The Creatures That We Are

Chapter 251: Unexpected Aid

Chapter 251: Unexpected Aid

Officer Huang smiled wryly. “It’s quite a coincidence. The Twelve Zodiac Signs happened to have found Ghost Horse’s hideout, and War Tiger told us to gather on the Apple Island tonight. We arrived twenty minutes earlier. We got a sudden call from White Rabbit then, saying that a companion of ours needed help. The signal was coming from the abandoned chemical plant.”

He chuckled. “Qing Ling and I were both surprised, but we decided to rush here. Didn’t expect it to be you.”

Realization hit, Gao Yang looked down at his sleeve.

The button Little Qing Ling gave him had been damaged at some point during the battle.

Gao Yang felt warmth bloom in his chest. The girl had saved his life!

“I’m ready.” Ghost Horse stretched.

Gao Yang rotated his wrist. “Me too.”

“Alright, let’s kill this guy before properly catching up!” Officer Huang said, all the while making another two shots.

Qing Ling and Black Tortoise were still locked in an intense clash.

Gao Yang and Ghost Horse didn’t dare to just rush into the fray, which could do more harm than good.

Qing Ling had been keeping Black Tortoise too occupied to use any other Talents by making swift attacks with aura that could cut anything and everything. Their involvement would only give her something to worry about, which would slow her down, thus giving Black Tortoise a chance to counterattack.

Gao Yang glanced at Ghost Horse. “If you spot an opening, teleport me, and I’ll kill him.”

Without missing a beat, Ghost Horse went to Gao Yang’s side.

Staying less than ten meters away from Black Tortoise, they watched the battle play out.

The man had been forced to move back continuously by Qing Ling’s blade aura and Officer Huang’s shots. Then a concrete wall behind his back left him with no room to retreat further.

Gao Yang knew that their chance had come.

“Qing Ling!” Gao Yang shouted, energy concentrated in his hands.

Although Qing Ling didn’t know his exact plan, their previous experience of fighting together told her that Gao Yang wanted her to be out of the way.

She stopped and made a powerful direct thrust, stabbing into Black Tortoise’s chest. Even with the protection of Phantom, Black Tortoise still staggered back and slammed into the wall from the great impact.

He steadied himself and was getting ready for her next strike, only to be caught off guard that Qing Ling had maintained her posture rather than advancing upon him.

Then two people appeared above his head. Ghost Horse had teleported midair with Gao Yang in his arms.


Two streams of flames burst out of Gao Yang’s palms, sweeping toward Black Tortoise.

Back pressed against the wall, Black Tortoise activated Phantom immediately to cover his body, shielding him from the brunt of the attack.

While Phantom could endure powerful physical attacks, however, it didn’t stop heat from spreading, and Black Tortoise was inflicted with great scorching pain.

Still, he was an awakener with incredible Willpower, and he quickly activated Frost. Layers upon layers of hard ice sprouted like bamboo shoots after rainfall, piercing through the flames. Although the ice kept evaporating, more was conjured nonstop, and with Phantom acting as glue, he was soon shielded by a black and white wall of ice.

Moreover, even though Gao Yang had kept shooting fire after landing, he could feel the air around him converging and sharpening.

He realized with a start then that he had failed to destroy Black Tortoise’s body and mind with his fire, and in only a few seconds, Black Tortoise had put up an effective defense and started making offensive moves.

Gao Yang knew that soon, Black Tortoise would conjure the giant dragons of three colors again. Then they would all be swept away, unable to resist.

After everything, is this checkmate?

Gao Yang couldn’t give up. At this moment, however, it was all he could do to keep pushing with his Fire even though he knew it was a losing fight.


Then a furious growl came from behind the wall that had trapped Black Tortoise.

Gray Bear!

Gao Yang had never been so glad to hear someone’s voice.


Gray Bear slammed through the wall behind Black Tortoise. Braving Gao Yang’s flames, he extended his arms and grabbed Black Tortoise from the back.

Gao Yang immediately deactivated Fire.

He couldn’t use elemental attacks effectively while avoiding the arms and hands Gray Bear was locking Black Tortoise in place with.

Black Tortoise was caught completely by surprise. Noticing the incoming danger, he tapped into his shadow and struggled against Gray Bear.


Face twisted, Gray Bear yelled, “Come on... I can’t keep this up any longer!”

Gao Yang felt a gust of wind, and a figure dashed by him.

Nine Frost.

Gao Yang only learned afterwards that Can, the witty girl, had stayed invisible and, while Black Tortoise wasn’t paying attention, snuck to Gray Bear and Nine Frost’s side, administering them with the only two shots of Medicine C she had on her.

There was a reason she chose them.

Lithe Snake had lost his consciousness on a pipe too high above ground for her to reach, while Ronnie was too injured and wasn’t that strong in a fight to start with.

Making the rational choice, Can saved the two men who had collapsed in the ruined building, Gray Bear and Nine Frost.

With Medicine C circulating in their bodies, they slowly woke up from their injury and recovered enough energy to make one last attack.

Clenching his fists, Nine Frost rushed up to Black Tortoise, who was locked in place by Gray Bear.


A heavy punch hit Black Tortoise in the left chest.

Knowing Weak Point, Black Tortoise scowled and made a loud cry.

Instantly, the shadow under his command wrapped around Gray Bear’s two arms, cutting into his flesh and drawing blood like the sharpest blades.

Although Gray Bear was protected by dense, hard hair and thick hide, he could still be hurt by such concentrated attacks, and he bled profusely.

“Ahhhh!” Gray Bear cried out in pain, clenching his jaw so hard that he almost broke his own teeth. However, his hold remained firm.

He knew that if he let go, they would all be doomed.


Nine Frost landed a second hit on Black Tortoise’s left chest.

Times five!

Both Black Tortoise and Gray Bear were knocked a few meters back by the impact, almost toppling to the ground.

At the last moment, Ghost Horse teleported behind them and mustered all the strength in him to keep Gray Bear upright.

With a shout, Ghost Horse teleported forward, bringing Gray Bear and Black Tortoise closer to Nine Frost.

Nine Frost smiled coldly. Perfect timing!

Tightening his fist, he put all the energy in his body into his hand. The smiling faces of his companions from the fourth team flashed through his mind—Black Sparrow, Xiuyi, Old Joe, Dark Li, even Yellow Butterfly...


The third punch hit Black Tortoise squarely in the left chest.

Times twenty-five!

Not far from them, Gao Yang felt an overpowering shockwave rippling outward, the currents so strong that he couldn’t keep his eyes open.

Black Tortoise flew off his feet, along with Gray Bear behind his back.


A large thick pipe caved in under the impact. It looked as if Gray Bear had been embedded into it. And Black Tortoise, still held in his arms, had a bloody hole in his left chest.

His eyes were widened while he bled from all orifices, and he stopped moving.

The punch had gone straight through his chest.

“ I’m dying here...”

Gray Bear groaned in pain and pushed Black Tortoise off him.

The others quickly rushed up to free Gray Bear from the sunken pipe.

Gray Bear could barely stand. He staggered a few steps before dropping to his knees. Panting, Nine Frost went up to sit down by his side.

“I think my ribs are all broken...”

“Of course they are. I didn’t pull back at all.” Nine Frost scoffed, his expression grim.

“Nice punch. Very nice...ack...”

Gray Bear laughed and got into a coughing fit, his gums bleeding.

The two men fell silent.

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