The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 56:

The Chinese delegation, led by Zhang Zedong, followed a similar schedule to the U.S. delegation.

After an awkward and tense dinner, the meeting between the President and the Chinese Prime Minister commenced.

In the meantime, I was summoned by Cheon Myeong-guk to receive some puzzling praise.

“You did well not to finish things at the airport.”


It was the day I got praised for not killing someone on the spot. But I didn’t actually spare the guy; he just dodged.

If he had struck again, it would have been over.

Still, Cheon Myeong-guk seemed to be pleased by it, so I would just pretend.

“He was going to die anyway, so I just extended his life for a while.”

“I didn’t know those words would sound reassuring.”

“Because he’s going to die.”

“What was your first impression of him?”

“Easy to kill? He looks like he deserves to die.”

“That’s right. He’s very arrogant, and a Chinese nationalist. He’s also been making demeaning remarks about South Korea.”

“It feels unpleasant.”

I could curse my own country; but it felt bad when foreigners did it.

One more reason to kill him. Even if there was no reason, I would have killed him, anyway.

Cheon Myeong-guk got to the point.

“But is it certain that Zhang Zedong used spatial teleportation-type Gift?”

“Spatial teleportation is correct.”

Cheon Myeong-guk’s expression became serious.

“…Teleportation-type Gifts are exceptionally tricky to deal with, especially the lethal ones. It might be difficult to eliminate him directly if you’re not careful. Perhaps it’s better to focus on causing injuries instead. What do you think?”



“You must remember this. Killing people is much easier for me than saving them.”


“Even if the Gift is of the teleportation type, it doesn’t matter. If Zhang Zedong challenges me without knowing what he’s getting into, he’ll die.”

Cheon Myeong-guk remained silent.

“I understand. I didn’t mean to underestimate Transcendent Choi Jun-ho in any way.”

“I know.”

After the meeting between the President and the Chinese Prime Minister, there was a briefing on the Nuri Hunt process.

And I got more reasons to kill Zhang Zedong.


The explanation of the Nuri hunting process was the same as in the United States. However, when Zhang Zedong raised his hand in the middle of it, the atmosphere began to freeze rapidly.

“What I want to know is not this routine hunting process.”


“Tell me the contents hidden in this process, the details. What secrets, what Gifts were at play?”

Zhang Zedong’s gaze turned towards me. There was a glint in his eyes, a desire to twist my neck right here and now.

“If you don’t want to believe it, you can leave.”

“What did you say to me now?”

“When someone shows you kindness, you should lower your head and be grateful. Where did you learn such bad manners? Did your mother teach you that?”

“…Seems like you want to die.”

“Come at me if you dare. Don’t hold back or rely on your Gift to get away.”

“You son of a bitch…”

The atmosphere cooled rapidly. Zhang Zedong glared at me with a hardened expression, simmering with resentment.

Anyway, I didn’t really care whether the Prime Minister was watching, unlike the other.

I could break his neck right now without worrying about the President’s reaction.

That’s the difference between him and me.

I calmly waited for him to make a move.

What stopped Zhang Zedong, who was about to jump up, was the Chinese Prime Minister. He tapped the table with his finger, and Zhang Zedong leaned toward him. The guy who overheard the whisper reluctantly took his seat, suppressing his anger.

A coward.

I didn’t know why the President was envious of that sight.

“Continue with the briefing.”

The briefing about Nuri resumed. However, Zhang Zedong’s expression was not good throughout the briefing, and it eventually ended in an awkward atmosphere.

What a waste. I was ready to kill if he had confronted me.

Zhang Zedong, who had been glaring at me to the end, left with a cold face, and Cheon Myeong-guk approached me with a hesitant expression.

“Are you doing this on purpose?”

“He’s going to die anyway, so why bother being polite? I plan to make him so angry that there will be 100% chance of him challenging me to a duel.”


“Nevertheless, seeing him endure, I suppose he intends to create an opportunity during the exchange battle.”

“That’s what we’re assuming, too. I’m saying this out of concern, but you should be careful.”

“Of course. And what about the favor I asked for?”

