The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 52:

“Come up here.”

Choi Jun-ho’s simple words shook Yang Joo-hyuk’s mind mercilessly.

Was he really telling him to play the villain? The son of the guild master of the Hoyeol Guild? The rising star of the Academy, and the captain of the upcoming exchange battle?

Yang Joo-hyuk, the troublemaker of Class A and someone who couldn’t be easily touched by anyone in the Academy, felt his heart beat wildly.

He wanted to think it wasn’t true, but he felt his heart constricting.

What’s going on? Was this for real? Was he really supposed to play the role of a villain?

That guy was for real. He was really treating himself like a villain.

Yang Joo-hyuk’s mind was in turmoil.

What should he do? Should he move or hold on as long as he could?

But the other didn’t even give him time to think.

“If you don’t come out, I’ll make you.”

The moment he heard those words, he stood up involuntarily. If he didn’t stand up, it felt like he would die. This guy was truly insane.

In the academy, Yang Joo-hyuk had seen many adults. They were all ridiculous beings. He thought he could easily trample them with his background and skills. In fact, he had trampled on some of them.

Even if Choi Jun-ho was a state sanctioned Transcendent, he thought the other wouldn’t touch him. The higher-ups always knew how to compromise nicely. He thought it would be the same this time.

But that crazy guy wasn’t like that. The moment he resisted, Choi Jun-ho would trample on him.

As Yang Joo-hyuk moved closer to Choi Jun-ho, his heart beat faster and faster.

Meanwhile, Choi Jun-ho was explaining to the students.

“Villains attack indiscriminately. They target your weakest moments. When the tension eases after a hunt, when you’ve finished dismantling monsters and your burden feels heavy, when you’re looking for a good spot before the hunt, and so on—they identify the times they consider you vulnerable and strike. They may poison, apply debuffs with their Gifts, and sometimes even use the same villain as bait. Every year, the number of hunters who die at the hands of villains exceeds a hundred in South Korea alone. If you include the unclear cases, it’s likely even higher.”

Choi Jun-ho, who spoke in a calm voice, looked at Yang Joo-hyuk who had come closer.

Those were not the eyes of someone looking at a person. It was like looking at a pebble rolling on the road. Yang Joo-hyuk began to feel a burning anger.

But he didn’t know why he felt a prickle in his chest.

“From now on, I’ll tell you how to respond when a villain attack. Bring it on.”

“How… do you mean ‘attack’?”

“Any way you want. You’d better give it your all. I’m going to treat you like a villain.”

“What does it mean to treat someone as a villain?”

“It means I’ll kill you.”

Crazy, crazy, crazy! He’s insane!

As the chilling aura penetrated, Yang Joo-hyuk shouted.

“Why am I a villain…?”

Yang Joo-hyuk barely suppressed a surge of revulsion. His mouth was dry and the hairs on his body stood on end from the blatant killing intent he had never experienced before.

“If you’re not a villain, then I don’t know what is… an asshole who goes on a rampage based on his background when he has no skills.”


“You’re a villain.”

“Me, a genius from the Academy, a villain?”

Anger that surpassed fear enveloped his entire body.

He clenched his teeth and glared, but the person in question remained calm.

“You’re the one who said you wanted to see how to deal with a villain. I’ll teach you. Come at me.”

This was an open challenge. Yang Joo-hyuk’s legs trembled at the sight of Choi Jun-ho’s steely eyes.

This wasn’t like other people who were intimidated by his background. This guy might actually kill him if he crossed the line.

However, he felt strangely exhilarated. The feeling of being seen as a person, not just an Academy student or a talented prospect. It was something he’d longed for.

He had wished for this. To be seen as an individual. Even though he was treated as a villain, he would overcome it.

But contrary to his thoughts, his body trembled.

“W-what right do you have?!”

“Me? I’m an Academy professor right now. Professors deal with unruly students.”

He was going to defend himself. If that’s the case, he couldn’t be the one to get hit first. He opened his eyes ferociously and saw his chance.

Choi Jun-ho, who had spoken dryly, turned his head and spoke to the students.

“Situations like this can change at any moment. Occasionally, foolish villains leave traces of themselves behind, and in such cases, hunters may be the first to attack the villains…”

A chance!

Yang Joo-hyuk rushed at Choi Jun-ho the moment he saw an opening. After delivering a powerful blow, he planned to escape from the classroom.

In an instant, their distance closed, and his swinging fist reached Choi Jun-ho’s face.

Hehe, no matter how extraordinary you are, you can’t escape a surprise attack…


In his mind, he could see Choi Jun-ho being hit and tumbling, but his fist in the air was disappointingly caught.

“Some foolish villains rush in without knowing if it’s a gap or a trap.”



Yang Joo-hyuk screamed as pain shot through his arm.

He struggled desperately, but like glue, he couldn’t break free of Choi Jun-ho’s grip.

“The best option is the legs. If the mobility is lost, villains won’t be able to chase your movements. It’s best to start by breaking or cutting their legs.”



