The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 33:


I looked at Oh Chang-mun writhing on the ground like a bug.

Punishing him was a spontaneous decision.

Today was the day I reached Level 8 and step onto the official stage for the first time. It reminded me of when I became a government hunter.

My intentions were pure.

I wanted to be a son who didn’t cause worry for my parents, a proud older brother to my younger sister. I thought that catching the villains occasionally seen around and faithfully playing the role of a government hunter would lead to a satisfying life.

However, those around me constantly shook me. Especially these scoundrels, who turned even me, someone striving to become a peacemaker, into a villain.


Until now, Jung Ju-ho protected me, so my existence didn’t come to light. However, there were a few instances of excessive suppression that led to articles being published.

Basically, I didn’t really pay much attention to articles that came out because of my actions.

On the contrary, it was often Yoon-hee, who got angry while reading these articles. One because of the title, which was misleading, and the other when the reporter’s opinion was sneaky and made up facts that didn’t exist.

I didn’t care much about clickbait headlines, but I disliked the part about fabricating nonexistent facts.

Because of the media’s exaggeration, numerous misdeeds that I never committed were added. If the articles were accurate, I would have killed over ten thousand people.

But that’s absolutely not true. It might be in the thousands, but not over ten thousand.

Why should I be blamed for things I didn’t do?

I never heard of any journalists being punished for their misinformation. They weren’t held accountable at all.

So, I thought.

If they wouldn’t take responsibility, then I would make them accountable. I had the power to do that now. I also had non-arrest privilege accompanying me.


That being said, I didn’t plan to provoke everyone by scrutinizing every little detail.

Only those who greatly deviate would be dealt with.

Press freedom was important.

They just needed to assume responsibility for that freedom, that’s all.


As expected, nobody among the educated individuals raised any complaints about what I said. It seemed they also disliked the likes of Oh Chang-mun.

I called out the name of a reporter whose face I had never seen before, but whose name I was familiar with.

“Reporter Go Ye-jin.”

“Heek! Yes, yes!”

A journalist who, at a glance, looked like a middle school student due to her small stature slightly exceeding 150cm, responded with a hiccup.

“I’ve read your article well.”

“P-please spare me! I’ll take down the article! Please forgive me…”

“It’s alright. The title might be provocative, but the content isn’t wrong. I look forward to your active contributions in the future.”

“Yes, yes! Thank you, thank you so much for sparing me.”


I kicked Oh Chang-mun, who was still screaming, with my foot. Then foam formed around his mouth, and he lost consciousness.

It didn’t fit the aesthetic of the press room, so I took out a recovery potion and handed it to him.

As his grotesquely twisted arms and legs returned to normal, amazement filled everyone’s eyes. It’s the magic of restoration.

I return to my seat, holding up the bottle’s label in plain view.

“In case you were wondering, the recovery potion I used is from Sacred Pharmaceuticals. For inquiries, please contact Sacred Pharmaceuticals.”

I passed the baton to Sacred Group, in case the reporters wanted to ask me something about the potion.

“Well then, let’s continue the press conference.”


Watching the situation unfold, Cheon Myeong-guk realized that the situation was now out of his control.

He wondered if it’s right to say that he’s fallen into the abyss?

It felt like the same feeling when the sandcastle he had spent over eight hours building on the beach in his childhood was swept away by the waves.

Choi Jun-ho completely crushed a reporter. Even a villain wouldn’t have been destroyed so ruthlessly.

The problem was that Choi Jun-ho didn’t hesitate at all in using his hand.

Who would bear the repercussions of this incident? Choi Jun-ho caused the trouble, but it’s not him who would. It’s because of his non-arrest privilege.

The one to take responsibility would be himself.

He was the one who pushed for Choi Jun-ho to be granted non-arrest privilege. Every meeting process was recorded, and at the end, he even said he would take responsibility.

For a moment, the desire to resign surged. It felt like being completely played.

He couldn’t control his strength?

Folding people up like pieces of paper and casually telling lies like that, even a passing dog would laugh.

Only then could Cheon Myeong-guk identify the true nature of the ambiguous expression on Jung Ju-ho’s face, who had been by Choi Jun-ho’s side.

The icing on the cake came when he poured the recovery potion into Oh Chang-mun, and the limbs that had been broken returned to their original state.

A scam’s grand finale.

The cases of excessive suppression were decreasing. He made a fool out of them and used that expensive recovery potion. Who could come up with the crazy idea of pouring a 30 million won recovery potion on such villains?

