The Crescent of the Sultan

Chapter 52 Promulgation of the

Politically, after the Guards were eliminated, there was no political force in the entire Ottoman Empire that could confront the Sultan head-on.

The jurists lost their military support. The powerful Balkan powers did not have the courage at this time. The Mamluks had long been eliminated. The powerful powers in Anatolia were either eliminated or won over. The families in the Arab region were looked down upon. of.

On the economic front, the currency reform presided over by Abraham has been basically completed.

The Ottoman Empire recycled a large number of various currencies that were originally circulating in the market, including gold coins such as Sultani, Tughra, Seid Istanbul, Sinkir, Fundek and Zermahab.

These gold coins were minted and issued according to the standard of Ducat gold coins, and have now begun to be slowly and uniformly recycled and minted into Ottoman gold coins.

In terms of silver coins, compared to the original plan, Kurus and Akche are still retained.

In terms of copper coins, it is planned lira.

In terms of military affairs, Egypt became the bridgehead for the reform of the Ottoman Empire with the help of the dividends obtained after pacifying the Mamluks.

The last new army to fight the rebellion came from Egypt, and there are still 60,000 such troops in Egypt.

These landless peasants, recruited from the Balkans, Anatolia, Arabia and Egypt, were trained to become the main force of the Ottoman Empire's army.

In terms of industry, the machinery, equipment, experts and technicians promised by Matthew Bolton will also arrive in Constantiniya in the near future.

Egypt has already put into use the textile machines obtained from the Venetians, and the cotton textile industry will be Egypt's main industry.

As for the resource issue, this was not a problem for the Ottoman Empire at this time.

Major coal mines within the empire are about to be mined. For example, the Zonguldak coalfield on the southern coast of the Black Sea was the largest and only hard coal mine in Turkey in the original time and space, and it was basically open-pit coal.

In terms of iron ore, Turkey itself is a country rich in iron ore in later generations. For example, the Avnik mine has a reserve of 100 million tons, not counting other mines. As for now, the coal and iron mine near Constantiniya It's enough.

On January 1, 1790, the Sultan issued the "Imperial Edict" at the same time in front of the Sultan's Gate and the Golden Gate of Topkapi Palace, which was known as the "Imperial Edict" in history.

The Sultan's Gate has walls made of red bricks, a gate opening known as the "Emperor's Gate", and its outer walls are inlaid with gray marble.

Because the Sultan entered the palace through this gate, it is also called the Sultan's Gate. It is located to the south of the Royal Palace and was completed in 1478.

This huge stone door highlights its defensive function. Golden verses from the Quran are engraved above the door opening.

Below the scripture is the emblem of the "Ottoman" family. The top is engraved with the Sultan's Tula in gold leaf, which belonged to Mehmed II.

An inscription on the door reads: "By the grace and approval of Allah, this auspicious castle can be erected. Its strength can bring peace and tranquility... May the Lord bless the empire forever and make his people the brightest in the sky." of starlight.”

If the edict at Sultan's Gate is for Muslims, then the edict at Kinmen has another meaning.

Legend has it that in 1453, when Byzantium was about to fall, the last emperor Constantine was about to die in battle on the city walls.

A ray of light lifted him into the sky, and God dropped the gospel for him, announcing to the world that the emperor would not die, but would return and lead an army of angels to fight back from the Golden Gate built by Emperor Theodosius, so that the Sultan could understand who was the emperor. It's the master.

But Selim wants to tell everyone one thing: "Your bullshit emperor will never die! This place was, is, and will be ruled by the Sultan in the future!"

As for the Third Rome, aside from that, the era of Russian barbarians trying to take advantage of Byzantium is over.

The only Rome in this world is the Ottoman Empire, the rest are all traitors! "

At eleven o'clock in the morning, the edict officially began to be announced.

"My dear people, after all the preparations have been completed, it is time for the Ottoman Empire to sail into the future.

We want Europe to know and let the world know that five hundred years ago, we could rise from the tribe; four hundred years ago, we made Byzantium bow its head; three hundred years ago, we inherited Rome; two hundred years ago, we made Charles bow his head. Let the Dharma King bow his head;

The glory of the Empire will always be there, it will not fade with time.

It shines upon us like a new moon, inspiring us and telling us that the Empire was, is and will be the master of the world.

In the earliest days of the imperial monarchy, the glorious precepts of the Qur'an and the laws of the empire were respected.

This monarchy increased the power and greatness of the empire.

All its subjects, without exception, attained the highest degree of ease and prosperity.

However, in the past one hundred and fifty years, a series of unexpected events and the emergence of various reasons have led to people's disregard for the sacred legal code and the resulting rules and regulations. The former strength and prosperity have become Became weak and poor.

In fact, once an empire stops obeying its laws, it loses all its stability.

These considerations have always existed in my mind, and from the day I ascended the throne, thoughts of improving the public welfare and the condition of the provinces and relieving my subjects have never ceased.

Therefore, if we carefully consider the geographical position of the provinces of the empire, the fertility of the soil, the talents and intelligence of the inhabitants.

We still believe that by working hard to find effective means and with God's help, we can achieve the results we want within a few years.

We therefore feel confident that, under the leadership of the Sultan and with the unwavering support of our Prophet, it will be right to allow the provinces that make up the Ottoman Empire to benefit from good administration through new institutions.

