The Crimson Dragon |ASOIAF/HOTD|

Death and Resurrection

The life of Rosalind McDaniels was one of hardships and loneliness.

She was born the only child and daughter of Marsha and Ethan McDaniels in Orange Cove, California.

At four years old her father left, leaving Rosalind and Marsha behind, and forcing Marsha to work multiple jobs to provide for herself and her daughter.

But Rose wasn't lazing about while her mom worked, she put everything she had into her studies at the cost of everything else that kids her age enjoyed. Friends, after-school activities, were all given up and ignored in her pursuit of a better life for herself and her mom.

It paid off when she graduated high school early at the age of 16 and finished her undergraduate and graduate schooling in quick succession.

By twenty-four Rosalind had become a doctor at one of the biggest hospitals in Los Angles, one that worked as a neurologic surgeon while also specializing in perinatology and family medicine.

The next few years Rosalind's life had drastically changed thanks to her job, she was able to move herself and her mother out of their tiny rundown one-bedroom apartment in Orange Cove into a high rise in LA. During this time Rosalind was able to convince Marsha that she no longer had to work and could quit her various jobs since she could support them both financially.

Rosalind McDaniels had finally moved up in the world and was living the life she had worked for since she was young to achieve.

Until she died...


It started off as an ordinary Saturday morning, Rosalind was currently standing in the self-checkout lane at her neighborhood supermarket.

She had been putting off grocery shopping for the past few days as she was swamped with work and did not have the time. She was going to relax at home since she had finally had a rare day off, especially as she would be by herself because her mom was going out with friends. This was the plan until Marsha told her that she was going out to the store as there was no food in the house.

And being the helpful daughter that she was and not wanting her mom to be late for her brunch date with having to go to the store and come back home to drop off the groceries, decided to go herself.

Damn, why the does food keep getting more fucking expensive? It's just myself and mom I'm buying for, and all the cash in my wallet is gone. Rosalind thought as she pushed her full cart out of the store and towards her car.

She soon got to her car and began to load the groceries into the trunk, unaware of the person that was quickly approaching from behind.

Just when Rosalind closed her trunk, she was suddenly shoved into her car. The young woman cried out in shock and quickly turned around, seeing a Caucasian man standing behind her. He was dangerously skinny, his eyes sunken and cloudy, his blond hair was greasy and unkept, and his arms were covered in scars.

But what truly drew her attention was the gun being pointed at her in his shaky hands.

"Woah! Woah!" Rosalind exclaimed, raising her hands up as the man drew closer.

"Give it back to me!" The man roared.

Rosalind looked at the man in confusion, not understanding what she was being asked. "Give what back to you?"

"You know what you took from me you fucking bastard!" The man grabbed his hair so tightly that a couple strands could be seen falling out. His screams soon drew the attention of others in the parking lot and a small crowd had formed around the two.

What the hell?! Why are you all just standing there? Help me! Rosalind screamed in her head when she noticed the crowd. But her inner pleas ceased once she saw multiple people pull out their phones to record them.

"Give it give it give it give it give it!" Foam and spit started flying from his mouth as he screamed again. He then began to flail around, bawling his eyes out all while maintaining eye contact with Rosalind. What kind of drugs is this psycho on?! Rosalind thought.

She then took a deep breath before speaking and stopping her assailant's violent tantrum. "Hey, hey. I don't know what you're asking for, but we can figure it out if you just calm down."

The man stopped screaming, lowering his arms, and dropping them to his sides, his body slouching as he stared at Rosalind blankly.

Rosalind kept her own hands up, still worried about the man shooting her, but slightly hopeful that she had gotten through to him, and that this situation could be resolved peacefully.

But that hope was shattered a few moments later...


Before Rosalind could do anything, she was shot three times. One in the chest, one in the abdomen, and one in her neck.

A gasp left her lips as her body fell backwards and onto her car before slumping to the floor. The man stared down at her, a look of realization turning into fear before he sprints away, the crowd parting as he left the scene.

Rosalind tried to move, she could feel the blood leaving her body and creating a large puddle beneath her. It proved to be useless as the wound in her neck caused her to start drowning in her own blood.

As black spots filled her vision, Rosalind could see that not one person had bothered to try and help her, many of them still recording even as she laid there dying. Some had even begun to walk back to their cars, getting ready to leave.