During the 30 minutes of the press conference, the common sense surrounding him was completely shattered.

All that’s left was recovery, recovery, and more recovery.

But could this be recovered?

Cheon Myeong-guk looked at Choi Jun-ho, who was being questioned by reporters, and sighed.


He suddenly remembered that this whole thing was being broadcast live to brag about recruiting a Level 8 Transcendent.


The youngest Level 8 Transcendent, a hero who slew the Puppeteer. Praised by the United States, astonishing China, and feared by Japan, the appearance of this Transcendent caused a stir.

Choi Jun-ho’s first appearance garnered significant attention from the public.

As a result, the official press conference channel was packed with more people than usual.

A rising power that ranked within the top 10 in the world, despite being a small peninsula nation in the Far East.

This was a subtle source of pride for the citizens of South Korea.

But now, they also had the title of having the youngest Transcendent.

[But isn’t he too young? The average age to reach Level 8 is 42. Although the trend is getting younger, but…]

[Isn’t it an exaggeration to say he defeated the Puppeteer? Even if he’s a Transcendent, his combat power must still be lacking.]

[If you’re young, it’s natural that you would lack sufficient Force and operational know-how. Still, since the measurement test isn’t conducted in vain, shouldn’t we consider that he met the minimum requirements?]

[First of all, his age is a strength. Being young means there’s a higher potential for growth. And as the physique reaches its prime, the magnitude of the strength that can be exerted also increases.]

[Kudos to the government for this one. It was a big fish that needed to be caught at all costs.]

[The new director of the Awakening Security Office seems to be doing a good job, as they’ve managed this properly.]

[Now he’s coming out.]

A little while later, as Choi Jun-ho appeared, the speed at which the chat messages were scrolling increased by dozens of times.

[Wow! He’s incredibly handsome. Why is there an actor here?]

[Is his appearance for real? Was his appearance at Level 8?]

[That suit fit is killer. What’s up with his physique? His height isn’t that tall, but the proportions are just…]

[Brother! Marry meㅠㅠㅠㅠ You’re too good-lookingㅠㅠㅠ]

[Did they choose him based on his face? Is this for propaganda?]

Amidst the praises of his looks, there were also growing concerns expressed in the chat.

[But he doesn’t look very strong. Is he really Level 8?]

[So he’s going to catch villains and demons like that? If a villain shoots, he’ll probably hesitate and run away.]

[Don’t you think he’ll just sit there and die? LOL.]

[The monsters are roaring, and Choi Jun-ho’s knees are trembling!]

[But isn’t the atmosphere unbelievable? I can feel a powerful aura!]

[If there’s a deficiency in the assessment test, it’s probably the government’s epic blunder.]

[Hehe, just the existence of Choi Jun-ho will make villains tremble…!]

However, those concerns were washed away when Choi Jun-ho snapped Oh Chang-mun’s limbs while being questioned by reporters.

[…Did anyone just see Choi Jun-ho move?]

[I haven’t taken my eyes off the monitor, so when did he move? And how did he break his arms and legs?]

[This is insane. It’s 120 frames per second, and I still can’t catch his movements. Is this what Level 8 movement looks like?]

[Cancel all the worried talk. Wow! He just flicked a finger, and the person turned into a cripple. This is the power of a Level 8 Transcendent being, whoa…]

[Transcendent being, I didn’t say anything. Eep eep!]

[Always obey in front of Choi Jun-ho. If his mood isn’t good, your neck will probably be on the line. Hehehe…!]

With just one move, all concerns about his abilities were completely extinguished.

What took its place was a discussion about his judgment.

[But isn’t he arbitrarily wielding his own power?]

[Nah, search up Oh Chang-mun. He’s the guy who took money from villains a few years ago and wrote articles supporting their organization. He’s a cheap bastard. It won’t matter even if he dies.]

[Crazy, a guy like that gets into the National Assembly? What if he changes his mind? A guy with such extreme views is a Transcendent being? What will happen to our country?]

[Choi Jun-ho is really pouring in all his effort.]

[Can’t do anything even if we’re worried. Choi Jun-ho has a non-arrest privilege as part of his contract.]

[Even if he does that kind of thing right in front of us, we can’t punish him. Is this the bigger picture? But can’t they still arrest a Level 8 Transcendent?]

[Look at the articles pouring out right now. Everyone’s tone is polite, haha. Law is distant, but fists are close, is that it?]

