The Creation of the Eternal Sword at the Start, Which Shocked Erina Eyes

Chapter 54

54 Invitations

Hearing Chen Fei’s question, Alice replied:

“School hasn’t started yet.”

“It’s about half a month away.”

Since the last time that kid named Azaka bought a knife from himself,

Chen Fei has almost figured out the timeline.

Right now, it is the opening season of Tōtsuki Gakuen,

However, Chen Fei just asked casually,

Maybe it’s because I didn’t think of any interesting small talk topics,

After asking, Chen Fei stopped talking.

In the atmosphere of the scene, when it was a little quiet,

Alice suddenly spoke, breaking the silence:

“Hey, Chen Fei!”

“Have you ever thought about doing other things part-time in your spare time?”

“In your spare time, do you do something else part-time?”

Hearing this, Chen Fei raised his head in confusion:

“Alice, how can you be so good, and suddenly ask this question?”

Alice blinked at Chen Fei, then said:

“I’m just asking casually…”

“You know what?”

“Actually, I came to see you today, except that I wanted to share with you the desserts I made,”

“I want to invite you at the same time.”

“Invite me?”

Now, Chen Fei is even more confused:

“What is the invitation to me?”

“I invite you to Tōtsuki!”


What Alice said, directly to Chen Fei.

“Invite me to Tōtsuki?”

“Alice, are you serious?”

If it was the time when he just passed through, Chen Fei might accept this kind of thing happily,

However, now he has chosen to become a craftsman who specializes in creating “kitchenware”, and the system he obtained is also related to this aspect.

Therefore, Tōtsuki Academy has long been out of Chen Fei’s consideration.

More importantly, how could Alice invite herself so well?

Wasn’t Tōtsuki Gakuen only soliciting talented chefs?

Seeing Chen Fei’s eyes, Alice knew that he must have misunderstood,

She smiled lightly, and soon, Alice gave an explanation with a smile:

“Chen Fei, you misunderstood.”

“I didn’t mean to invite you to study at Tōtsuki.”

“It’s my grandfather who wants to invite you to Tōtsuki as a lecturer.”

“He suddenly felt last night that the types of professional courses in the school seemed to be a little less.”

“He plans to open another subject on “kitchen maintenance and maintenance.”

“For example, the skills of sharpening knives, the maintenance of kitchen knives, these basic knowledge, not many people will be better at it than you!”

“This matter is the main reason why I will come to find you today.”


After hearing the explanation given by Alice, Chen Fei finally understood the whole story.

After working for a long time, it was the old man who had a whim and wanted to add new courses to the school.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei asked curiously:

“If it’s a new class, isn’t it okay to invite other swordsmiths?”

“I remember hearing from the old man last time, if I remember correctly, he seems to know a lot of powerful swordsmiths…”

Glancing at Chen Fei, Alice burst out laughing:

“My grandfather does know a lot of powerful swordsmiths.”

“But after thinking about it, I still think you are the most powerful and mysterious!”

“Alright, alright, you already know the cause of the matter.”

“How? Do you want to seriously consider this matter?”

“Oh, yes, grandpa said, if you want to come, there won’t be too many courses for you.”

“Just one class a week is all you need.”

“Then the welfare package that can be provided to you is an annual salary of 30 million!”

“Plus free accommodation in a villa.”


One class a week, and then an annual salary of 30 million?

Plus, the right to free accommodation in the villa?

Chen Fei was a little scared by the old man’s handwriting.

However, Chen Fei’s response was quick,

In a few seconds, he saw something strange.

Whether Senzaemon really wants to start a new class is not immediately certain,

But he wanted to win his heart, he must be serious.

30 million yen, which is almost RMB with an annual salary of more than 1 million.

After thinking for a while, Chen Fei looked at Alice and said:

“This treatment is really good.”

“Alice, what do you think about this?”

“Do you want me to agree?”

Hearing what Chen Fei said, Alice nodded without thinking:

“Of course I hope you agree.”

“If you can teach at Tōtsuki, then I can chat with you without having to come all the way here.”

Hearing what Alice said, Chen Fei thought about it seriously,

To be honest, he was quite excited about this.

He doesn’t really care about salary.

But he was quite interested in seeing and seeing Tōtsuki Academy.

One class a week, time as you arrange,

This degree of freedom is also very high.

After pondering for a while, Chen Fei looked at Alice and slowly said:

“I’ll think about it for a few days about what you said.”

“Let me make a decision right away, which is probably not realistic.”

Hearing Chen Fei’s answer, Alice nodded slightly:


“If you think about it, you can call me anytime.”

After saying this, Alice thought about it and added:

“Oh, yes, one more thing!”

“Before I came to look for you, my grandfather told me that he seemed to have a few friends who also wanted to buy the Yongling knife. He should be visiting your store in the next few days.”

“Whether you agree to come to our school to teach or not, he will try his best to recommend you to suitable clients in the future.”

Alice didn’t stay with Chen Fei for long before she went back.

After she left, Chen Fei briefly rested for a while, and then continued to forge the knife.

While forging the “garuda sword”, Chen Fei considered whether to go to Tōtsuki for a part-time job.

Mainly how to say,

Tōtsuki Academy itself is not very attractive to Chen Fei.

But there are so many beautiful girls there.

Pretty girl paper is just one of them,

Mainly, there are a lot of rich people there.

It seems that, with the exception of the “Polar Star House”, most of the other students are from famous families in the cooking world.

If you agree to Senzaemon’s invitation to teach at Tōtsuki Academy, can you advertise your sword along the way? *

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