His legs snapped like dry twigs, and excruciating pain surged. Yang Joo-hyuk, kneeling on the ground, screamed in agony. But no one responded to his scream. Gradually, a profound sense of fear had settled in the classroom.

It hurt so much, was this what it felt like when someone strong abused their power? Had the people who had been on the receiving end of his actions felt like this?

Even as Yang Joo-hyuk screamed, he was awestruck by the overwhelming power possessed by Choi Jun-ho. Yes, that’s it; a person with power could get away with this. Choi Jun-ho could act so confidently and stylishly because he was a Level 8 Transcendent. This happened to him because he was weak.

He wanted to be like that. He wanted to make the world kneel before him and rule it. That was the true right of the strong.

“If it’s hard to aim for the legs, the arms are also a good choice. Villains lose a lot of combat power when they can’t hold their weapons.”

After saying that, Choi Jun-ho swung his arm, and Yang Joo-hyuk felt a sensation of levitation and a shock in his back, making it hard to breathe.


“Villains are fundamentally weaker than you guys. The most important thing is not to panic and to demonstrate your skills during a raid.”

Even after completely destroying a person, there was no change in the other’s expression. He was insane. A crazy bastard. Yang Joo-hyuk understood why someone advised not to intervene with Choi Jun-ho.

But he secretly wanted to be like that. To be a strong man, to run wild in the world, that’s what he’d always dreamed of.

“P-Professor! Joo-hyuk seems to be seriously injured…”

“Injuries like this are common during hunts. It’ll heal with some potion. But since he looks pitiful…”

Choi Jun-ho took out a medicine bottle from his pocket and tossed it to him.



Yang Joo-hyuk flipped his eyes in agony, feeling tremendous pain in his groin.

This was quite severe! What a…jerk…

Yang Joo-hyuk lost consciousness amidst unimaginable pain.


I ignored the unconscious Yang Joo-hyuk and shifted my gaze to the students.

Unlike when I first arrived, they seemed frozen. It’s a good atmosphere.

The sense of danger that they might be next.

That was the mindset that the weak should have. The dangers of the world never avoid a person. To wisely avoid dangers that could come at any moment, one must be thoroughly vigilant.

If they didn’t know that, they would end up like Yang Joo-hyuk, not knowing their own situation.

But when the guy fainted, the corners of his mouth curled up.

Could he be a pervert who enjoyed pain?

He’s insane. I shouldn’t indulge him.

Anyway, I prepared various scenarios involving villains, but Yang Joo-hyuk fainted. He should have endured a bit longer, but he’s fragile. Still, it’s okay. Yang Joo-hyuk might have passed out, but there were other troublemakers left.

“Number 1 fainted, so we’ll need the next one. Ma Hwang-gi, you’re Number 2. Come up here.”

“P-Professor, I…”

“Not coming?”

“I’ll go!”

As I took a step forward, a guy rushed out in a panic. Ma Hwang-gi, a guy I didn’t even remember, but he used to cling to Yang Joo-hyuk at the Academy to get his way.

“Next is Yoon Mi-sun.”

“P-Professor! I’m wrong!”

Next was Yoon Mi-sun, a villain I remembered.

I diligently explained how to deal with the villains when facing the five troublemakers.

There were no injuries. Some places got fractured, but I patched them up with recovery potions. Thanks to Go Myung-hak’s persistent requests, I attacked much more gently than usual.

“…This is also a useful method for those you’ll be dealing with in the exchange. Remember it well.”

I wanted to handle those troublemakers a bit more firmly. With regret, I finished the three-hour lecture.

“Hey, hey, kids! Are you okay?”

Until then, Lee Hye-ri, who couldn’t hide her anxiety, approached the messed-up troublemakers.

I headed for the headmaster’s office without looking back.

Headmaster Go Myung-hak, who had already heard the news, greeted me with a gentle smile.

“You’ve worked hard.”

“What are you saying? It was just a simple warm-up exercise.”

“I’m relieved that you finished it at an appropriate level. I trusted Transcendent Choi Jun-ho.”

“I thought the Headmaster would think I was too harsh.”

“Even though their arms and legs are broken, what can we do? It’s their own doing. Besides, they will get even worse injuries once they started to hunt. Personally, it felt satisfying. It was great.”

Was this the line Go Myung-hak drew?

“This is surprising.”

“Haha, I’m a human too. It was annoying dealing with the troublemakers who cleverly straddle the line to avoid legal punishment. Most of all, I was more concerned about Transcendent Choi Jun-ho.”

“About me?”

Why was Go Myung-hak saying this about me?

“When I first met Transcendent Choi Jun-ho, I felt somewhat uneasy, but now it feels like you’re operating within a boundary.”

“What’s the difference? Could you please explain in detail?”

“When I first saw Transcendent Choi Jun-ho, I thought that if you did the special lecture that will take place today, you would really kill those troublemakers.”

I actually thought of getting rid of them quietly.

“But now I think I understand you quite a bit. It’s like watching someone who had no socialization at all, gradually entering the societal framework, exercising their influence without crossing a certain boundary.”

