The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 38:

The Nuri that would appear a month later was called No. 8 because it was the eighth demon to appear with a danger level of 8.

A demon with a danger level of 8.

A force capable of destroying an entire nation.

It could only be hunted by a Level 8 Transcendent who could deal with meaningful damage to it and had at least a hundred Level 6 hunters or higher to assist them.

…Honestly, I didn’t think there’s a need for this much power.

“It’s a standard for hunting with minimal damage, though.”

Of course, hunting was possible even without a Level 8.

The problem was that about 1/3 to half of the city would be destroyed.

I remembered that time.

Due to Nuri, hundreds of elite hunters died, and Seoul suffered significant damage.

I aimed to join a large guild during the post-war recovery period, but I was unsuccessful.

Despite the countless empty spots, there was no place for me in the guild.

That’s when things started to go wrong. Ultimately, it was because my abilities were lacking, but I blamed the world.

I remembered it clearly because it was the time in my life when I made the stupidest choices.

I traveled to the Blue House with Cheon Myeong-guk.


“When will I have the opportunity to meet the President?”

A meeting that could be arranged with a single sentence from Choi Jun-ho.

Cheon Myeong-guk thought the later the meeting between the President and Choi Jun-ho, the better.

The reason for his concern was simple.

Both of them had the potential to get along well.

One was the President of a nation, and the other was a Transcendent.

South Korea had a presidential system. The power of the president was immense, and the value of the youngest Transcendent, Choi Jun-ho, was unparalleled.

He was afraid of the destructive power they could unleash if they joined forces.

Cheon Myeong-guk was the first to speak up.

“The President has a very busy schedule, so the meeting may be arranged for a later time.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

However, avoiding Choi Jun-ho’s straightforwardness was impossible.

In the end, Cheon Myeong-guk had no choice but to report to the president as Choi Jun-ho requested.


The meeting was arranged the same day.


I was lucky.

I was able to meet with the president less than an hour after Cheon Myeong-guk posted his report.

The current president of South Korea was Jeon Han-cheol, a three-term National Assembly member from Seoul, who became president after serving as a minister and party leader.

He was nicknamed Buddha for his ever-smiling face. He had gained strong support through his stable and unpretentious governance.

In his mid-60s, the president had white hair and deepened wrinkles, as if to prove the stress he had endured.

People like him usually had a different aura.

“My name is Jeon Han-cheol.”

“I’m Choi Jun-ho. Please feel comfortable, Mr. President.”

“I’ll speak leisurely, then. I’ve always wanted to meet you. You look as impressive in person as on the screen.”

“People often say that the real thing is better, Mr. President.”


Well, first of all, I had a lot of pride in my appearance. It could give others a good impression.

Separate from that, my conversation with the president continued amicably.

Why was Cheon Myeong-guk looking at me with such nervous eyes? It’s starting to bother me.

Could it be that even the president thought of me as a half-baked individual? If that’s the case, the story might change. I should check my blacklist. No, I mean the list Cheon Myeong-guk would give me.

Anyway, I decided to just observe first.

And President Jeon Han-cheol.

I wonder how he perceived me.

Before I could ask, the president spoke up with a twinkle in his eye.

“Personally, I’ve been following your progress with great interest. I can’t tell you how thrilled I was to see your press conference.”

“Won’t people usually advise restraint?”

“I’m one of the people who hear that advice, too.”

The president burst into laughter.

“So, I wanted to meet Choi Jun-ho, but Director Cheon said you were too busy. So it took quite a while.”


Cheon Myeong-guk was indeed blocking the way.

After talking to him, I realized. The president, this person, would have caused controversy with his words if not covered by others. He was very direct.

“Thank you for your kind words.”

“Of course, I should view you positively. Didn’t you choose the country, rejecting persistent approaches from various places? As a member of the administration, I’m grateful. However.”

The President’s eyes crinkled slightly as he smiled benevolently.

“There must be pressure regarding your achievements.”

“Are you talking about being half-baked?”

“Not just that. Since Choi Jun-ho, the Transcendent, represents the nation, there can be various pressures from different directions.”

The President smiled knowingly again.

He praised with his words but clearly looked out for himself like a cunning fox.

Hmm, more like a raccoon than a fox.

“I don’t particularly feel pressure.”

“You truly are exceptional. I appreciate your cooperation.”

“I will have a chance to show my skills soon.”

If I acted on the chatter behind my back, it’s like I was admitting that I was susceptible to rumors.

“I admire that. I also look forward to Choi Jun-ho, the Transcendent’s performance.”

“You can look forward to it.”

The distance between the President and me was just right.

So far, there were only two categories of people I had interacted with.

Those who accepted everything while being obsequious, or those who rejoiced and groveled.

In that regard, the President spoke what he wanted to say with a relaxed attitude while maintaining an appropriate distance.

He wasn’t an Awakened, but he carried a lot of weight of influence.

It seemed that such a demeanor was essential to being a President.

“As months passed, foreign dignitaries will visit. Transcendents will also tend to visit on such occasions, and there could be a significant clash.”

“How should we handle it?”

