The Crescent of the Sultan

Chapter 11 From now on

Selim did not know whether his decision would be a blessing or a curse for the country, but he knew the fate of the Ottoman Empire in the original time and space.

Defeat, cession of territory, compensation, and reform again and again are like a scene in a movie that is played repeatedly, which is annoying but makes people cry at the same time.

If we want this country to get back on its feet, we must take advantage of the fact that her energy and spirit have not completely dissipated to help her get back on track from the edge of decline.

Otherwise, this ancient country will continue to slide into the abyss of destruction.

Selim sighed, called for Foreign Minister Ishak, and said: "Go and inform the Russian ambassador. In view of the fact that Catherine, a despicable usurper, has repeatedly provoked the great Ottoman Empire, she will be rewarded by Allah." trial, which was carried out by the Ottoman army.

From now on, if there is to be a truce, either the Sultan dies or the Queen bows her head, there is no other way. "

"Also, send a note to the British and French ministers to accuse the Russians of their greedy and shameless despicable behavior and their massacre in the Caucasus. But remember not to arouse the British and French people's resentment against the empire.

Tell the "Ottoman Post", "Constantiniya Daily" and "Edirne Observer" to vigorously promote the bravery of the imperial soldiers and highlight the brutality of the Russians. "

After sending away Ishaq, Selim called Abraham again.

"Abraham, how did the first issue of Treasury bonds go? I remember the interest rate was five points. Please report the situation."

"Your Majesty, we have issued a total of 15 million worth of treasury bonds. Patriarch Nicholas purchased 6.4 million treasury bonds on behalf of the Orthodox Christians of the Empire. King Louis XVI of France purchased 3 million treasury bonds on behalf of France. The national debt, which they promised to pay with arms and ammunition, was purchased by your most loyal subjects, the Jewish people, for three million, while the Mohammedans of the empire purchased two, six million.”

After listening to Abraham's report, Selim felt a little emotional.

The Muslims, who are numerically dominant, can spend the least money. The Jews are still strong after investing 20 million to establish a bank. The Orthodox Christians make a lot of money from trade by leveraging their religious identity.

Of course there is a reason why the Guards are unwilling to pay, but it is also true that the economic strength of Muslims is not as good as that of Orthodox Christians and Jews.

The ruling class of a country was actually worse than the ruled. From this moment on, Selim was determined to make Muslims rich through the east wind of preliminary industrialization.

After dealing with domestic affairs, Selim began to leave for the battlefield.

"Paul, come with me to Belgrade, and I will personally hold off the Austrians."

Putting these words aside, Selim left Topkapi Palace without looking back. He was not Chang Kaishen who only knew how to perform micro-control remotely. If the Austrians dared to enter the war, they would be crushed before the Sultan.

On September 13, 1787, in a Cossack village on the border between Russia, southern Ukraine and the Ottoman Empire, a group of Ottoman cavalry belonging to the Guards had entered it.

They waved their long sabers and drove the fleeing villagers around like animals, hunting. Blood and flames invaded this village called Cambrai. The bodies of men were piled randomly at the entrance of the village, and the women captured them. They rise up to enjoy themselves wantonly. The elderly and children are their most hated prey. They will not resist or run away, and even shouting cannot arouse their desire to conquer.

And this village is just one of countless tragedies on the long border of Russia and Turkey. More people are being wantonly massacred by the Ottoman army. They cross the border of Russia and Turkey and move further into the hinterland of Russia.

A week later, at the Summer Palace in St. Petersburg, Catherine sat on the throne that belonged to the Czar, listening to the report of the Foreign Minister, with neither sadness nor happiness on her face.

When the other party had stopped, Ekaterina smiled and said: "It seems that our new Sultan does not remember his uncle's lessons. Speaking of which, I haven't given him a coronation gift yet? Since So, let me use the corpses of one hundred thousand Turks as my gift. Potemkin, Rumyantsev, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty, as you wish." They both replied in unison.

"With my decree, all armies must quickly assemble, with Potemkin as commander-in-chief and Rumyantsev as general staff, to launch a counterattack. From now on, not a single Turk shall be spared."

"Yes, Your Majesty"

In Bucharest, Napoleon was looking at the map to plan his next strategic deployment. There are several battle reports on the table, which are victory reports from the cavalry on the front line.

“Calculating the time, it’s almost time.”

Looking at the winter scenery outside the window, Napoleon murmured to himself that the first wave of harassment was very successful. The border between Turkey and Russia had become a white field, which ensured that the Russians could only rely on supplies from the north until the next autumn.

"Although the loss is a bit big, it's okay." Thinking of the Sultan's explanation before leaving, Napoleon chuckled.

"This Sultan is also a ruthless master."

