The Creatures That We Are

Chapter 199: Loss

Chapter 199: Loss


At that moment, it felt like something had snapped in his head. The relentless tinnitus prevented Gao Yang from thinking or feeling anything. In his blurry vision, he could only see Can’s pale, desperate face, see her crying and begging with helpless fear.

“I don’t wanna become a rune corpse. I don’t wanna become a human-eating monster...”

Finally, he could hear again. Gao Yang’s palm was damp with sweat, but he didn’t loosen his grip around the dagger.

“Can, it doesn’t seem like a bite mark. Don’t be scared...” Gao Yang placed his left hand on her shoulder, attempting to reassure her.

He was simply trying to prevent her from breaking down. He wanted to make sure he wouldn’t make the wrong call.

Was she losing control because of fear, or was it a sign of her transformation? He had to be certain.

“Re-really?” Can calmed down a little.

“Yes, trust me.” Gao Yang felt like a shameless con man selling something he didn’t believe in, but he had to do it.

“Alright, I trust you, Captain. We, we will be alright. We will get out of here safely...” Can’s eyes lit up with renewed hope.

“Once I get out of here, I’m gonna play, I won’t. I have to train more. I have to train properly and stop messing around. I must grow stronger. I don’t wanna drag everyone down anymore...”

Gao Yang forced his lips to curl into a smile. “I’ll hold you to that.”

“Yeah, I’ll honor my words!”

Can gave him a weak smile.

But then her smile slid off her face, and the false hope in her eyes dimmed. “Captain, I, I don’t feel too good. My chest feels tight, and I’m getting lightheaded...”

Gao Yang tensed and didn’t say anything.

Can blinked, her face growing paler. “Would you hold me, Captain? I, I’m really scared... I don’t want, I don’t want to die here alone...”

Gao Yang hesitated. Can seemed so pitiful and helpless, but he worried that she would turn into a vicious rune corpse the next second and break his neck with a bite.

After two hesitant seconds, he leaned in to pull Can into his arms with his left hand, holding her head to his chest at an angle that would allow him to keep her under control should she turn. At the same time, he slightly lifted his right hand, ready to stab her through the chin to get to her brain anytime.

“Thank you, Captain. I feel much better now...”


“Captain, do you know that you’re actually my type? But I’m sure you won’t like a girl like me. I don’t have a pretty face, and I act like a boy...”


“And I’ve done a test that said I’m of the avoidant attachment type... If the person I like returns my feelings, I’ll stop liking them. So don’t return my feelings, Captain. Then I can continue to like you, haha...”


“I’m not afraid anymore, Captain. Do it now.”

Gao Yang’s heart seized up, and his grip around the dagger faltered.

He took a deep breath and focused, waiting with complete concentration.

Three seconds.

Ten seconds.

Then thirty seconds had passed.

Even after a minute, Gao Yang still hadn’t made a move.

Confused, Can slowly looked up at him. “Captain, you...”

“It’s been more than five minutes,” Gao Yang said in a low voice. “I’ve been listening to your heartbeat. It hasn’t stopped or sped up noticeably.”

Then he held onto her chin. “Open your mouth.”


Gao Yang saw no unusual sign. Then he even lifted her eyelids. There was no change to her pupils. And her forehead didn’t seem particularly hot. Actually, it was a little cool to the touch.

No matter how he saw it, it didn’t seem like she was turning.

Gao Yang finally sighed in relief. “You weren’t bitten.”

“Huh?” Can paused, shocked. “I wasn’t...bitten?”

“You weren’t.” Gao Yang’s gaze was certain. “It’s just a scratch.”

“But I feel dizzy. And my body doesn’t feel right...”

“You have low blood sugar, don’t you?” Gao Yang guessed. “You’re too thin.”

“Oh, I do have low blood sugar.” Can realized her mistake and quickly found a piece of chocolate from her pocket. “I even bring chocolates with me in case I faint. Why, why did I forget all that...”

“Oh boy!” Can flushed red, dropping the chocolate and covering her face with both hands. “What did I just say? Oh my god just kill me! I can’t...”

“Quiet. We don’t want to draw rune corpses here.”