[Since there’s no one who can shake the dust off, there probably won’t be many who can confront the Transcendent with non-arrest privilege head-on. He really used his head.]

[The government made the best decision. They won’t regret giving non-arrest privilege to Choi Jun-ho…!]

Even though the press conference ended in a chaotic atmosphere, the viewers’ chat continued endlessly.



While diligently grilling the meat on the grill, Oh Jong-yeop, who was cooking the meat on the hot plate, looked at me and asked with a curious tone, “You’re the one who got promoted, so why am I the one buying the meat?”

“Should I buy?”

“No, not that. Of course, I do have the intention to treat you, but when you suddenly mention a specific time, I just can’t understand…”

“Come to think of it, you should really tream me, but I forgot.”

“It’s okay to forget about that kind of thing.”

“I didn’t forget. Come to think of it, my position is higher now.”

I returned the words he had said when he first came to work, not forgetting about it. Oh Jong-yeop’s eyes shook intensely. He cautiously asked as he shifted his gaze to the grill, afraid that our eyes might meet.

“Um, well, should I be respectful then?”

“Just something I said. Although you should still be careful in public situations.”

“Right? Like that? Hah! I thought you were serious again.”

“What about Jong-su?”

“He’s recovered enough to be discharged. I wanted to surprise him when he got out of the hospital, but I got caught. I really don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t helped us. Thank you so much.”

What would have happened? He would have become a villain. Because of Oh Jong-yeop, Eraser appeared, and a crazy guy named Berserker was attached. He’s going to have to pay dearly for this.

“Does Jong-su have any plans for the future?”

“I told him money isn’t a big problem, but he still insists on working.”

“Is he fit enough to work?”

“He can, but his health isn’t good. Physical labor is still tough for him. That’s why I’m trying to persuade him to do it once his health improves.”

“How about having him come to work for the National Security Agency?”


“I can appoint a few government officials under my command. If Jong-su is okay with it, have him come to work. He can just handle simple document organization and errands.”

“Oh, would that be alright?”

“It’s fine.”

The reason for pulling in Oh Jong-su was due to the flood of messages I received from all directions as soon as I reached Level 8.

Among them, there were many people aiming for positions in the internal team that I could form under my authority. However, since hiring strict individuals would likely lead to my activities being leaked, I thought it would be better to fill those positions with people I knew. One of the candidates for that was Oh Jong-su.

Seeing him last time, he was smart and had a good sense of the atmosphere. He would effectively counter Oh Jong-yeop’s aggressive behavior.

“If given a chance, I’d be thankful. Jong-su will agree to do it too.”

“It’ll be easy to keep an eye on him since he’s also in the National Security Agency.”

“Thank you. Seriously, thank you.”

“Well then, maybe buy me some meat.”

“Sh-should I? Order as much as you want!”

I couldn’t betray my friend’s kindness.

I ordered the most expensive items from the menu, just as he wanted.

“Here, two servings of marbled beef and two servings of sirloin, and add some charcoal-grilled miso stew.”


Oh Jong-yeop’s face turned pitch black.


“Team leader! We have a big problem.”

“I’m watching.”

Lee Se-hee said to the employee who came in, her voice calm.

Her gaze was fixed on the TV.

The press conference held at the National Assembly had just ended, but the real-time chatroom was ablaze.

“Uh, what should we do?”

“This is an opportunity.”


A sudden outbreak of violence at the press conference. In the process, Sacred Pharmaceuticals’ recovery potion was blatantly exposed.

Despite the emergency situation, Lee Se-hee’s orders were different.

“I want you to increase the processing of the restorative ingredients and order more raw materials from our affiliates.”

“Ah, I understand.”

“Move quickly. The orders for the recovery potion will skyrocket soon.”

The employee who had come to report left with a lot of work on his plate.

Alone, Lee Se-hee leaned back in her chair and buried her body. She recalled the scene she had just witnessed and laughed bitterly. Even though he had reached Level 8, Choi Jun-ho was still Choi Jun-ho, and Sacred Pharmaceuticals had seized a great opportunity.

“He must know everything and is helping.”

She didn’t think he’d be so brazen as to name a journalist as a villain, but she also didn’t think he’d use a recovery potion there.

He even exposed the brand.

It was a top-class product placement.

Seeing the injured journalist’s broken arms and legs recover in real-time would have given a definite impression of its effectiveness.

This would trigger an advertising effect for the recovery potion and lead to a surge in orders.

