The Crescent of the Sultan

Chapter 160 Big Deception (Two in One)

After splitting several Kurdish principalities in one fell swoop and beginning to relocate the Emir Kingdom of Bitlis and Bothan, it can be said that the Kurdish region at this time had lost its ability to resist the Ottoman Empire.

Taking into account the special nature of this region, Emperor Cyprus set up the position of special governor to temporarily administer the Kurdish region. The governor was Alandar Mustafa Pasha.

While Emperor Serb continued to march toward Baghdad with his army, Alandar-Mustafa Pasha was doing his work in the Kurdish region.

In the Kurdish region, Alandar Mustafa Pasha was delivering a speech, deceiving the Kurds into conducting jihad against the Persian heretics in order to recruit troops. The atmosphere at the entire scene was very lively.

“Dear Sunni Muslims, we have tolerated heresy for too long.

From the Shia traitors in Persia to the Wahhabi traitors in Hijaz, in their eyes, we, the great Sunni Muslims, the inheritors of the Prophet, the supporters of the four caliphs, and the glorious founders of the Islamic world, have become the group that turned their backs on God.

They destroyed our mosques, forced conversions of our faithful, banned our religious ceremonies, and massacred those who disobeyed.

I believe that every Sunni Muslim standing here today has heard his or her grandfather talk about how the infamous Persian heretic killed your people.

I also believe that you have seen how the Wahhabis who are domineering in the hometown left by the prophet preach like a madman.

For this kind of heresy, this kind of heresy that has gone astray, the Sultan's will can no longer turn them back, the caliph's advice is regarded as empty words by them, and they completely ignore the advice of the Ulema. They have decided to go on this road. Keep walking.

In this case, as the subjects of the Ottoman Empire, the leader of the Islamic world, the subjects of the caliphate of the Islamic world, and the brave Sunni Muslims, don’t you still know what you should do?

Last night, I had a dream. In the dream, Allah came hand in hand with His Majesty, and He gave me divine decrees.

"Mustafa, please remember this.

This is the Caliph whom I have appointed, the shepherd whom I have chosen. You must work for him with all your heart and soul.

Now I grant you authority, give you a name, and give you divine punishment to show your future.

Dear Sunni Muslims, this is the divine revelation given to me by God, and the divine revelation given to all of us. We should uphold God's intention, bring divine punishment to heretics, and start jihad! "

As Alandar Mustafa Pasha's last words fell, the audience burst into warm cheers.

In the vast steppe area, a huge Ottoman army gathered. The ranks were uniform, the cavalry and infantry were wearing uniforms, and their morale was high. The military flag flies in the wind, carrying majesty and glory.

The general stood at the front of the team, majestic and with firm eyes.

The first to appear was the cavalry team, although these cavalry were all winged cavalry brought by Alandar Mustafa Pasha from the Moldavia area and were originally affiliated with the Polish Legion.

But, as the saying goes, as long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Besides, can a bunch of Mountain Turks, rubbish among rubbish, really recognize that these people are Poles and not Sunni Muslims? Probably unlikely.

The knights in heavy armor rode tall and mighty war horses with superb equestrian skills, galloping leisurely on the grassland. The snow had melted at this time, and the horses' hooves stepped on the grassland, causing a lot of water splashes. Under the sunlight, Reflects colorful light.

The overall red hussars gathered together,

Under the sun, on the vast grassland, the hussars formed a battle formation, preparing to launch a charge.

They were holding heavy lances, and the feather tassels on their horses were swaying.

The sound of the charging horn sounded, deep and exciting.

At this signal, the hussars mounted their horses and accelerated forward.

The initial jog quickly turned into a galloping sprint, and the only sounds across the grassland were the sound of horse hooves, bugles, and the war cries of the soldiers.

The manes of the war horses flew up, bringing up a cloud of dust. Looking down from the sky, the hussars seemed like a huge red wave surging on the ground.

In the sun, the armor, swords and spears of the Hussars gleamed like lightning across the sky, bringing a storm of death.

In the flying dust, the Hussars were like a vengeful god descending from the sky, carrying unstoppable power.

When the charge ended, countless Kurds cheered again.

In fact, it is not wrong to cheer, after all, the current wing cavalry is no longer the Spear of God, and a more appropriate name is the Sword of God.

Next is the infantry unit:

This group of infantry soldiers are all New Army troops who were trained in Egypt and transported to Constantiniya.

They wore magnificent uniforms, and the discipline and march of the troops were impressive.

The sun hangs in the blue sky, and the golden sunlight shines on the grassland.

The soldiers wore uniforms of red and black military uniforms with fez hats on their heads. The uniforms sparkled in the sun.