Was this a praise or an insult?

Did I make that choice because I really didn’t want to kill the troublemakers?

Honestly, I was not sure. According to the words of Go Myung-hak, it seemed that something inside me was changing, but I hadn’t really noticed anything.

“I’m not so sure about that.”

“You can think of it as an old man’s ramblings. What’s clear is that the current change is good.”

“I see.”

“In fact, I’m tempted to invite you again. I think it would certainly bring the troublemakers to their senses.”

“If you invite me again, I will make time.”

“I’ll be thankful. I’ll make sure to tell the troublemakers.”

I didn’t know the context, but one thing was clear.

It was okay to beat up the troublemakers like I did today.

It would be a good stress reliever once in a while.


When the young master returned completely beaten, the Hoyeol Guild was in turmoil.

Hoyeol Guild Master Yang Gil-soo was jumping around and shouting.

“Choi Jun-ho! Find a way to kill that bastard!”


But the guild members could only make awkward expressions and couldn’t act.

That sight fueled Yang Gil-soo’s anger.

“What are you doing? Hurry up and find a way to kill Choi Jun-ho, that bastard!”

“Guild Master, Choi Jun-ho is a state sanctioned Transcendent. Although the method is not clear, he has the ability to hunt Nuri alone…”

“So, you want me to stand idly by while my son gets beaten up?”

“Other than that, Choi Jun-ho is not only the benefactor of the Avant-Garde Guild but also the President’s most valued confidant.”


Upon hearing this, Yang Gil-soo regained his composure and remained silent. However, his suppressed anger seemed ready to explode at any moment.

At that moment, Yang Joo-hyuk, with a broken arm, entered the office.


“Yes, my son. Are you okay? Don’t worry. I won’t hesitate to eliminate Choi Jun-ho by any means necessary.”

“I’m fine.”

“What? Your arm is broken! And you say you’re fine?”

“It’s because I’m weak. I’ll consider it as an opportunity to become stronger.”

“…Joo-hyuk, I didn’t expect you to say such things.”

Yang Gil-soo was both moved by his son’s sensible appearance and infuriated at how he could say such things. He wondered how much of a shock his son had experienced to suddenly change like this.

“Don’t seek revenge.”

“No, if someone wronged us, we should repay it.”

“Even if it could cost us our lives?”


“That Choi Jun-ho is insane. If he said he would kill someone, he will really do it.”

Yang Joo-hyuk recalled the moment he faced Choi Jun-ho. Just thinking about it sent shivers down his spine. The guy seemed like he would actually kill if provoked. The fear, the chills – it was all a first for him.

“So, give up. I’ll get stronger and seek revenge.”



“Why are you smiling while talking about Choi Jun-ho?”

Yang Joo-hyuk groped for his face and found the corners of his mouth curling up.



Returning to the Blue House after finishing the special lecture, the first thing I saw was Cheon Myeong-guk, sighing with relief that I hadn’t killed those troublemakers.

Did he really think I would kill those troublemakers? Then I recalled Go Myung-hak’s words. Could it mean that keeping the boundary involved behaving in a way that didn’t escalate the situation to the worst-case scenario the other party envisioned? I was still not entirely certain, but I thought it might encompass some of that meaning.

I walked deep into the Blue House to meet the president, who was looking for me.

“I heard you managed to shake off the charity organizations. Usually, you should establish a good relationship with such places from the beginning.”

“I’m feeling a bit disappointed. Fortunately, there are people around me who gave good advice, so I want to start small first.”

“Usually, everyone starts like that. It’s a good choice.”

The president who said this took a sip of tea and raised his eyes.

Wasn’t this out of character for him?

Cheon Myeong-guk’s stern expression was something I considered ordinary. However, even the usually cheerful president seemed to be cautious, making me realize that this matter was more serious than I had initially thought.

“Do you have something else to say?”

“Well, yes.”

“You can speak comfortably.”

“It’s not that kind of matter.”

After hesitating for a moment, the president spoke as if he had made up his mind.

“Can you keep what I’m about to say a secret from your family and those around you?”

“Very well.”

“Then believe me when I say this. Starting with the United States, several countries will visit one by one. Nuri’s hunting process was quite impressive in foreign eyes. Also, there’s a significant interest in Transcendent Choi Jun-ho.”


I silently nodded my head. I didn’t have much thought about receiving attention.

“Some countries might want to test Choi Jun-ho’s abilities.”

“I don’t intend to accommodate them.”

“But if you have to?”

“If they’re willing to risk their lives, then sure.”

It’s difficult to save, but it’s easy to kill.

I had never spared someone who desperately wanted to die.

If they wanted to live, they would have to plead for it themselves.

“Considering the nature of your Gift, it might be good to mention the danger. Nevertheless, there will be those who will still try to step forward. We are keeping an eye on a Transcendent in China.”

China’s Transcendent? Something was starting to click in my memory.

Just as I felt my brain tickle, the president spoke with a stern expression.

“It would be great if you could take care of that Chinese Transcendent.”

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