The Crescent of the Sultan

Chapter 147 Peter is worried about national affairs

For William Pitt, the Ottoman Empire's answer was not surprising. Judging from the Sultan's character and way of doing things, no one would be allowed to interfere in the Arabian Peninsula.

But where did he get the confidence to think that he couldn't interfere in this matter?

You must know that although the French have entangled Austria and Prussia, the Russians are still capable of attacking the Ottoman Empire.

If he said that he encouraged the Russian army to go to war against the Ottoman Empire, how should the sultan handle himself?

This is not just something Peter said casually. He really has this idea. After all, the size of the Ottoman Empire is there. If the Sultan completes his reforms, it will have a huge impact on the existing world situation.

Among other things, he had to reconsider his handling of various countries in the Near East.

For example, Austria must be strengthened after the Ottoman Empire re-emerges.

Although Austria or the Habsburg family is still the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, their strength has long been reduced to what it used to be.

Beginning with the alliance between Francis I of France and Suleiman of the Ottoman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire had been weakening.

Although Charles V divided the Habsburg Empire into the Spanish and Austrian families, and although the Ottoman Empire gradually reduced its participation in European affairs due to its own decline, the French never stopped weakening.

This business started by Francois I or Louis XI earlier has been inherited by the French kings.

Until Louis XIII led France to win the Thirty Years' War, the imperial power of the Holy Roman Empire became a complete joke, and the future disunity of Germany had a lot to do with this.

In the era of Louis XIV, France further harmed the Habsburg family. The War of the Grand Alliance and the War of Spanish Succession not only ravaged the German region, but also caused the Habsburgs to lose Spain.

In the past century, the rise of Prussia has caused the Habsburg family to lose Silesia, and the Principality of Lorraine has also been given to the French.

It was hard for Peter to imagine what would happen to Austria if the Ottoman Empire rose again, with Prussia to the north, Tsarist Russia to the east, France to the west, and Austria to the south.

If Austria collapses, this will be something the UK does not want to see.

Austria is a very important link in England's continental balance. It works with Spain and the Netherlands to contain France. It hinders German unification within Germany. It seems to be inseparable from Russia in the east, hindering Russia's over-expansion.

Austria's own geopolitics and national and religious issues doomed it to be difficult for it to threaten England's expansion. After all, it had to maintain a large enough army to ensure its own security. In this case, his small navy was nothing to Britain. Woolen cloth?

It can be said that unless the monarchs or prime ministers of various European countries collectively lose their minds and allow Austria to unify Germany, otherwise, Austria is destined to be an excellent partner for the United Kingdom.

If Peter were asked to arrange a script, a script that would be most beneficial to England.

He hoped that the Ottoman Empire would decline, but not too quickly. It would be best to contain Russia's energy and put some pressure on Austria. This would be beneficial to England.

After England completed its global layout, it increased its control over the remaining colonies in North America and India.

At this time, England will devote more energy to Europe. After all, the only area that needs to be directly conquered is Africa, and the Ottoman Empire happens to have control of North Africa, especially Algeria and Egypt.

Taking these two places will basically completely block France's penetration into Africa. By then, the gap between the French and England will only become wider.

So, should we encourage the Russians to declare war on the Ottoman Empire?

Pitt thought for a long time and finally summoned the then Foreign Secretary.

“Go and contact the monarch of Oman and tell him.

Do not interfere openly with the Ottoman Empire's actions in the Arabian interior and within its traditional sphere of influence.

Also, always pay attention to the progress of the Ottoman Empire in the Arab region and be wary of the other party's declaration of war. If the situation changes, notify us immediately.

Let him understand that Britain is behind him. "

After thinking for a while, Peter continued.

"Remind the Bedouins that the Ottoman Empire is going to take action. Also, pay attention to the movements of the Russians. Let's bet on both sides and strike a balance."

Peter rubbed his eyebrows, but he remembered another thing, about the Warren Hastings case.

Edmund Burke's meaning was obvious, Hastings must be tried.

Of course, it is one thing for Pitt to agree to hand over Hastings to the House of Lords in this matter, but this does not mean that he really wants to touch Hastings.

Edmund Burke's support is indeed important. After all, he is a Tory, while Edmund Burke is a Whig and is quite senior. With his support, the subsequent general election will undoubtedly be much easier. .

More importantly, the North-Fox Alliance, led by Fox, rejected the olive branch he extended after he was elected and has never had the intention to cooperate with him.

And in 1789, when George III was ill, Fox was almost eager to let the Prince of Wales succeed to the throne.

Even if he later stopped him and the Prince of Wales could only serve as regent instead of king, Fox did not hide his desire to change the cabinet immediately.

Not to mention, Fox also supported the French Revolution. If George III hadn't woken up in time and handed the country into the hands of such a person, Pitt would have never dared to imagine it.

There was a sound outside the door, and Peter recognized the person as his friend Wilburst.

"How's the Hastings case going?"

"Not too optimistic, Edmund Burke dominated the hearings and Fox was making waves.

Almost two-thirds of the House of Lords supported Burke, while the House of Commons was indifferent to the matter. "

"Let's hold off for now, nothing can happen to Warren Hastings, at least not yet.

We cannot be passive on the Indian issue.

We all understand Fox's thinking. If the hearing can show the mismanagement of Hastings and the East India Company in British India, they can support the "1784 India Draft" proposed by the "Fox-North Alliance" that year. Be rehabilitated.

On the other hand, Fox also wanted to put me in a difficult position.

But I can't respond directly to this matter. "

Wilberforce took over.

"For you, Pitt, to criticize Hastings would be to bring disrepute to His Majesty the East India Company.

But if you publicly defend Hastings, you will attract criticism from general public opinion. "

Pete sighed and nodded.

"Take your time, things about Hastings are destined to be vague.

If such a complicated hearing continues to drag on, the public's interest in the hearing will gradually fade away.

When the time comes, Hastings will be found not guilty. "

The Hastings Incident was an important event regarding the East India Company. During this period, the Governor-General of British India would slowly take shape. In other words, the East India Company would be gradually replaced.

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