At my words, Cheon Myeong-guk let out a deep sigh he had been holding in.

“…They said he safely entered Seoul.”

“That’s good.”

“No matter what, this is still making me anxious.”

“It’s okay. Despite being crazy on the inside, he seems fine on the outside.”

“I’m anxious because of what’s on the inside.”

“As long as I handle him well, there’s no need to worry.”

What I asked Cheon Myeong-guk was to bring Berserker to Seoul.


The reason I called that Berserker guy was because the President once mentioned wanting to see him in person.

Although I was trying to dissuade him from wanting to see that crazy guy, the President was quite stubborn about it. So, I called him to Seoul while taking the opportunity to eliminate Zhang Zedong and making him a temporary bodyguard.

When I saw him, he was wearing a safari hat, sunglasses, and a mask, taking in the fresh air.

“The air in Seoul is nice.”

“How long since you’ve been here?”

“Well, since I became a villain and couldn’t set foot here, it’s been 15 years.”

“You’ve lived quite a long time as a villain.”

“I have no regrets. Being a villain was exhilarating. Nowadays, it’s even more thrilling.”

“Let’s talk.”

There’s no one else who would enjoy being a villain like him. I was getting annoyed to death. In response to my reaction, the Berserker changed the subject.

“So, is it true that the President wants to see me?”

“Yeah, he wanted to express his gratitude for helping out a few times.”

“He’s quite the unusual politician.”

“Aren’t you the same?”



I didn’t like the way the guy was staring at me. Then he adjusted his sunglasses. Was he doing that to avoid revealing his hostile gaze?

He seemed to be trying to avoid an argument. Anyway, he’s a quick-witted guy.

“Receiving greetings from none other than the President himself, there’s no reason not to accept it. Thanks to Head Breaker, I’m having quite a unique experience.”

“Speak as we go. There are things to discuss.”

As we walked to the Blue House, I explained to Berserker what he needed to do next.


When Berserker arrived at the Blue House, he exchanged greetings with Cheon Myeong-guk, and had a meal with the President.

The whole process was carried out in strict secrecy. The public perception of Berserker was still that of an extremely villainous figure. Until that changed, Berserker’s existence would not be publicly disclosed.

“The world has become a better place. I even received thanks from the President.”

“Is that so?”

“It is. It’s better than being chased around like before.”

“Then why don’t you just move into the city?”

“I don’t want to.”


“I like being free. If I become a citizen, there will be various restrictions imposed on me. If I resist, conflicts will arise again.”

“I see.”

It’s a time where one couldn’t have everything. In reality, I wanted to act as freely as Berserker, but I was living with great restraint instead.

Seeing Berserker living like this, it seemed ideal.

I was very envious of him for being able to live like that.

“Can the Chinese Transcendent be killed?”

“While his teleportation ability is annoying, it’s not that difficult.”

“If someone else said that, I’d call them crazy. But since you’re the one saying it, I find it easy to believe. It should be fun.”

“Stay close to the President, as others might jump in.”

“It’s worth the price of the admission fee.”

“Then why don’t you give us a good show for free?”

The Berserker would guard the President from a reasonable distance, ready for any eventuality. In case the guys Zhang Zedong brought with him went on a rampage.

It’s a contingency plan.

In fact, it would be great if they went wild. I could just kill everyone on the spot.

“Have you unlocked Complete Immunity?”

“…Not yet.”

“Really? You’re not lying after unlocking it, right?”


I stared intently, but there was no change in Berserker’s expression.

It seemed like it’s true. Too bad.

“Is the Complete Immunity difficult to unlock because it has a high level?”

“It might be.”

“It seems like there are some conditions required.”

Even if I attempted to copy Complete Immunity, he had to activate it first for it to work. It seemed opening it wasn’t easy. I racked my brains trying to figure out how to unlock it, but no clear method came to mind.

It would be great if I could find a way to forcibly unlock it.

Should I experiment a bit?

“…Don’t look at me with those eyes. It shows that you’re imagining strange things.”

“What? I’m not thinking anything strange.”

Even though I said that, Berserker’s guard didn’t go down.

