The Crescent of the Sultan

Chapter 33 Timing

To be honest, Louis XVI did not understand the thoughts of this mob. In his opinion, Necker was not the kind of person who could perform miracles.

But the Paris mob kept petitioning him for Necker's return.

Louis XVI felt extremely aggrieved. In his exchanges with Selim, he always regarded himself as the most powerful monarch in Europe.

In his opinion, France is the most pro-monarchy country in Europe.

France will not mutiny and change its masters like the Ottoman Empire, where soldiers dared to kill the Sultan; it will not be as cowardly as Britain, where a king can be publicly executed; it will not be as weak as Russia, where a German woman can take away the Tsar position; it will not be as incompetent as the Holy Roman Empire, and the princes dare to fight against the emperor.

Since the Sun King, the belief that I am the nation has been the principle of every king.

But when the mob broke through the Bastille and pressed against him with great force, Louis XVI suddenly discovered that the scorching sun hanging over France seemed to have dimmed.

"It has been almost eighty years since the Sun King passed away. Will the glory of the Bourbon family be destroyed in his own hands?"

Louis XVI thought pessimistically, and the Duke of La Rochefoucauld on the side urged: "Your Majesty, you need to respond to the people's petition."

"That's enough, Your Excellency, Necker is a despicable and shameless villain. If it weren't for this damn Swiss, how could France's financial budget and privileged annual salary be leaked!"

Louis XVI, who had always been gentle, seemed to have completely lost his grace as a king at this moment, cursing Necker.

“This despicable banker deliberately misled the French people so that they did not have a clear understanding of their economic situation.

He sowed dissension between the royal family and the people, causing the order of France to be destroyed and turbulent.

This damn guy only thinks about the money he paid to stabilize France, but he doesn't think about what a big country France is!

We fought against the British in North America, causing them to lose the Thirteen States, and we supported a new country so that they would no longer be oppressed by the British.

For such a great achievement, Necker can only see the money he invested. His ancestor must be a damn Jew, which makes this bastard short-sighted and unable to see the final benefits. "

The Duke of La Rochefoucauld could understand Louis XVI's outburst, and he persuaded Louis XVI tactfully.

"Your Majesty, you are right. At the Level 3 meeting, Necker's speech disappointed everyone.

But for some unknown reason, he is regarded by the people as an indispensable key figure.

Just as Marquis Larry Toledale announced.

“As we have seen and heard, from the streets to the squares, from the docks to the markets, the cry of ‘Bring Necker back’ is echoing everywhere!

Your Majesty, at this time, the demand of the people is the command: we must demand his reinstatement.

Louis XVI held on to the armrest dejectedly, the resentment in his heart making it almost difficult for him to stand still.

"This mob is really disgusting."

The king struggled to suppress his anger, but whispers of curses continued to escape his lips.

Finally, the embarrassed king was forced to recall Necker.

The next morning, the Swiss banker made his way back to Paris through angry crowds.

"Long live the country! Long live the representatives! Long live Mr. Lafayette! Such calls are heard endlessly.

What is clear is that long live the King! There are very few calls. "

The British ambassador, the Duke of Dorset, recorded that "Louis XVI was led more like a prisoner than a king, and like a tamed bear."

After arriving at the City Hall, someone handed Louis XVI the tricolor cap badge. He immediately took it and inserted it into his hat.

After a stammering brief speech, he walked out onto the balcony, where he now donned his cap badge and was greeted with loud cheers.

Probably no one expected Louis XVI to be so popular. "

But this good situation did not last long. The National Assembly was given new powers to enact reforms and write a constitution, but life became increasingly difficult for the poor in the cities and for farmers across France.

A Venetian ambassador wrote: “The first gift that the Revolution intended to give to France was a terrible anarchy… There would be no more administrative machinery, no law, no magistrates, no police.

"Riots broke out all over France. In Troyes, the mayor was killed; in Rennes, the royal garrison fled en masse; in Marseilles, the garrison was forcibly disbanded by an armed mob. Prisons were broken into, prisoners released, and arsenals City halls everywhere were looted and occupied.

In Paris, the deputy mayor of Saint-Denis was chased through the streets by a mob and eventually escaped to the top of a church tower, where he was brutally beheaded.

France was thrown into a state of frenzy, and people everywhere were arrested and executed.

A minister named Fulon de Douai in the government of Louis XVI once said that if people are hungry, they should be allowed to eat hay.

As a result, they tied a nettle ring around his neck, put a handful of thistles in his hand, stuffed a handful of hay into his mouth, and hung him from a lamppost.

On August 4, the young Vicomte Noaille, who had fought alongside Lafayette in the United States, proposed to the National Constituent Assembly that all feudal powers should be abolished.

He received the support of the Duke of Aiguillon, the most powerful landowner in France, although no one knew why.

Noyer's proposal triggered an enthusiastic response, and one after another the nobles and church dignitaries were asked to stand up and renounce the rights and privileges they enjoyed.

The meeting lasted until late at night. Finally, Marquis Lalli Toledale sent a message to the chairman: "Suspend the meeting, they are all crazy."

The next morning, most people had changed their minds.

Over the next few days, the waiver was significantly revised.

But in any case, the abstention statement would be prohibited because the king would not comply.

“I will never consent to depredations against my clergy and nobles,” he told the Archbishop of Arles, “nor will I sanction decrees intended to despoil them.”

Louis XVI did not seem to understand his situation. Although he was frightened by the situation, he did not think that the French would execute their king.

Constantiniya, Napoleon, who was leading the garrison in Egypt, quickly returned after receiving Selim's letter.

"Your Majesty, when do you think I should go back?"

The little man asked Selim for his opinion, with no trace of panic on his plain face.

"Wait a little longer, Bonaparte, until the Austrians, the English, and the Prussians can no longer bear it. Then France will remember that it needs a general."

Selim replied, "Seize the opportunity and you can realize your ideal!"

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