The Crescent of the Sultan

Chapter 57 Work together!

In response to this situation, Selim decided to make certain improvements to the original land system while establishing local administrative institutions.

Sultan continued.

“Of course, the country will not take these lands for free.

Based on the administrative divisions mentioned earlier, let’s take provinces (i.e. districts as mentioned above), cities, counties, and townships as an example.

Every family or individual who surrenders land tax rights equivalent to one city will be granted the right to recommend county-level officials to the Sultan.

The rest, and so on, I will not say more.

As for serfdom, each slave-owning family should count the number of slaves and have the state pay for their redemption. What do you think? "

As soon as the Sultan finished speaking, everyone immediately looked at Manuk Kara Osman, who was one of the largest serf owners in the empire.

Not only that, this man also had a very strong army. During the turmoil in the previous months, it was this man who helped the Sudan stabilize the situation in eastern Anatolia and Mesopotamia.

It can be said that the Sultan can force anyone here to agree to his conditions. After all, everyone has something to do with Aladdin's rebellion, and since he has no soldiers at hand, he naturally doesn't have the guts to be tough.

But this one is different. As one of the heroes, the majestic Sultan, if he does things like killing donkeys, crossing rivers and burning bridges, and killing rabbits and cooking dogs, there is no trace of imperial demeanor at all.

As long as the Sultan dared to do so, some people who had not been liquidated and had escaped the disaster would dare to contact Aladdin Pasha, who had fled to Russia, and let the Sultan understand what the iron fist of internal and external alliances meant.

The Austro-Russian intervention forces, plus the armies of the Kara-Ottoman and Syrian and Arab wealthy families, are enough to cut off Egypt's support for Anatolia, while these Balkan trash cans only dare to sit on the sidelines and overthrow the Sudan, which is just around the corner.

While the remnants were thinking frantically, Manuk Kara Osman gave an answer that made everyone unbelievable.

"I will obey your will, Your Majesty. Your words are the creed of the Kara Osman family. Serfdom should have been abandoned by the times long ago. Accepting the leadership of the Sultan is what every citizen of the empire should do."

A group of participants were all stunned by Manuk Karaosman's speech. What's going on? Are you pretending to be a saint? It's not like everyone doesn't know the virtues of your family.

Blacks, whites, Greeks, Armenians, Bulgarians, Circassians (an ethnic group originating in Georgia, Muslims).

To say that the entire Kara Osman family is a serf owner is simply an insult to your family. To say that they are big slave traders is almost the same. They are from all ethnic groups, just like having a collecting habit.

But there was no way anyone could do it, because the intelligence was asymmetric, and they had no idea what Sultan had used to win over the old guy Manuk.

Even if he knew, it would be impossible to win Manuk's side in such a short period of time.

Looking at the faces of the officials, Selim felt a sense of amusement and waved his hands.

“Since there are no objections, let’s move on to the next round.

Regarding the reorganization of the imperial army.

I have a proposal below. "

Selim was about to speak in the middle of the speech, but he found that the venue was a little too quiet.

Sudan looked down and saw that some of the participants had already started paddling.

"Everyone, please pay attention. This meeting is very important. We are all one of the helmsmen of the Ottoman Empire. We need to work together!"

The Sultan's voice was like a thunder, and many officials who had been distracted immediately returned their attention to the meeting in front of them.

But everyone really didn’t care to listen. A Diwan meeting was no different from a personal speech by Sudan. It was a stand-alone meeting. The online version was stopped, right?

Unfortunately, Sultan did not want to pay attention to everyone's reactions. He continued his personal speech with the mentality of "Although you are very unhappy with me, you just can't kill me."

"Listen, everyone, the traditional army can no longer fulfill its duty to defend the empire, so I have decided..."

While Selim was still conducting his dictatorial meetings in Topkapi Palace, France had already used its traditional ability - wrangling.

Taking advantage of Napoleon's opportunity to recapture Louis XVI, Roland successfully overthrew the current leader of the Girondins, Brissot, and became the leader of the National Constituent Assembly.

Although Robespierre was attacked by Roland, he refused to admit it and instead accused Roland of knowing that the king had fled Paris.

With his strong political style and revolutionary attitude, Robespierre successfully ousted the former Chairman of the Jacobin Party and became the leader of the left in the National Constituent Assembly.

As for Count Mirabeau and General Lafayette, the former had despaired of Louis XVI. He committed suicide on the day Louis XVI was captured and returned to Paris, leaving behind a sentence.

With my death, the last remnants of the monarchy will die.

——Mirabeau said to Talleyrand before his death.

Talleyrand recorded on January 9, 1790: "The count's blood dyed the bathroom red. It was the last struggle of a man who tried to retain the king and hope for the happiness of the people during the revolution against the world. .

The mad dog from Provence died. He was neither assassinated nor committed suicide. He was just smashed to pieces in the face of the torrent of the times and could not survive. "

As for Lafayette, when Napoleon returned the king, he attempted to take him over and place him under his protection, but he failed.

Upon hearing Lafayette's demands, the National Guard mutinied.

The loyalty cultivated by the Bourbon royal family for hundreds of years was destroyed in less than a few months during the French Revolution.

Lafayette was deported, and he arrived in England, waiting for the day when he could return.

At this point, the constitutional monarchists, who should have only stepped down in 1792, left the game early with the suicide of Count Mirabeau and the expulsion of Lafayette.

The Girondins, representing the industrial and commercial bourgeoisie, took control of France. The victorious Roland was very happy. He awarded Napoleon the rank of major general and appointed the latter as the Director of Paris.

Since the outbreak of the French Revolution, French Queen Marie Antoinette's brother, Holy Roman Emperor Leopold, has been concerned about the safety of his sister and her family.

He was increasingly worried, but feared that interfering in France's affairs would make their situation even more dangerous.

However, after the disaster at the frontier and the upheaval in Paris, Leopold felt compelled to express his concerns.

Therefore, he invited King Frederick William II of Prussia and Count Artois, brother of Louis XVI, to Pillnitz Castle outside Dresden.

On January 15, 1790, the three issued a joint statement here. The three parties who signed the statement declared that the plight of French King Louis XVI has become "a matter of concern to all European monarchs."

If other powers are willing to cooperate - they will be ready to restore France's true monarchy.

Leopold knew that William Pitt's government in London would never support such an action, but he hoped that this statement would at least provide some comfort to his sister, brother-in-law, and the French Royalists in exile.

Maybe he didn't think there would be serious consequences, but who knows?

Some book friends felt that I did not introduce the plot in the last chapter. I thought about it and decided that in the future, I would like to publish a single chapter to explain this kind of science.

Thank you for your understanding, book friends, and I would like to ask you to follow up on the reading.

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