I was just thinking about how I could copy it. Would it be okay to open his chest a little? But with him being this wary, it’s better to talk about it next time. Even if I said it now, he would just run away.

In the meantime, we arrive at the hotel where he’s staying, a five-star hotel.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been to a hotel.”

“Didn’t you say camping is good?”

“Even if I say that, it can’t compare to the softness of a hotel bed.”

“Is that so?”

“From now on, never compare camping and hotels.”

The guy who said that walked into the hotel.

And the day of the exchange battle arrived.


Cheon Myeong-guk wanted to invite as many hunters as possible as a contingency plan during my confrontation with Zhang Zedong to prevent the Chinese delegation from causing a commotion.

During this process, a negotiation took place, and they reached a compromise on the appropriate number.

So, the ones selected were Jung Da-hyun and her team from the villain task force.

I had some influence on this decision.

I arrived first with Berserker and noticed Jung Da-hyun approaching. She was wearing a simple white, loose-fit shirt and black dress pants.

After sending a nod of acknowledgment to me, Jung Da-hyun greeted Berserker.

“Hello, Berserker-nim.”

“How did you recognize me?”

“I felt your momentum. I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“You sensed my momentum? Hoho.”

Like Berserker, I nodded my head with a glint in my eyes. Her senses were expanding gradually because of rich practical experience. This was a signal that she was approaching Level 7.

“We’ll set a date to spar soon. With a bit more training, you might reach Level 7.”

“I’d appreciate that.”

“Just think of it as a new hobby for me. When people start showing interest, it motivates me to give it a try.”

The Berserker moved to a place with a suitable distance from the President.

Jung Da-hyun looked around and then fixed her gaze on the Chinese delegation.

“Today’s exchange. There’s a sense of ferocity in the air.”

“From their point of view, they must win.”

The determination of the Chinese prospective Awakened who came for the exchange battle was different from the American side. They showed a readiness to go to great lengths.

“What do you think, Oppa?”

“The other side is quite strong, but not at the level of the United States.”

“But still, they seem…”

“It’s half-and-half for me.”

“It seems you have high expectations of the students from our side.”

“Because I taught them.”

And through the exchange battle with the United States, they would have grown even further.

Experiencing victory against opponents stronger than oneself was a precious experience that couldn’t be bought with money. Additionally, the feeling of success served as vital sustenance during a time of substantial personal growth.

“And there’s going to be some fun entertainment today.”

“An entertainment?”

“If you feel the atmosphere is strange, head towards Berserker. He may be crazy, but his skills are undeniable.”


Perhaps she thought I wouldn’t respond further because Jung Da-hyun didn’t ask any more questions.

As the tense atmosphere settled in for the exchange battle, Zhang Zedong, who arrived late, looked around before approaching this way.

Zhang Zedong’s gaze was fixed on Jung Da-hyun.

“Oh, aren’t you pretty?”


“Don’t you plan to come to China? You seem to be a decent Awakened. I can take care of you.”


“Is it because there’s this rookie beside you? He’ll be dead in a bit, so we’ll talk about it then.”

Zhang Zedong rambled on his own and then moved away.

It was clear that he had said more than a few strange things.

But when I looked at Jung Da-hyun, her expression seemed unaffected.

“Aren’t you upset?”

“Judging from the evil look in his eyes, I think he was complimenting me.”

“Don’t you know Chinese?”

“No, I don’t.”

Then he’s just making a fuss on his own. Maybe that was a premonition.

After completing a few straightforward steps, the main exchange battle began in earnest.

The Chinese had the upper hand in terms of overall strength, but it was a close battle.

Whether Korean or Chinese, all the students gave their best in the competition.

In the first and second matches, unfortunately, we lost, and in the third, China suffered its first defeat.

The atmosphere froze rapidly when the Chinese student stood in front of Zhang Zedong.


With a sharp sound, the Chinese student who had been slapped fell. Despite the tremendous pain that was sure to accompany it, he got up immediately and assumed a motionless posture.

“You trash! Your skills are better, but you can’t win?”


