The Creatures That We Are

Chapter 218: School Choice

Chapter 218: School Choice

“February 8th, cloudy.”

“The kids progress as slowly as a tortoise. I’ve told them to train harder every day, but my advice just goes in one ear and out the other.”

“Our quarterly evaluation is at the bottom again. Every time I think about the fourth team I feel like I’m having a stroke. Fuck, I’m gonna get a drink with Old Bear.”

“February 11th, sunny.”

“I ran into a real beauty when I jogged in the Li Mountain at night. She asked if I was single. I thought I was finally gonna get some, but she was a salesperson.”

“Has the industry gotten so competitive? I admitted I was quite moved. I bought two electric brushes. Might as well start using them tomorrow.”

“February 13th, rainy.”

“I felt lightheaded when I woke up in the morning like a ghost had pinned me to the bed. Did I catch a cold?”

“That makes no sense. I haven’t gotten a cold for years. Maybe my age is finally catching up to me. I should drink less and train more—jacking off doesn’t count.”

Gao Yang wasn’t sure how to feel after finishing the man’s diary.

I don’t need to know about your sex life. Explore the labyrinthine roots of this substance at Nøv€lß¡n

He hadn’t found any clues, but he had gotten a glimpse into the life of a single middle-aged man.

I’m not gonna end up like him in the future, am I? It’s too sad.

He put away the diary and locked it up before going to bed.

It was a dreamless night.

The next day, Gao Yang arrived at school on time.

Officer Huang came again in the morning. This time, he was here to investigate Niu Xuan’s disappearance.

He had questioned many students, the focus being Cucumber, Fat Hu, and Gao Yang. The three of them had gone to the Eleventh High School with Niu Xuan, and that was when Niu Xuan started behaving strangely.

By the time Gao Yang entered the office, Officer Huang had already checked the place for cameras and bugs.

He shot to his feet and grabbed Gao Yang’s shoulders. “Are you alright? I heard about the Rune Cave! It’s insane. Half of you didn’t make it out!”

Gao Yang smiled bitterly. “It’s a long story.”

Officer Huang sighed. “Why don’t you come back? Although you always say there’s no reward without risk, things are getting too dangerous. You have to survive to enjoy the fruit of your labor! If you die, nothing matters!”

Gao Yang shook his head. “I’ve made a significant achievement this time by getting two Rune Circuits, and I met Qilin in person.”

Officer Huang’s eyes glinted. “What is Qilin like?”

Gao Yang thought back to the man. “You can describe him as normal, but there’s more than meets the eyes.”

“Maybe that’s how the bigshots want it. They keep a low profile and put up a mysterious act.” Officer Huang smiled knowingly. “How do you feel about him? I mean, do you think he’s a righteous man or a villain?”

“I can’t tell yet,” Gao Yang said honestly. “If I ever learn about his ambition, I’ll try to tell the organization.”

“Okay.” Officer Huang nodded. Then he said like he had just remembered something, “Ah, I’ve got good news for you. Qing Ling’s God of Blades has reached level 4.”

“That’s great.” Gao Yang was genuinely happy for her.

“Yeah.” Officer Huang smiled wryly. “Now it’s my turn to use the thing. I don’t dare to carry it around with me. I don’t want to attract trouble.”

“Then how do you plan to level up?” Gao Yang asked.

“Well, my wife has been staying with her family recently. Every night after work, I go to the base for training and sleep while holding it. During the day, I leave it with War Tiger. Bottom line is I’m never carrying it with me outside.”

Gao Yang laughed. “And people call me cautious.”

“Pot, meet kettle.” Officer Huang punched Gao Yang in the shoulder. He now talked to Gao Yang like they were friends of similar age.

“Alright, let’s play our parts now.”

He took out his notepad and sat on the chair with his legs crossed, starting the questioning. “Mr. Gao Yang, when was the last time you saw Niu Xuan?”


After the evening self-study, Gao Yang went back home.

For once, he went home at a normal hour. His family members were even caught somewhat off guard.