Gao Yang picked up the chocolate from the floor and tore off the wrapper. “Open your mouth.”

Can did as he said.

Gao Yang popped the chocolate into her mouth and rose to his feet, offering her a hand. “Welcome back.”


The false scare left Can with an overwhelming relief and joy that one felt after surviving a close call. Her eyes were misty and red. She took her captain’s hand and stood up.

Gao Yang and Can walked out of the room. Black Sparrow had been keeping watch from the door, and she finally relaxed as well, smiling at Gao Yang and Can. “As long as you’re alright.”

“Haha, Can!” Gray Bear walked up to them joyously and ruffled Can’s hair. “Silly girl, you almost scared me to death!”

“Haha.” Can lowered her head and smiled awkwardly. “I almost wet my pants!”

Lithe Snake still had an impassive expression on his face, but his gaze softened a little. He walked up to Gao Yang and took back his dagger.

“Welcome, back.” Ronnie was happy for her as well.

“Where’s Xiran?” Can pretended to be angry. “Hmph! I heard your conversation from start to finish! Xiran is the one who cares about me the most!”

Xiran was still standing by the window. With his hands holding onto the windowsill, he seemed deep in thought.

Can happily ran toward him. “Xiran, I’m alright! You don’t have to worry!”

Can grabbed her and yanked her back. “Wait.”

Something didn’t feel right to Gao Yang. Xiran should be the one most happy for Can, but he had been way too calm, even cold.

“Xiran?” Gao Yang called out to him. “Can you hear me?”

“Yeah,” Xiran said quietly, but he didn’t turn around.

“Xiran, Can is alright. It’s a false scare.” Gao Yang took two steps toward him, but kept a three-meter distance.

The others shone their flashlights at Xiran.

“Ah, I heard. That’s great.”

Xiran slowly turned around. His face was unnaturally pale, and he was entirely drenched in sweat. Dark brown spots appeared around his eyes like mold. His fair, gentle face turned lifeless and macabre.

“Welcome back, Can.” Xiran tried to smile. Then blood streaked down his nostrils and tainted his white shirt.

“No, this isn’t happening...” Can’s eyes widened, tears threatening to fall.

Xiran wiped the blood off and smiled. “Don’t worry. I’m okay. I’m just, I’m just a little dizzy. It’s probably low blood sugar too. I’ll be fine after a break...”

Xiran walked toward them, and everyone stepped back.

“Xiran,” Gao Yang stopped him harshly, his gaze pained. “Don’t move.”

Lithe Snake went up to Gao Yang’s side and drew his shortsword. “I’m sorry, Xiran. I’ll make it quick.”

“Lithe Snake, what are you talking about...”

Xiran helplessly turned to Lithe Snake, but he could no longer see anything. His eyes seemed to melt at once and streamed down along with viscous blood, leaving only two empty eye sockets.

Red veins climbed up his neck and quickly spread through his face. He gurgled from his throat, still talking, but one had to pay particular attention to make out the words.

“We, we’re companions... Companions don’t give up on companions... Companions...”


What was left of his humanity was gone. He opened his bloodied mouth and lunged at Gao Yang.


Lithe Snake unsheathed his shortsword, and with a quick, fierce slash, Xiran’s head fell.

His headless body followed the momentum and slammed into Gao Yang’s chest. The blood gushing out from his severed aortic arch made a crimson mess of Gao Yang’s clothes.

Gao Yang didn’t move at all but pursed his lips and closed his eyes.

Two seconds later, Xiran’s headless body slowly dropped to his knees before Gao Yang. Then finally, it collapsed in a pool of blood.

“Xiran!” Can cried out with a sob, followed by the heartbroken calls from Ronnie and Gray Bear.

Xiran died, at Gao Yang’s feet.

He suddenly heard the young man’s voice in his head.

—I’m Xiran. Xi for west, and ran for burning. Nice to meet you, Captain.

—Back in elementary school, I wrote an essay titled, My Mom. Growing up, we only had each other, and things weren’t easy.

—I may never know what Lin Mengjuan is in my lifetime.

—Can’s our companion! We can’t just give up on her!


The damn tinnitus hit him again.

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