They were lined up neatly and disciplined, standing on the vast playground, waiting for the arrival of the commander.

The commander rode a tall horse, wore a gorgeous military uniform, and his chest was covered with medals and medals.

He walked slowly to the center of the parade ground, and the soldiers looked at him seriously and majestically.

The military band played military marches on the sidelines, and the loud music echoed in the air, adding to the solemn atmosphere of the scene.

The commander stopped in the center, his eyes scanning the entire line, making sure every soldier stood straight.

Then, raising his sword in the air, he saluted the soldiers, who responded with bayonets on their rifles, making a crisp metallic sound.

Next, the commander began to review the team. He walked slowly past each row of soldiers, carefully inspecting their uniforms and weapons.

The soldiers stood there solemnly and proudly, demonstrating their discipline and professionalism. The commander's eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, and he had extremely high requirements for every detail.

The climax is coming, and the soldiers begin to demonstrate army formations and queues.

They carried out various complex military actions at a coordinated pace, such as column deployment, rotating attacks, and diagonal attacks.

These actions are in perfect harmony among the soldiers, demonstrating their teamwork capabilities after a long period of rigorous training and training.

The whole scene was filled with the glory and majesty of the new army infantry.

Next comes the artillery.

It was already midday, and the winter sun shone lazily on the earth, making people feel gentle but not dazzling.

The artillerymen of the New Army lined up in a neat queue and were on standby.

They wore gorgeous military uniforms and tall fitz hats. The uniforms were decorated with golden buttons and embroidery, making them look majestic and solemn.

Soldiers stood beside their cannons, whose bases were ornately inlaid with metal carvings.

A row of soldiers pulled artillery pieces and prepared for an artillery display.

The cannons were huge, made of heavy metal, with polished barrels and shiny metal plating. The soldiers used ropes and rollers to carefully position the cannon into the correct position, and everything went smoothly.

Soon, a commander rode a majestic horse into the parade ground.

Wearing a gorgeous uniform and wearing a medal of honor on his chest, he surveyed the team with a majestic expression. The military band played passionate music and created a solemn atmosphere.

The commander immediately gave the order and the soldiers began to perform artillery demonstrations.

With precise steps, they pulled the cannons into position and then carefully wiped the exteriors of the cannons with wiping cloths to ensure they sparkled.

Then, they quickly loaded the artillery, lit the fuse, sparks flew, the artillery roared, the sound was deafening, and the smoke filled the air.

Finally, there is the military band.

Compared with other troops, the military band is carefully selected. They wear neat uniforms that are more colorful than other troops.

They wore ornate fez hats decorated with feathers.

They carry a variety of musical instruments, including brass instruments such as trumpets, horns, and tubas, woodwind instruments such as flutes, piccoloes, and clarinets, and percussion instruments such as drums, cymbals, and more.

Under the command of the commander, the military band began to perform.

Ceddin, deden, neslin, baban.

(ancestor, grandfather, lineage, father)

Ceddin, deden, neslin, baban

(ancestor, grandfather, lineage, father)

Hep kahraman Türkmilleti

(Always brave and decisive for the nation)

Ordularin, pekok zaman, vermistiler dünya' ya san.

(Your army is famous all over the world in any era)

Ordularin, pekok zaman, vermistiler dünya' ya san

(Your army is famous all over the world in any era)

Türk milleti, Türk milleti

(Turkish nation, Turkish nation)

Türk milleti, Türk milleti

(Turkish nation, Turkish nation)

Ask ile sev milliyeti

(I love your motherland with great affection)

Kahret vatan, düsmanini, eksin o mel'un zilleti

(Destroy your enemies and humiliate them as they deserve)

Kahret vatan, düsmanini, eksin o mel'un zilleti

(Destroy your enemies and humiliate them as they deserve)

The atmosphere at the scene was completely ignited. The team officers held the imperial recruitment flyers and read them to the Kurds who had been inspired by religious emotions.

Following the general's orders, the Ottoman troops moved forward in unison.

Looking at the retreating troops, the Kurds are full of faith and courage at this time, despite facing arduous battles and unknown risks.

With a burning passion for their faith, they were eager to contribute to the Ottoman cause of jihad.

The young and brave Kurds are eager to take part in this noble battle.

Kurdish youths continue to find team officers and apply to join the Ottoman Army

In the evening, as the army set off, the sound of the horses' hooves filled the sky.

The soldiers held their weapons high, and the battle flags fluttered in the wind.

The war songs and war drums were loud in the wind, and the soldiers moved forward bravely, firmly believing that victory and glory would belong to them.

The united Ottoman warriors, with their devotion to their faith and their loyalty to the empire, were a powerful force, even though the holy war against Persia was a sham.

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