The Creatures That We Are

Chapter 256: Old Fox

Chapter 256: Old Fox

“It’s coming in ten days.”

The booth fell silent when Madam Li uttered the words calmly and surely.

Gao Yang could sense the tension in the air. Everyone was shocked, almost finding her statement laughable.

“Madam Li.”

War Tiger broke the silence ten seconds later, his sharp gaze gaining an edge of scrutiny. “This isn’t a matter you should joke about.”

“Mr. War Tiger.” Madam Li looked at him openly, her eyes colored by a hint of pity. “I wish I were joking.”

“Boss has never been wrong with her prediction,” Chen Ying said seriously. “Whatever she foresaw always happened, and I meant always.”

Her expression lit up with gratitude and admiration. “It’s all thanks to her that the Hundred Rivers Union is able to stand strong to this day.”

War Tiger stopped talking. He tilted his head and frowned, rubbing his temple with his thumb.

Vermilion Bird looked tense but also befuddled. “I thought it was going to happen a fortnight ahead or so, which wouldn’t be unprecedented. But you, Madam Li, claimed that the Crimson Tide is coming two years early?”

So it should’ve come two years later, Gao Yang thought to himself.

Given his current status, he was wholly entitled to information about the Crimson Tide. He had simply neglected to find out more about it because of all the things happening recently in quick succession; he had been barely staying alive.

He decided to push aside his curiosity and asked Vermilion Bird about it in private.

It would be unbecoming of an Elder-candidate to not even know what Crimson Tides were.

White Rabbit reflexively took out the nail polish in her pocket, but remembering the occasion, she stealthy put it back. “Miss Chen, do you mean that Madam Li had predicted the last Crimson Tide?”

Chen Ying paused, unsure of if she should respond.

Madam Li smiled and said in a gentle, honest tone, “Yes, I did.”

“Then why didn’t you tell us about it last time, but you did so now so urgently?” White Rabbit asked the question everyone was curious about.

Madam Li met her eyes. “Because things are different this time.”

“How so?”

“It’s going to be bad.”

War Tiger asked, “In what way?”

Madam Li didn’t say anything.

When he didn’t get an answer, War Tiger broke into a smile and asked bluntly, “Tell us. What do you want in return?”

“I want an alliance,” said Madam Li.

“In what form?”

“When the Crimson Tide comes, the three organizations must work together to overcome the crisis, and the strong are obligated to protect the weak.”

In other words, the Twelve Zodiac Signs and the Qilin Guild must protect most members of the Hundred Rivers Union.


Bemused, Vermilion Bird asked, “Madam Li, based on our past experience, the best way for awakeners to survive a Crimson Tide is to hide, and each of the three major organizations has our own hideouts...”

She trailed off, her gaze turning sharp. “Is this Crimson Tide going to be different?”

Madam Li nodded, her voice growing grave. “I know what I’m doing is despicable, but I won’t provide you with any more information if you don’t agree to an alliance. Then we will all meet our demise.”

“Haha!” War Tiger slapped his thigh. “Madam Li, oh, you old fox. I see you live up to your reputation.”

“Show some respect, Mr. War Tiger!” Chen Ying said angrily.

Madam Li raised a hand, and Chen Ying lowered her head, realizing she had lost her composure. “Apologies.”

“Don’t take it the wrong way, Madam Li.” War Tiger smiled astutely. “I meant it as a compliment. If you keep up your usual image as a pushover of a saint, I would worry about you being a burden. Now that I know you’re cunning in your own way, I’m more willing to work with you.”

Madam Li smiled wryly. “We all have our way of surviving. In such a world, who among us aren’t making use of everything at our disposal?”

“Alright!” War Tiger propped himself up with his hands on his knees. “I’m going back with White Rabbit and holding a meeting. We’ll try to give you an answer by tonight.”

Vermilion Bird had already taken out her phone. “I can’t make the decision myself. I’m calling Guildmaster.”

She openly made the call despite everyone in the room being able to hear her. “Hello, Doctor Su, may I make an appointment today? Yes, I had a relapse recently. I would like a session with a small support group... Okay, we’ll meet at the clinic in an hour.”

She hung up and kept her eyes on Madam Li as she rose to her feet. “We’ll give you an answer by the end of the day.”

“Clock’s ticking. Please do hurry.” Madam Li nodded. “Forgive me for not seeing you off since I’m feeling unwell.”

Chen Ying stood up and led the four of them out of the booth, to the elevator.

Downstairs, Vermilion Bird went up to the curb and opened the car door, looking over at War Tiger. “Are you riding with us still?”

“We aren’t going the same way. We’ll get a taxi.” War Tiger lit a cigarette and took a deep breath, giving Vermilion Bird a pointed look. “Hey, what do you think about this?”

“What else?” Vermilion Bird shrugged nonchalantly. “I’ll follow our leader.”

“Stop playing dumb.” War Tiger gave her a knowing look. “You must be excited. Things are finally getting interesting!”

“Haha.” Exposed, Vermilion Bird let out a loud laugh. “I’ll say the same to you.”

“You two are psychos who just want to watch the world burn.” White Rabbit rolled her eyes. She couldn’t understand them.

Seconded, Gao Yang silently agreed.


Ten minutes later, Vermilion Bird drove to Doctor Su’s psychiatric clinic with Gao Yang along on the ride. On their way, Gao Yang had phoned the two other Elders, Azure Dragon and White Tiger, and they said that they would rush to Guildmaster’s clinic at once.

Gao Yang checked the map on his phone. Given the current traffic, it would take them about half an hour to arrive at their destination.

“Ahem.” Gao Yang pretended to be nonchalant. “Sister Xia, about the Crimson Tide...”

“You’ve been waiting to ask that, haven’t you?” Vermilion Bird cut him off.

Gao Yang couldn’t deny it. He awkwardly nodded. “Yeah.”

“Well, you did only awaken two months ago, yet you’ve gone to three Rune Caves, transferred once, killed two spies, and prepared for your college entrance exams. It only makes sense that you wouldn’t have time to learn more about it.”

Gao Yang stifled a dry laugh. Thanks for your consideration, Sister Xia, but that’s quite a detailed rundown.

Vermilion Bird tapped on the driving wheel with her delicate fingers. “Crimson Tides aren’t exactly a secret. Those who have been through it simply never talk about it, and the Guild believes it’s better not to arouse panic unnecessarily, so we don’t tell newbies about it unless there is a need.”

“Please stop talking in circles, Sister Xia.” Gao Yang was feeling impatient.

“Simply put, Crimson Tides are wars between the monsters and the awakeners,” Vermilion Bird said calmly.

Gao Yang had guessed as much, and he couldn’t help feeling disappointed. “That’s it?”

“Patience. I haven’t told you the details.” Vermilion Bird moved the wheel to overtake a slow black car. “Let me ask you a question.”

“Go on.”

“Eight years ago, you should have been enjoying your summer vacation. Do you remember anything memorable back then?”

Gao Yang thought about it. Eight years ago, he was ten years old. He didn’t remember much about that summer vacation.

“Think about it carefully. For example, there could be a few days when you felt drowsy, and you fell asleep as soon as night came. When you woke up, it was already daytime. And everything felt surreal to you.”

Gao Yang racked through his memory and exclaimed with a start, “Ah, there was a time like that! I got a serious cold, and I spent quite a few days feeling lightheaded and drowsy. It took me about a week to recover.”

Gao Yang gasped in realization. “That was a Crimson Tide?!”

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