The Creation of the Eternal Sword at the Start, Which Shocked Erina Eyes

Chapter 45

45 Your Budget, I Can’T Afford It

Seeing that Chen Fei is not angry about this,

Alice is really relieved now.

“Alice, do you have any other questions? I’ll go to bed if there is nothing else…”

Seeing the message sent by Chen Fei, Alice hurriedly typed:

“Chen Fei, don’t sleep yet!”

“I have one more thing I want to ask you!”

“Before, didn’t you and Erina have a conflict?”

“Why are you two arguing?”

“I feel like you don’t like her at all. Did she do something excessive?”

Seeing Alice’s question, Chen Fei thought about it, and then answered:

“Actually, I didn’t do anything too bad.”

“It’s just that I don’t like her kind of eyes that see everyone as superior.”

“Just like a child who hasn’t grown up,”

“But it’s not a big problem. It doesn’t matter what she is like.”


Alice saw this and typed quickly:

“I heard people say that you want Erina to sincerely apologize to you, and to be a maid by your side for three months before you are willing to sell her the knife,”

“Is this true?”

Chen Fei didn’t expect that Alice had even heard about this kind of thing,

However, there is really nothing to hide.

So soon, Chen Fei replied:

“I said that to her.”

“However, with her character, it’s not possible for her to sincerely apologize.”

“When she suffers a lot, maybe she can understand this truth.”

“Actually, there is no deep hatred between me and her, but even passers-by who have nothing to do with it should have at least equal respect…”

“Okay, I’m really sleepy. If I have anything to say, wait until I get up tomorrow!”

“I’m going to bed, An An!”

After sending Alice the last sentence, Chen Fei just closed the phone and went to rest.

Alice actually wants to chat with Chen Fei for a while,

But… Seeing that Chen Fei seemed really tired, she didn’t continue to talk any more.


“Yuanguo, is this the store you want to recommend to me?”

“It doesn’t look like much!”

“What is the quality of the knives they sell here?”


“Tell you, if the quality of the custom-made kitchen knives here is average, then I may not be able to help you with this.”

In the early morning, two girls came to the knifesmith street.

One was wearing a white dress and stepping on silver stiletto high-heeled sandals,

Just by looking at her delicate face and slender figure, you can tell who she is.

Impressively, it is the fruit of the wood long Zhiyuan.

The girl standing beside Mukujiyuanguo is also very beautiful.

Its beauty is not inferior to Mu Jiuzhi,

Inui Hinako, wearing a white Japanese-style kimono, white socks and clogs, really has a touch of Yamato Nadeko’s gentleness when he smiles.

The most amazing thing is that in her smile, there is also a hint of playfulness and sweetness that is unique to a girl.

Kukuchi Yuanguo met Inui Hinako a few years ago.

When I first met her, Yuan Guo was still a freshman in high school.

During the accommodation training activities, after getting to know each other,

Because of their personality, Inui Hinako immediately took care of this junior who was cute and cute, but had a very hot body.

The two still kept in touch until after the graduation of Kikuchi Yuanguo.

Last night, at the invitation of Senior Sister Gan, she went to Wu Restaurant as a guest.

As for today, there is a reason why they came to Swordsmith Street together.

Inui Hinako’s fog restaurant has expanded,

She also rented the store next door and got through.

The kitchen was expanded and the number of chefs increased.

This means that more kitchen supplies need to be purchased.

After hearing about this, Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo thought to see if he could help Chen Fei to recommend some business.

Chen Fei worked hard to help her get a knife, and she has always been grateful.

So, she told Sister Gan that she wanted to take her to Chen Fei’s store.

And then, Inui Hinako came with her today.

Looking at Inui Hinako, Kikuchienko whispered:

“Sister Gan, let’s go take a look first.”

“If you really don’t like the knives here, it’s okay to think about other things.”

“Okay! Let’s go, then go take a look first!”

Inui Hinako put his arms around Kikuchi Yuanguo, and then walked into Chen Fei’s store with a smile.

“Boss, are you there??”

Hearing someone talking, Chen Fei walked out of the workshop.

“Excuse me if the guest wants to buy a knife… uh…”

Before Chen Fei finished speaking, he subconsciously stopped.

Isn’t this Inui Hinako?

Why did Mu Jiuzhiyuan fruit bring her?

“Yuanguo, I haven’t repaired your knife yet. Didn’t I tell you that I would ask you to pick it up in a month?”

“It doesn’t seem like the appointed time has come yet.”

Hearing what Chen Fei said, Mu Jiu Zhi Yuan Guo hurriedly said:

“Lord Chen Fei, it’s not like that!”

“I…I didn’t come to get the knife.”

“Yes… it’s my senior… Her shop has just expanded and needs to purchase a batch of knives.”

“So… so I brought her over to see you.”

Hearing Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo’s nervous explanation, Chen Fei instantly understood the whole story.

It turned out that this girl wanted to help her recommend a business.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei looked at Inui Hinako:

“Guest, do you need to buy a batch of kitchen knives?”

Inui Hinako nodded:


“Boss, can you show me the kitchen knives in your shop?”

Chen Fei looked at Inui Hinako and asked:

“Can I ask, what is your budget, guest?”


Inui Hinako thought for a while, then said:

“I haven’t calculated it yet, but there are quite a few types of knives I want.”

“There are also a lot of them, about 7-8 are needed.”

“Calculate the price, almost my total budget should be around 20w yuan…”

It takes about 7-8 kitchen knives,

The total budget is about 20w yuan,

In this way, her budget is almost 3w yuan per knife.

In RMB, it is a kitchen knife that costs more than 1,000 yuan.

After hesitating for a while, Chen Fei looked at Inui Hinako and said:

“Guest, otherwise you should go to another place to have a look.”

“Look somewhere else? Why? You don’t have high-quality kitchen knives here?”

“No…it’s the customer’s budget. You can’t even buy a knife in my shop.”


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