His grandmother had retired to bed early, while his mother, father, and sister sat on the sofa in the living room, enjoying a late night snack with the company of TV. On the table was a large bowl of luosifen[1]. The three of them each got a small bowl and dug into the noodle soup with gusto.

“Eww! That smells like feet!” Gao Yang exclaimed dramatically.

“You’re back, Yang Yang.” His father sat on his wheelchair, his face covered in sweat. “Hmm, so spicy! So good!”

“You’re being mean!” Gao Yang said petulantly. “You didn’t wait for me to have a late night snack!”

“You’ve been out late with Wang Zikai every day and never came home early,” his mother complained. “If we wait for you to come home, the noodles are gonna be cold.”

Gao Yang knew he was at fault here, so he didn’t talk back. Instead, he rushed to the kitchen for a bowl and a pair of chopsticks and quickly served himself noodles, taking a mouthful.

The strange thing about luosifen was that while it smelled bad, the smell seemed to disappear when one was eating it.

“Hmm, it’s the right spiciness. So tasty.”

“We’ve been talking about you, Brother.” Gao Xinxin’s lips were red from the spice. “Which college are you gonna apply for?”

“I’ll decide once I finish the exams. Who knows what grades I’ll get?” Gao Yang said so, but in truth, he had already decided to go to one of the universities in Li City.

Which only made sense.

If he dared enroll in one of the schools located in cities that didn’t actually exist, wouldn’t he get eaten by monsters for touching the inconsistent parts of the world?

“Why don’t you stay in the city?” his mother suggested. “There are good schools here, and you’ll be close enough to come home every weekend. You can also bring your laundry home for washing. Isn’t that nice?”

“Sweetheart,” his father looked up and offered a different opinion. “Yang Yang is meant for greater things. He should go to a bigger city and see the world at large!”

Thanks, dad. But I won’t be seeing the world in that case, but hell.

Gao Yang smiled without saying anything.

“What’s so great about the big cities? Li City is a good place. We’ve gotten into the top ten in the nation this year!” Gao Xinxin put down her chopsticks and said seriously, “Brother should stay in the city and help develop our hometown!”

“That’s right!” His mother formed a united front with his sister.

“Gao Xinxin!” His father was both exasperated and fond, and he pinched Gao Xinxin’s cheek. “Do you think I wouldn’t know? You said all that, but you simply don’t want your brother to leave home.”

“That’s not the case!” Gao Xinxin denied vehemently.

Gao Yang was tempted to use Lie Detection to gain some experience points, but given the situation he found himself in, it was better to not use it on trivial things. He might need it later.

“It’s too early to talk about this. Wait for me to finish my exams first.” Gao Yang put an end to the discussion.

Then he and his family talked about something else, about their factory in the countryside, about which high school his sister was going to enter, and their traveling plan to Maldives during the summer vacation.

Afterwards, they each washed up and went to bed.

Gao Yang was the last to use the bathroom, but not without doing a full set of strength training first. Before he went to bed, his phone rang, notifying him of an encoded message: Twelve o’clock at midnight, first meeting room at Black Tortoise branch.

The message deleted itself in five seconds.

Gao Yang sighed. There was no rest for the wicked.

He thought for a moment and took Three Air’s diary out of his drawer. After the meeting, he would swing by his dorm room at the White Tiger branch to hide the diary.

He waited in his room quietly for his family to fall asleep. Then he got changed and put on a cap and a mask before opening the window.

He took a deep breath and jumped.

Under the moonlight, Gao Yang moved across the gated community, using the condenser units and awnings as footholds. In less than thirty seconds, he landed softly on the lawn at the gate.

He walked out and hailed a taxi by the road, arriving at the ancient culture-themed walking street in the Feiyang District and snuck into the Walled City of Ten Dragons.

He registered at the front desk before one of the receptionists led him to the first meeting room.

A man was already sitting at the far end of the long conference table. It was Black Tortoise.

1. A common Chinese dish consisting of rice noodles cooked in soup made with river snails and pork bones, served with sides including pickled bamboo shoots. It’s known for its pungent smell. ?

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