the same networks Mike had.


He might be a rich model going by his looks and fashion choices. But another way to secure Gwen would be to reduce the social status of this Kevin in their group… soon she will find more value in me than this guy,’ Mike thought.


"You… did know the badges are communicators, right?" Mike turned towards Kevin to deliver another blow to Kevin’s confidence and status.


"And lousy ones at that! I could make better," Kevin answered with a smile.


Tch. Annoying,’ Mike thought.


"So you keep your eyes on things with this stuff and use your powers to help people. You’re like your neighbourhood’s very own superhero," Gwen surmised after taking in everything so far.


"I never thought of it that way, but I guess so," Mike replied humbly, gaining Gwen’s trust once more and increasing his value in Ben’s eyes with each passing minute.


"You know what I’m thinking," Ben said next to Kevin.


"Good. I thought I was the only sane one here," Kevin smiled and adjusted his shoulders.


"You should join our team!" Ben said, moving forward.





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