"General, a battle report came from the front line. The 1st Cavalry Brigade of the 2nd Guards Division was completely wiped out near Bilozelka. The one who annihilated them should be Russian Potemkin."

"How many enemy troops are there?"

"According to the report of Salika Pasha, commander of the Second Division, there are approximately 150,000 people."

"One hundred and fifty thousand, interesting," Napoleon whispered. "Tell the commanders of the 2nd and 3rd Divisions to defend Ochakov and wait for reinforcements."

Kherson, in the military camp outside the city, Potemkin and Rumyantsev are discussing the next route of march.

"This is impossible. The Ottomans have reduced the entire southern Ukraine to a white field. If we launch an attack now, it will only result in the army not receiving enough supplies, and in winter, this is fatal."

"Rumyantsev, you have to understand that the Turks have entered the territory of the empire. Even if we successfully expel them, this cannot save the face of the empire. Only a great victory can wash away the shame. This is also true. It’s what the Queen wants. As for supplies, the empire will mobilize civilians to transport them.”

"This is not a reason for you to attack now. Ochakov has two divisions and nearly 30,000 people. The Ottomans have built strong fortifications here, and we only have howitzers on hand. You can't attack this kind of equipment at all. Ochakov.”

"Rumyantsev, storming Ochakov is not the only way. We can bypass it and capture Odessa directly. This means that Ochakov's enemy troops will be trapped until they recognize the reality. Will surrender."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Ochakov can completely resupply from the sea, but Ushakov is not sure about blocking the coastline. Potemkin and Hassan have already sailed the fleet into the Black Sea. You are taking Russia's future adventure."

"That's enough, Rumyantsev, I am the commander-in-chief. Send the order and the whole army sets off, targeting Odessa."

When Potemkin ordered the Russians to set off, Napoleon, who was far away in Bucharest, had already arranged for Alandar Mustafa to be stationed in Odessa, and they would be suspicious if he blindly allowed the Russians to advance.

Even if the Guards just abandon the piece, this move must be valuable.

As time came to the end of December, Odessa had been besieged by Potemkin for half a month, but thanks to Selim's improved navy, Hassan Pasha had some success in the battle with Ushakov. Victories and losses allowed Odessa's supplies to be transported by sea.

On the other hand, Potemkin's troops did not find any excess food due to the Ottoman Empire's policy of fortifying the country and clearing the country.

But Grand Duke Potemkin had a lot of ideas. These untouchables couldn't survive anyway, so they might as well contribute their share to the future of the empire.

Fortunately, half a month after the siege, Potemkin arrived with his artillery, and the siege began.

Despite the modern era, traditional city walls still play a defensive role.

The Russian army used fire suppression tactics to cover its infantry siege, while the Ottomans relied on their superiority to repel the Russian attacks time and time again. However, the disparity in numbers seemed to destined that the fall of Odessa was only a matter of time.

In January 1788, Odessa fell. Mustafa led a small number of soldiers to break out. The Russian army suffered 9,000 casualties and the Ottoman army suffered 7,000 casualties.

When the news reached Vienna, Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II ordered a declaration of war against the Ottoman Empire. With the Prince of Coburg as the commander-in-chief, the Austrian army marched into Transylvania, threatening the northern part of the Romanian theater.

In Belgrade, Selim has received news that Austria has declared war on the Empire. He couldn't help but sigh, it was exactly the same as the original time and space. This must be the inertia of history.

With emotion, Selim ordered the army to march towards Bosnia. If you attack my Wallachia, I will attack Vienna, surround Wei and save Zhao. It is a real conspiracy. It depends on how you, Joseph, take over.

The land battle has come to an end, but as for the naval battle, the most exciting battle was the Battle of Kerch. This battle allowed the European countries to see the irreplaceable dominance of three-decker warships.

I never thought victory would be so easy.

——Mustafa Hobart

As captain of the Ottoman First Fleet flagship "Great Selim", Hobart studied at the Royal Naval College and served in the British Navy.

"When I followed Hassan Pasha's order and cruised in the northern Black Sea, I ran into the Russian fleet, a total of thirty-two double-decker warships.

But the First Fleet is not afraid, we are the best force in the Imperial Navy. The naval battle started soon, and the Russians were the first to open fire. In a classic battle formation tactic, the huge solid iron bullets fired by the 48-pound artillery hit the sea, making a dull noise, and a huge explosion several meters high was set off on the entire sea. wave.

However, thanks to the scattered formation, not a single Russian shell hit the Imperial troops. When I gave the order to fire, a total of 128 cannons on the "Great Selim" fired violent explosions one after another. One of the 50-pounder shells hit the Russian flagship hard. On that poor ship, The keel screamed, the mast broke, and the entire ship flipped over, like a tuna lying in the water. From this moment on, I know victory belongs to His Majesty.

——The Battle of the Black Sea by Mustafa Hobart

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