Changes in these systems must be carried out mainly in four aspects, namely:

1. Political reforms, transformation of central and local administrative institutions, and redivision of imperial territory.

2. Financial reforms, land reform and the establishment of a new tax system, and the establishment of the Royal Bank.

3. Military reforms and the establishment of a new type of army are the guarantee of the lives of all the people of the empire.

4. The reform of the law. The prophet left us a rich legacy, but we have not used it enough. This is worthy of reflection.

In fact, aren't life and honor the most precious gifts of mankind?

Can a man, however opposed to violence by character, prevent himself from resorting to violence, thereby injuring himself and the country, if his life and honor were threatened?

On the contrary, if he enjoys perfect security in this regard, he will not deviate from the path of loyalty, and all his actions will contribute to his own interests and those of his brothers.

If a person is insecure about his property, everyone will be indifferent to the voice of the Sultan and the country, and no one will be as interested in the progress of public welfare as they are in focusing on their own troubles.

On the contrary, if a citizen feels confident in the security of all his property, he will also be enthusiastic about his affairs.

He would even seek to enlarge this passion, to increase his comfort, and he would feel his heart growing and boiling every day, not only with his love for the Sultan and his country, but with his devotion to his motherland.

These feelings became in him the source of the most praiseworthy actions.

For land and tax reform, regulation is very important.

Because a nation is forced to incur many expenses in defending its territory, it cannot obtain funds for armies and other military supplies except by imposing taxes on its subjects.

Although, by the grace of Allah, our empire has in the past period been freed from the scourge of monopolies which in times of war were wrongly regarded as sources of revenue.

But one fatal custom persisted, though it had only disastrous consequences—the greedy franchise known as tax farming.

Under this name, the civil and financial management of a place is done through the passion of one person.

that is, sometimes falling into the iron grip of violent and avaricious passions, for if the tax-farmer is not a good man, he will only seek his own advantage.

Therefore, from now on, every member of Ottoman society had to pay a certain fixed amount of tax according to his property and income, and it was impossible to ask for anything beyond this.

It is also necessary to enact special laws to fix and limit the expenditure of our army and navy.

Although we have already said that defending the country is an important matter and it is the obligation of all residents to equip soldiers to defend the country, it is necessary to plan the duration of military service according to the needs of the times.

Because, if you do not consider the situation of the times, and follow the past regulations indiscriminately.

This was not only a fatal blow to agriculture and industry, but also, because of this system of life-long service, it drove soldiers into despair and led to the depopulation of the country.

In short, without those few necessary laws just described, the empire would have no strength, no wealth, no happiness, no tranquility.

Rather, it must look for these new laws in their very existence.

Therefore, the case of every accused shall henceforth be subject to inquiry and examination, and to a public trial, as the divine law requires, and no one may be put to death, secretly or publicly, by poison or any other means, as long as a formal verdict has not been passed. other people.

No one may violate the honor of others.

Every man shall own his own property of every kind, and shall have complete freedom to dispose of it without any permission or hindrance from any one.

Therefore, without endangering national security, innocent heirs of criminals should not be deprived of their legal rights, and criminals' properties should not be confiscated.

These imperial concessions shall be extended to all our subjects, whatever religion or sect they may belong to.

They will enjoy these privileges without exception.

We therefore give to the inhabitants of our empire complete security in their lives, their honor, and their wealth, as the sacred text of the law guarantees them, so long as they love this country.

As for other questions which must be settled with the help of enlightened opinion, our Diwan Council will meet on a certain day as we decide, and our ministers and dignitaries of the empire will join this committee.

Everyone in these meetings is free to express their thoughts and contribute their opinions.

Since the purpose of these institutions is solely the revival of religion, government, state, and empire, we undertake not to do anything to the contrary.

To prove our promise, we will place these declarations in the hall with the glorious cloak of the Prophet in front of all the ulama and dignitaries of the empire, swearing in the name of Allah, and then make the ulama and dignitaries of the empire They took the oath together.

After this, any officer or nobleman of the empire, or any other person who has violated these institutions, shall, upon full proof, be punished according to his crime, whatever his rank, position, or influence.

A penal code should be codified for this purpose.

Since all public officials in the empire would be properly paid, the salaries of those who had hitherto been underpaid would be fixed.

A severe law therefore had to be passed against the dealings of favoritism and bribery, which the divine law condemned, and which were one of the principal causes of the decline of empires.

The above arrangements are a radical change and update of ancient customs, and the edict will be published in Constantiniya and in all parts of the empire, and will be officially communicated to the ambassadors of all the great powers residing in Constantiniya so that they may witness it grant of these systems.

This will last forever if Allah allows it.

May the Most High place us in His grace, and may those who violate the existing regulations become the objects of divine curse and be deprived of all happiness forever.

People, let us join hands and wish the Ottoman Empire long live. "

From the crowd at the foot of the mountain, there was a flood of calls, and the voices of "Long Live" came one after another. The Ottoman Empire has since entered a new chapter.

The edict in this chapter adopts the imperial edict of the Flower Hall in the original time and space. In the beginning, Charles refers to Charles V, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, and the King of France refers to King Francois I of France.

This chapter is quite laborious to write, after all it is a big chapter of 4,000 words (there may be some discrepancies, but not much).

Finally, please read and collect

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