The Crescent of the Sultan

Chapter 166 The Emirates plays gg

The temperature in the desert made Muhammad Ali feel very uncomfortable. During the day, the temperature could almost soar to over 30 degrees Celsius, but it was surprisingly low at night. Fortunately, the military supplies sent by Haji Pasha included warm clothing, otherwise he would have really Don't know what to do.

Muhammad Ali grabbed a bunch of grass roots, put it in his mouth and chewed it. The grass roots had almost no moisture, giving them a dry feeling.

However, his attention was not on his mouth. He was only thinking about his offensive tactics.

He was very happy that the island hopping tactics these days had been very successful.

He has already skipped many oases guarded by Bedouins. Most of these oases are small and medium-sized oases with extremely poor self-sufficiency. They need to rely on nearby large oases to provide supplies, otherwise they will easily starve to death.

And here is the key. Muhammad Ali specially selected weakly defended small and medium-sized oases and strategically important large oases to play.

After the small and medium-sized oases were captured, the original defense system of small and medium-sized oases that were horns with each other has been destroyed, and the scope of the Bedouin's tactical activities has been greatly reduced.

The loss of large oases has put all small oases and a large number of medium oases into a situation of insufficient supply.

The question is, why didn’t the Bedouin escape?

Because Muhammad Ali came so quickly, the Sipashi cavalry almost quickly completed the roundabout, cut and surrounded, causing the Bedouin to be trapped almost before they could react.

In addition, in order to complete the defense system, the Bedouins dispersed their armies, while the Ottoman Empire attacked in an encircling posture.

This creates a situation where we want to defend but have no supplies, and we want to break out but have no troops.

As for taking the initiative to intercept the Ottoman Empire's transport convoy, the Bedouins have not tried it before.

It was only the rapid support of the Ottoman cavalry that caused any Bedouin who dared to take the initiative to attack out of the oasis to suffer a disastrous defeat without exception.

And this just proves the strategic thinking of Muhammad Ali and Seth the Great.

It can be said that the desert here is the Pacific Ocean where America's army and the Japs once fought, the oasis is the island where the Japs held firm in the Pacific, the cavalry are the escort fleets, the civilians are the transport ships, and Muhammad Ali used The huge size of the Ottoman Empire in front of the Drameyer Emirate led to the killing of the Middle Eastern Emperor Mai.

The only difference is probably that Muhammad Ali is really good at fighting, and Mai Tianhuang seems to be good at fighting.

As Muhammad Ali continued to advance towards the hinterland of the desert, Hassan Pasha in the south had also pressed towards the Emirate of Deramaye. The Wahhabis had lost consecutive battles and were almost defeated.

It can be seen here that even if an army obtains new weapons, it will not be able to exert its strength without receiving systematic training.

The two generals were leading the way, and Emperor Sai was naturally unwilling to lag behind.

He further advanced his army. The Emirate of Kuwait faced little resistance and was occupied by the Ottoman army. The Helidel Emirate below also did not organize any useful resistance. Emperor Cypriot and Alandar Mustafa Pasha Together they almost blocked the northern corridor, and at the same time they approached Oman and began to commit suicide on the border.

Under tremendous pressure from the Ottoman army, Oman was forced to stop aiding the Bedouin.

Oman's Sultan Hamid was very angry about this. He made a strong protest against the Ottoman Empire's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, believing that the Ottoman Empire was violating Oman's national territorial sovereignty and grossly interfering in Oman's internal affairs.

In response to this protest, Haji Pasha and Emperor Sai tacitly chose a method - procrastination.

Anyway, we just don’t say anything and just delay. You, Oman, won’t go to war over such a trivial matter. So if it can restrict you from providing supplies to the Bedouin, why not?

Threats from three sides are deepening step by step, supplies are cut off, and the destruction of the Bedouin seems to be foreseeable.

Traveling a hundred miles is only half a century, and the more critical the moment, the more cautious you must be.

The Sultan was vigilant and always on guard against the Bedouin's deadly counterattack. Unfortunately, he did not encounter Muhammad Ali.

The time came in June of 1790. After two months of offensive, the main force of the Bedouin was almost completely lost.

Of course, the Ottoman Empire's losses were not small. These losses were not losses to the army, but losses to the logistics system.

The attrition rate of the 100,000 Shia civilians sent to Muhammad Ali by the Emperor of Serb reached an extremely alarming level, as high as 80%.

The reason for this situation is actually related to the Bedouin's counterattack that almost wiped out their main force.

As Muhammad Ali continued to advance, the Bedouin eventually failed to hold their nerve.

So under the command of the second generation of the Emirate of Diriyai, the Bedouin directly forcibly inserted 20,000 troops into Muhammad Ali's army deployment, intending to use cavalry to surround and divide them, and then solve the Ottoman Army once and for all.

In fact, they almost succeeded.

It has to be said that the ancestors of the Saudi family are still very strong in martial arts, and the second generation quickly surrounded an Ottoman army that was too far forward.

And this is not a command error by Muhammad Ali. In fact, this large oasis is a bit outstanding, causing it to be somewhat disconnected from other oases.

In this case, Muhammad Ali acquiesced to the free play of the besieged army, and at the same time assigned the army to advance at full speed. The civilians kept up with the speed, and in cooperation with the besieged army, defeated the Bedouin in one fell swoop.

All this is due to the civilian husbands, because without them, the besieged army would not be able to sustain it for so long. The besieged army would have to eat the civilian husbands after eating the food.

After defeating the Bedouin with a fluke, Emperor Sai started brainstorming. Every time he thought about the performance of Saudi Arabia in later generations, Emperor Sai greatly doubted whether the descendants behind him had been rekindled. Otherwise, why would he be so lazy every time? When the war starts for the first time, not to mention the little bullies in the Middle East, even the Alawites (Xu Liya) may not be able to do it.

These civilian husbands who were lucky enough to survive did not get the result of going home.

They were used by Muhammad Ali in siege warfare, and yes, the emirate had cities too.

Muhammad Ali first used civilians to consume the opponent's physical strength and weaken his will, and then defeated the Bedouin city in one battle, forcing the opponent to flee to Oman.

This ended the half-year battle, and the first stage of the Great Crusade came to an end.

Let’s take a break and prepare for the second phase, which is about the crusade against the disobedient caliphate in the Islamic world - Oman.

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