“Oh! Can you handle it as you see fit? Even if you have to break their spirit?”

“They will get seriously injured.”

The president smiled at my words.

“That’s good. The person before you just talked about getting along nicely. We are also a strong awakening nation, and there’s no reason for us to always be cautious. No matter how nicely you package it, diplomacy ultimately comes down to power. When our thoughts differ and clash, the stronger side’s words carry weight. I trust only Choi Jun-ho, the Transcendent, and will act accordingly.”


“Mr. President.”

“I don’t know. I’ve decided to trust only the Transcendent’s words.”


It was quite amusing to observe the deepening wrinkles on Cheon Myeong-guk’s face. Initially, his expression seemed unfavorable, but it turned out it was because of the president.

It was refreshing to see someone who always told me to restrain myself suddenly being blocked like this.

Furthermore, as the conversation continued, the complexion of Cheon Myeong-guk, who was standing behind, turned pale.

One would think I was about to make a mess beyond repair.

As we continued talking, time had passed, and it was already 6 PM.

“Come on, let’s continue our conversation over dinner.”

Even as we moved, it was mostly the president who spoke.

He explained foreign awakened individuals and the state of affairs. In summary, countries around the world were suffering due to the League, and there was no place like South Korea, where the government and guilds maintained a balance and stable system.

“Balance and stability are very important. If the government’s power becomes too great, it turns into oppression, and if large guilds become too big, they begin to monopolize national power. No matter which way it leans, the outcome is not good.”

He mentioned that the time for the League to enter was approaching.

Extreme ideologies could easily taint the surroundings. He added that while the League’s vision might seem attractive at first glance, in the end, due to endless conflict, everyone would lead an unhappy life.

“This is all thanks to Mr. Choi Jun-ho, who preemptively responded. And…”

He glanced at Cheon Myeong-guk, who’s following behind, then subtly leaned toward me.

“I suspect that even the Berserker’s actions to annihilate the remaining League forces were orchestrated by Mr. Choi Jun-ho.”

As expected, when one became a president, their information network was impressive. Perhaps Cheon Myeong-guk reported something, or the other might just be probing.

Since there’s no need to hide anything, I readily went along with it. “I’ll provide a detailed report soon.”

“I’ve been to convenience stores during election campaigns and bought buy 1 get 1 items, but it’s my first time experiencing a ‘buy 1 get 1’ Transcendent.”

The president said with a wide smile.

But why of all people did he associate me and Berserker with the buy 1 get 1 thing? It felt strange. Berserker was the crazy one, and I was the sane one. I wanted to correct the president, but I decided to just let it pass quietly.

Dinner was a traditional Korean meal, both neat and subtly delicious, just to my liking.

Among the dishes, the soybean paste stew stood out. I wondered if the president ate this every day?

While finishing the first serving of food as if it were nothing and going for a second helping, I unexpectedly made eye contact with the President’s surprised gaze.

“What’s wrong?”

“I was pleasantly surprised because you seem to enjoy it so much. I thought Mr. Choi Jun-ho might prefer steak more.”

“My favorite is soybean paste stew.”

“Well, my wife made this.”

He bragged, and I was stunned. He’d been eating it all his married life, not just during his time at the Blue House?

“So, you’ve been eating this continuously since you got married?”

“Well, yes.”

“I envy you.”

“What? Haha! I never expected to hear that. Was it that impressive?”

“…I almost called her ‘Mother.’”


He was a President who had an extravagant life. I couldn’t help but envy him.

I wondered what it would taste like if the First Lady made an Aul Boar soybean paste stew for me.

“Oh, an Aul Boar. I’ll treat you to that next time.”

“It seems like you’re truly blessed, Mr. President.”

“I think our First Lady should hear this.”

The President called the First Lady over to exchange greetings.

As I praised the soybean paste stew, the First Lady’s eyes sparkled, and we engaged in a conversation about cooking.

She was quite knowledgeable about cooking, especially interested in using ingredients from demons to enhance the flavors. Wasn’t I some sort of survival cooking expert? The First Lady and I got along better than I expected.

She seemed satisfied that I looked much less intimidating than she had initially thought. She must have sensed my intention to change for the better, almost like a sixth sense. That’s experience for you.

However, Cheon Myeong-guk, who was sitting beside us, had a rude expression.

“Make sure to come next time. I’ll make you an Aul Boar soybean paste stew.”

“I’ll definitely come.”

As we were about to leave after the meal, she even expressed her desire to adopt me as her youngest son, so she asked me to treat her comfortably.

I couldn’t leave out Jung Da-hyun when talking about soybean paste stew. I should bring Jung Da-hyun next time.


It was an enlightening day.

Cheon Myeong-guk’s complexion looked tired as we left.

“What the President said today— I hope you’ll take it in moderation.”

“Of course, I intend to do just that.”

“Thank you.”

He looked at me pleadingly, but that was all.

“However, I could tell that the President and Director’s words were quite different.”

“Well, there’s some refining involved, and also considering each department’s perspective. I hope you take it positively.”

“I understand.”

He’s competent, so he would probably make good judgments.