The student silently endured the torrent of curses pouring from Zhang Zedong. Meanwhile, the fourth match began, and the Chinese student clenched his teeth and faced it. Nevertheless, the loser appeared, and each time, he received a slap from Zhang Zedong and listened to his nagging.

I clicked my tongue as I watched the scene.

Whether it was inflicting pain or trying to discipline, it seemed to be neither.

If he’s trying to punish them, at least whip both their legs, and if he’s trying to discipline them, he should have engraved on their body the reason why they lost. Anyway, I didn’t see any point in it.

“No matter what, acting like that in front of everyone is a bit…”

Jung Da-hyun had changed a lot, too.

If it was before, she would feel sorry first for the students being punished.

It’s a good change. Pity wouldn’t make one’s skill improve.

The exchange was coming to a close. Yang Joo-hyuk, who was supposed to be preparing for a match, approached me.

“As expected of the Professor, there’s an incredible beauty next to you.”

He admired me and Jung Da-hyun alternately. This guy had excellent flattery skills.

“Why are you here?”

“I heard the guy I’m going to face is an ace.”


“If I win, can’t you grant me one wish?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, just go.”

Should I just give him a few beatings?

“Don’t do that. The guy I’m supposed to compete against is the son of a senior executive. His skills are on a completely different level. To beat a guy like that, I need motivation too, don’t I?”

“I don’t care if you lose.”

I didn’t even care if you died. Did he really think I would care? He’s not even my disciple.

This guy seemed pretty crazy, too.

Watching from the side, Jung Da-hyun quietly intervened.

“Transcendent Choi Jun-ho. How about listening to what he wants?”

If she knew what Yang Joo-hyuk had done at the Academy, Jung Da-hyun would probably take the initiative to beat him up.

“If you talk nonsense, it won’t be a match against the executive’s son, but against me.”

“Huh? Wasn’t that what I wanted?”


“If I win, can you have another match with me?”

“With you?”

“But this time, use only one hand.”

Had this guy gone crazy? After beating him up like that, he wanted to have a match with me? Did something go wrong with his head?

I couldn’t refuse a request for a match.

As a sign of acceptance, I told him about his opponent.

“Your opponent, he’s physically strong compared to his skill. He probably bullied weaker guys and got used to winning. Defeat him early on.”

“Got it!”

He walked away with a smirk on his face. His tastes had really changed.

“There’s a student who works hard like that. It’s nice to see.”

Jung Da-hyun seemed to like that.


Zhang Zedong sighed inwardly.

The son of the senior executive lost. Even if all the students here lost, he should have won. Since he lost in the match, he must be punished. But Zhang Zedong couldn’t touch the senior executive’s son.

He could feel the students’ suspicious glances. He was annoyed at how they might be thinking of him. He wondered why he’d lost after being so cocky.

Feeling his pride crumble, Zhang Zedong locked eyes with the Prime Minister. Seeing him nod slightly, Zhang Zedong took a step forward. He needed a place to vent his anger.

“Since it would be a shame to end the exchange like this, why don’t we have a duel between two Transcendent?”

Surprise flashed across the faces of those who had been dumbfounded by his sudden coming forward.

The atmosphere, which had been loosening up, became tense once again.

Zhang Zedong looked at Choi Jun-ho.

“You can run if you’re scared.”

But Zhang Zedong knew as well. The other would never run away.

A guy who didn’t even know his own limits.

Using a Gift at their first meeting was purely a mistake. This time, he would definitely kill him.

He glanced at the woman standing next to the other, not looking at the annoying guy’s face. She was a beautiful woman. It would be perfect to kill the guy and take her as a prize. She wouldn’t resist his strength.

Zhang Zedong patiently waited for the other’s decision.

After a brief commotion, the President was seen listening to the surrounding people with a serious expression before nodding.

The duel had been confirmed.

After a while, Choi Jun-ho could be seen walking towards the arena.

“Is this how you commit suicide these days?”

“You’re going to die today.”

“I don’t speak Chinese, but I kind of feel what you’re trying to say. I don’t know why the last words of people about to die are always the same. Whatever.”

Choi Jun-ho’s laughter was filled with life.

“Just die.”

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