Choi Jun-ho gained a huge buzz, and the profits went to the Sacred Group.

Knock knock!

“Come in.”

“Team leader, a customer is here to visit.”

“We don’t have any meetings scheduled for today.”

Unexpected encounters that weren’t arranged in advance were what Lee Se-hee disliked the most. But when she heard the identity of the guest, her expression changed completely.

“That guest is Mr. Choi Jun-ho.”

“Where is he right now?”

“He’s at the front desk.”

“10 minutes! Delay for 10 minutes.”

“Ah, understood.”

As the employee left, Lee Se-hee, who was left alone, began to touch up her makeup at the speed of light. The most important thing was to appear natural, as if not too excessive, yet not too casual. She utilized the awakening abilities to the fullest and fixed everything. She put on the necklace, earrings, and bracelet she had taken off, and then spent the remaining time adjusting her attire.

Exactly after 10 minutes, a knock sounded, and the door opened. It wasn’t just Choi Jun-ho; Choi Yoon-hee was with him. Choi Yoon-hee held Choi Jun-ho’s arm and dragged him in, apologizing.

“Sister, I’m sorry for coming suddenly. This troublemaker caused a big accident, so I came to apologize.”

“No, it’s okay. Mr. Jun-ho advertised the recovery potion.”

“I told you.”

“No, after thrashing a journalist like that and using our company’s resources, what are you so confident about?”

“He’s not a journalist; he’s a villain.”

“Come on, really? Are you planning to turn all journalists to enemies?”

Choi Yoon-hee spoke with excitement, but Lee Se-hee interjected and corrected her. There’s a high level of calculation in Choi Jun-ho’s actions; that’s what Lee Se-hee had thought all along.

“ I understand the concerns, but journalists won’t find it easy to antagonize Mr. Jun-ho.”


“Because Mr. Jun-ho isn’t an ordinary awakened individual, he’s a Transcendent.”

The authority that a Transcendent held was considerable. Yet there were journalists who attack without caring, thinking that the Transcendent’s power wouldn’t be directed at them. However, from the very first meeting, Choi Jun-ho shattered that expectation.

There weren’t many journalists who could stand in the face of his power.

Above all, Choi Jun-ho possessed non-arrest privilege.

“Especially since he didn’t attack an innocent journalist. He attacked tho one who was actually charged with wrongdoing. He separated the righteous journalists from the rest.”

“Reporter Go Ye-jin was the worst among them…”

“And one more thing, Mr. Jun-ho intentionally projected a strong image.”


“It’s true that there were many cases of excessive force during his time in the National Security Agency, and if he’d gone easy on the reporters, he’d have been bitten off more than once, starting with this one. But by dealing with a reporter from the beginning, he showed a radical side and gave the image that ‘if you cross the line, you can be like this too’. If a Transcendent wouldn’t bother attacking me, they would think that they could freely publish sensationalist articles. But if they believed the Transcendent can attack them, then they have to worry, don’t they?”

As a result, if they wanted to write an article about Choi Jun-ho, they had to go through filtering.

If this wasn’t a high-stakes maneuver, then what was?

Lee Se-hee, who thought she knew Choi Jun-ho better than anyone else, was convinced he had laid the groundwork.

He possessed a cunning mind as much as he had formidable power. Choi Yoon-hee was overlooking that aspect because they were family.

Choi Yoon-hee had a thoughtful expression.

“That’s one way to think about it.”

“By taking the first image aggressively, Mr. Jun-ho made sure his sphere of activity wouldn’t be limited in the future. Isn’t that right?”


“Also, one more thing. Mr. Jun-ho injured a lowlife reporter, but by showing that he could treat the injuries right there, he demonstrated that he could handle the situation on his own. This also serves as a message to those above him. If they try to interfere, he can become more aggressive than necessary, but if they don’t interfere, it means he can handle the situation on his own.”


Choi Jun-ho’s exclamation, still lingering in the air, sparked a glint in Choi Yoon-hee’s eyes.

“Brother, it seems like you’re just doing things without much thought, but it seems like Sister Se-hee is giving meaning to it.”

“No, Yoon-hee, you need to consider Mr. Jun-ho’s intentions. He sees much farther ahead and takes action. He creates situations and sets up favorable conditions. Isn’t that right?”

“…Yes, you’re right about everything.”

Pausing for about three seconds, Choi Jun-ho, who had been silent, smiled.

“Everything is going as I intended.”

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