However, after talking to the President, I could sense his emotional support for me, as long as I do my part as a Transcendent.

That meant I just had to capture the eighth demon, Nuri, and prove I wasn’t half-baked.

“Again, I hope to get that list.”


Taking Cheon Myeong-guk’s laughter as a sign of approval, I returned home.

Yoon-hee was still sprawled out on the couch.

“You’re back? It was a big event today.”

“Did you see the articles?”

“Yeah, Se-hee Unnie is getting more beautiful day by day.”

“You should clean up a bit instead of rolling around.”

“I’m a hunter, not a celebrity.”

She’s really good at using things to her advantage.

She casually pretended to answer, but she couldn’t stop glancing in my direction.

She must know something about the half-baked thing, too.

“Were you worried because of the demon hunting?”

Yoon-hee was so surprised that she jumped up from her seat.

“What is it? How did you find out, Oppa?”

“I heard it from Director Cheon.”

“No, how could you discuss something like that in person? Depending on the person, it’s such a sensitive topic!”

“I’m not sensitive.”


Yoon-hee, who seemed irritated, shouted. Cheon Myung-guk seemed to have spoken cautiously enough. Since Yoon-hee would get awkward if I said anything, I decided to just keep silent.

By the way, Yoon-hee was worrying about me like this. I felt a bit touched.

“You didn’t get hurt, did you?”

“Do you think I would get hurt by something like that?”

“That’s a relief.”

Relieved, Yoon-hee buried herself on the couch.

My little sister, who used to be like a child, had grown up, and now she was getting angry at people who cursed me. I felt good thinking that I had regressed and lived my life right.

“I should be the only one talking bad about Oppa, not others. Do you know how angry it makes me when others talked bad about you?”

Ah, was that it?


Today, as usual, the National Security Agency was going about its daily routine.

The fact that it was the same as usual meant that an incident had occurred without fail.

Suddenly, a meeting was held, and the hunters were all busy.

I watched that scene quietly and then went to the director’s office at the call of Jung Ju-ho after the meeting was over.

“The Executioner has moved.”

“Ah, a Level 7 villain.”

I remembered the villain who had been trying to join the League. He hadn’t been around much since, so I had forgotten about him.

I didn’t have any memorable memories of him from my past life.

Was he there when I destroyed the Korean branch of the League?

“Is there a problem?”

“That guy who used to move alone has started to move in a group. I don’t know what his intentions are.”

According to Jung Ju-ho, the Executioner was originally a villain who used to roam alone.

The Executioner was a savage who stood on par with the Berserker, committing murders as he pleased.

If the Berserker killed more villains and hunters than civilians, the Executioner was a guy who did as he pleased.

“He’s probably throwing a fit because he couldn’t join the League. Unfortunately, the area where he’s active is in the provinces, so it’s not easy for us to send in our full force.”

The Executioner mainly operated in Chungcheong-do and Jeolla-bukdo.

He was inciting unrest in collaboration with local villain organizations, and as it escalated, there were incidents where the government’s villain response teams were annihilated and disintegrated.

“He’s currently heading north, but according to internal information, his target is Cheonan. He’ll probably launch an attack tomorrow.”


Of all places, it had to be near Cheongju, where my parents lived. They hadn’t moved up here to Seoul yet.

Even if the National Security Agency made a move, they’d have to send a few core teams to take on a Level 7 villain themselves. That decision process couldn’t be quick.

In that case, I would have to deal with it.

Maybe Jung Ju-ho knew that my parents were in Cheongju and threw out bait just in case. He’s a cunning guy, after all.

“Even if we make a decision tomorrow and dispatch a team, there’s a high probability that the Executioner’s attack will happen first.”

“That’s right. So, we’re also considering sending some of our forces in advance.”

However, there were concerns about this approach, as it could lead to the dismantling of our forces piece by piece, showing a negative disposition.

There were two methods. One was to gather the surrounding forces in Cheonan, but this could lead to empty bases being robbed if the attack route was exposed.

The second method was to temporarily vacate the bases and concentrate forces for a recapture. However, this also meant giving up the defensive advantage, which could lead to greater losses.

I pondered for a moment and then thought of the nature-loving camper who had gone to Gongju.

“Let’s try to stop the Executioner from going north.”

“Are you going there yourself?”

“I plan to move tomorrow, and there’s someone else who will move instead of me.”

Instead of replying, I raised my smartphone and sent a text to Berserker.

Me – What are you doing?

Berserker – Yeah?

Berserker – You’re sending me a text. Is there something you want?

Berserker – I’m currently…

Berserker – [Attached Photos][Attached Photos][Attached Photos]

Berserker – I’m taking a mixed poison. It’s exhilarating. Hehe…!

Berserker – Soon, the Complete Immunity will be mine. When that time comes.

Berserker – I almost said something crazy for a moment. Cancel that.

Berserker – But what do you want me to do?

Berserker – Answer me.

Me – The Executioner is heading north. Try to prevent the Executioner from going there. I’ll go tomorrow.

Berserker – Okay, got it. I’ll contact you soon.

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