The Crazy Adventures of Kevin




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"And for some reason beyond my understanding, it seems that Gwen also has that mark on her arm after meeting Mike, right?" Kevin asked with a smirk as Ben looked at Mike, then at Gwen, who reluctantly showed the mark on her forearm.


"What are you doing, Kevin? Ever heard of a coincidence?" Mike came forward to defend himself.


"Sure, sure. But Gwen, did you feel dizzy at all tonight?" Kevin questioned, gliding towards Gwen.


He can fly?’ Mike thought as ideas raced through his head on how to turn this around in his favour in case things got heated.


Ben transformed back to his base state and shook his head as he approached Kevin.


"Are you jealous of Mike? Because he might be a better match for Gwen than you," Ben said, invading Kevin's personal space.


“Ben!” Gwen remarked.


This, I could use this!’ Mike thought as he enjoyed the way things were playing out now.


"Gwen, how do you keep up with this guy? I think something's wrong with Kevin," Mike started.


"Why did you kidnap Trina just to prove a point?" Mike asked as Ben considered slamming his Omnitrix to fight Kevin once more.


"Are you all that stupid? How will you take the side of someone you just met? Is this how your grandpa wanted you to build a team? By tearing it apart? I should never have been here in the first place. But I'll clean up the mess anyway," Kevin said, stretching a palm to Mike in the same fashion Khan did to him.


"There are no sides, Kevin. But if you take a shot at Mike, then you would have picked your side," Ben said as he readied himself to transform again.


"Wait, you guys, Kevin might be right and…" Gwen said as Mike rushed over to her side.


"Don’t worry, Gwen, I will protect you from this crazy guy," Mike said as he grabbed Gwen's arms.


Since I am already being exposed, there's no need to hide anymore. I will just kill Ben and escape with Gwen!’ Mike thought as he began to absorb energy from Gwen.


"What's happening, Mike?" Ben turned to find Mike glowing brightly.


"Don’t worry, Ben. Gwen is just sharing some of her power to help us take down Kevin," Mike said.


"Wait a minute…" Ben said as he observed Gwen's expression becoming paler with each passing second.


"Is it beginning to come around? Have you finally solved the puzzle I put together in front of you? If not, take your time, Ben, maybe give a few good minutes till your cousin is no more than ashes," Kevin said with a frown on his face.


"Oh really, wise guy? Aren't you dating Gwen? Shouldn’t you be stopping that?" Ben argued.


Kevin gave Ben a look that could kill, but Ben returned that look with his stubborn will. The same will that was enough to take on people more powerful than him more times than he could count, even though he had help from the Omnitrix, the same will that rarely appears but shows itself when needed.


"If I touch him, I will kill him," Kevin answered as Mike continued absorbing more energy and his skin was becoming golden little by little.


"I know, that’s my dear cousin," Ben answered as he slammed on his Omnitrix.


"JETRAY!" Ben yelled as he transformed into a red manta ray humanoid with green eyes, a tail, and patagia (a web of skin that functions as wings).


Mike was already golden and gently put down Gwen on the floor gently.


He intends to use her again. I wonder how I can turn him into an Osmosian and teach him my cultivation technique so that I can…’ Kevin thought as a golden beam of light passed through his intangible body.


Ben dodged the beams and fired energy blasts at Mike, who only welcomed the free energy to absorb and fired back at Ben with enough force to transform him back to his base state, unconscious.


"So it’s you that remains. The annoying pebble," Mike said as he floated from his position. He never left his position to defeat Ben and felt the need to do so for Kevin as he met Kevin in the air.


"What is it that you want? Money? Girls? I can arrange for a lot of beauties for you if you can get out of my hair," Mike said, extending his hand for a handshake.


Kevin looked at his hand and back at him with thoughts of a thousand ways to kill Mike and even make it look like an accident.


"You do know I mentioned cultivating energy earlier right?" Kevin answered.


"Yes, yes you did. And my, what a large amount you have! I can’t even believe it even though I am so close to you! I can only ever tell after attaining my current strength. This must mean that I can defeat you and take all that for myself!" Mike said, his eyes looking greedy.


"Forget Gwen! You are the cake! The whole bakery, in fact!" Mike said as he almost drooled.


Kevin could only frown as he saw his past self in Mike, an eleven-year-old who couldn’t control his energy properly before he met his late master.


"You need help," Kevin muttered to himself.


"What did you say? Anyway, I only need power! Why be a hero when you can have anything you want!" Mike said with spread arms as the girls that had stopped moving started moving again, but Kevin stared at Gwen as her body floated to his side gently.


"You are also psychic? Now I want you!" Mike said as he ordered his girls to launch themselves at Kevin, who stopped their movements with another glance from Kevin.


"How do you keep doing that?" Mike asked in annoyance after turning to see his girls struggling to move an inch.


"The first time was just a warning from me so they didn’t move voluntarily, but now I am restraining them with Ki telekinesis," Kevin said as he stretched his arm, Mike smiled and tried to grab his hand but found his body being forcefully pulled to Kevin, who caught him by his throat.


"Fool! You claim to cultivate energy but you don’t know I can absorb energy from contact?" Mike smiled in Kevin's grasp but wondered why he wasn’t getting any stronger.


"Do you need more time to understand what is happening now?" Kevin asked as his presence weighed on Mike.


"No way. There's… no way," Mike uttered between choking and coughing.


"I admit I was a bit mad at Gwen for allowing this to happen to her, but what I hated seeing more was you getting her energy. Your death will be slow," Kevin said as the world grew dark in Mike's eyes.



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Goku Wukong Themed


That's one of my drawings this week, I dub it, Goku, Wukong Themed.

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