The Crescent of the Sultan

Chapter 20 A new journey

The news of the armistice between Russia and Turkey quickly spread throughout the European countries, shocking the politicians and monarchs of various countries. The Ottoman Empire, which had been beaten violently by the Russians in recent decades, actually won this time!

Although both sides stated that the ceasefire was voluntary, politicians from various countries are not blind. It is very clear who is at a disadvantage and who is at an advantage.

"Prime Minister Pitt, what do you think of the new Sultan of the Ottoman Empire?" London, Buckingham Palace, George III is having a family dinner, and William Pitt, as the British Prime Minister, is naturally an invitee.

“Your Majesty, to be honest, this sultan has given all of Europe a surprise, including me, of course.

Unlike his father Mustafa and uncle Hamid, this sultan is quite shrewd and knows how to take advantage of things.

After all, with the current strength of the Ottoman Empire, it is absolutely impossible to wrest Ukraine back from the Russians. However, he did not recognize the sovereignty of the Russians, which left a way out for himself.

Secondly, the rise of the Ottoman Empire is beneficial to us. The greed of the Russians is obvious to all European countries. If they get Constantinople, will they want Persia next? Egypt, want India?

A reformed Ottoman Empire can block the expansion of Austria and Russia in the Balkans and Asia Minor without threatening us. This is conducive to maintaining the balance of power on the continent, and can also reduce our investment in the European continent and speed up the development of the European continent. The development of our country's major colonies.

After all, Britain's destiny lies at sea. "Prime Minister Pitt talked eloquently.

"Prime Minister Pitt, but he is a heretic! Isn't it too..."

The second princess, August Sophia, spoke. After hearing Peter's comments, the girl couldn't help but want to test the other person's attitude towards religion.

"Your Highness, I understand what you mean, but he is a monarch first, and then an Islamist. You must keep this in mind." Peter replied seriously.

George III on the side also became interested at this time and asked hurriedly: "Sophia, haven't you received Selim before? Why are you asking about his religious identity now?"

"Dad, I am a pious person." When Princess Sophia saw George III asking this, she hurriedly pouted and pretended to be angry, which scared George III and hurriedly came to comfort his baby daughter.

"Selim, Catherine actually lost to the new Sultan. Coburg's death was not unjust." Joseph II murmured to himself in Schonbrunn Palace.

"Dear Mary, I knew Selim could win. It's worth the investment, right?"

At the Palace of Versailles, Louis XVI said to Queen Marie-Antoinette with a smile.

"I'm not happy for him, because he's so troubled. Marie-Antoinette looked dissatisfied.

Louis XVI just pretended not to hear the queen's complaints. The Austrians were worried and it had nothing to do with the French king.

"This new Sultan has caused heavy losses to the Austrians. This may be an opportunity for Prussia." Berlin, Friedrich Wilhelm II said to himself while looking at the map.

While a group of big shots were discussing the Russian-Turkish War and its subsequent consequences, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire had returned to Topkapi Palace.

Looking at the sunrise on the horizon, the red sun has gradually emerged from the sea.

Selim was lying on the bed bored, thinking about how to handle a series of subsequent events, and his head was pounding.

"You've already traveled through time, why don't you just let me make my own choice? Austria next door is no better than this damn place."

Complaints are complaints, and you have to do what you have to do. Selim got up from the bed, took the clothes handed by the maid, finished dressing, and was ready to start today's work.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's not a big expense, but it's all thanks to my keen eye for recognizing heroes, and I caught Napoleon at a glance."

Selim looked through the logistics reports given to him by Yusuf Pasha and the Grand Mufti, and calculated that the entire war had wiped out a year and a half of the Ottoman Empire's fiscal revenue.

For Selim, who had collected wealth in advance and issued bonds, excluding war consumption, the money was enough to carry out preliminary industrialization.

"But I still have money with Ali."

Selim felt happy when he thought that the centuries-old wealth of the fallen Guards would belong to him.

As for whether there will be dissatisfaction among the Guards, well, isn't this all Ali Pasha embezzling the property of the fallen soldiers? The great Sultan will uphold justice.

If there is no dissatisfaction among the Guards, then create one. After all, creating public opinion and provoking confrontation is simply a matter of course for Selim. Don’t list too many cases on a certain blog, a certain book, or a certain sound in his previous life.

"Dear Ali Pasha, don't blame me, you know too much."

While Selim was thinking about how to deal with Ali Pasha, he pretended to comfort himself. After all, this was not in line with the prophet's teachings.

At the Guards Office, Ali Pasha was busy counting the properties of the fallen Guardsmen, while Paul watched him from the side.

Poor Ali Pasha had no idea that he had been sentenced to death in the Sultan.

Selim slowly walked to the official residence belonging to the Grand Vizier, where Yusuf Pasha was waiting for him. The two would discuss how to deal with the local powerful factions in the Ottoman Empire.

After all, it is not a good idea to continue to use the tax farming system. Moreover, if the local government does not cooperate with the later reform and implementation of religious and ethnic policies, wouldn't it be in vain?

"Your Majesty, I think the first solution is Egypt. If we gain control of the Nile Delta, the food problem will be solved, and it will be easier to deal with those local powerful factions in the future."

“The Mamluks are indeed a group of easier opponents to deal with, compared to the cunning Chapan family and Kara Osman family, and the arrogant Janikli family.

They are arrogant, incompetent, extravagant, and always exploiting the people under their rule. It is really time to solve the cancer of this empire."

Selim continued: "However, my Grand Vizier, the empire's army has not yet finished resting. Who are you going to send?"

"Your Majesty must already have the answer in his heart, so why ask me?" Yusuf Pasha smiled slyly, and the true nature of the old fox was clearly revealed.

"Then let Napoleon be the commander-in-chief. As for the soldiers, the Janicli family has been the governor of Trabzon for so many years, so they must have a lot of private soldiers on hand."

"It's best if they agree. If they don't agree, do they want to be the next David Komnenos?" Selim's voice gradually became colder. You are a bunch of morons, you really think your family is hereditary. Governor Buzon failed.

From this chapter on, Selim's reform path is already on the right track.

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