Why? Why did this have to happen to me? Why is no one trying to help me? I-I don't want to die. I want to live, please someone, anyone.

Rosalind coughed, spewing out more blood, her vision growing darker and darker with each passing second.

Mom... I just want to see my mom... What is she going to do without me? I-I need to see my mom...

And with that, Rosalind McDaniels was murdered in a supermarket parking lot; she was only 27 years old...


115 AC, The Red Keep, King's Landing

When Alicent first entered her labors, she still held the childhood misconception that her gallant husband would hold her hand through the pain, be the first person to hold their child, and place them on her chest with a shining look of love and devotion in his eyes, rivaling the most romantic stories.

It was one of the first of Alicent's dreams to fall apart once she married the King.

Her so-called gallant husband outright refused to come to her rooms, she was sure if Balerion the Black Dread had not died, he would be flying away on its back, far away from the nightmares of childbirth.

Alicent wished she could tell him that his nightmares were nothing compared to her pain, anguish, and loneliness. It was now her second time in the birthing bed, she now knew that no one would be there for her, that she could only rely on herself.

The Queen had been in labor for most of the day, the royal child not wanting to come into the world.

Maesters and midwives were running in and out of the room carrying bloody towels and buckets of soiled water. Anxiety filled the air as there was still no sign of the babe, Alicent feared that this would soon be her death bed.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, heir to the Iron Throne suddenly burst into the room, her face was calm to everyone else in the room, but Alicent could see the panic in her purple eyes as she moved to stand next to bed.

"Rhaenyra?" Alicent asked, confused as to why her former friend was there.

The Princess stared at her for a moment before looking down at the floor, breaking eye contact. Rhaenyra had rushed towards Alicent's chambers when she returned from the dragonpit and was informed of the Queen's grueling labors.

She was worried that the long labor would lead the maesters to do what they did to her mother, to Alicent and charged into the room without thinking. Now she was standing before her once dear friend, unable to say how she felt.

It seemed that she would not have to as one of the maesters soon informed them that the baby was crowning and that the Queen had to resume pushing.

"I-I ca-can't!" Alicent whimpered, the pain growing more intense. Her head then snapped to the side when she felt the Princess grab her hand, their fingers interlocking.

"Yes, you can. You must, Alicent. You cannot give up here, your son and your new child need you Alicent. You are the strongest woman I have ever known, just keep pushing." Rhaenyra stated, not a single trace of doubt in her voice. Alicent steeled herself to continue her labors, the maesters indicating that the time was drawing near.

Alicent let out a sharp cry, louder than Rhaenyra had ever heard her make. After a few moments, the Queen slumped down into the sheets, gasping for breath.

"It's a girl Your Grace, Princess Rhaenyra." The maester at the foot of the bed exclaimed. The newborn wailed as she was given to the midwives to be washed and clothed.

After a few minutes, the babe had been washed and was swaddled in a black blanket in the arms of a midwife, a tuff of silver-blonde hair peaked out from the top as small hands could be seen moving around.

"Hmm. You heard that, Ali? A little Princess." Rhaenyra said, softly smiling down at the Queen, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

The new mother of two opened her mouth to respond only to release another painfilled scream, her body curling in on itself, a torrent of blood gushing down her legs and staining the sheets crimson. Her screams caused the newest royal child to begin screaming as well.

"What is going on?! What is wrong with her?!" The Princess yelled.

"There is another babe! Twins, Your Grace!" Grand Maester Mellos screeched.

Rhaenyra grits her teeth, flashes of Aemma Arryn's mutilated and bloody corpse appeared in her mind.

Stop it! Alicent and the babe are not going to die. She will not end up like...

Alicent's screams grew louder as more blood spilled onto the bed, tears flowing from her eyes as the pain became more excruciating, as if she were being ripped in half!

Just as suddenly as the pain began, it ceased all together. The room grew silent, the only thing that could be heard was the Queen's strangled breathing.

"What-what is wrong? Where is my baby?!" Alicent cried out, struggling to sit up with not only her exhaustion but Rhaenyra pushing her down.

"They-they are alive, Your Grace." Mellos quietly spoke as he stared down at the baby in his hands, his eyes meeting the babe's unwavering gaze.

"Why are they not making any sound?" Rhaenyra asked.

"I am not sure, Your Grace." He said before handing the newborn over to the midwives to be cleaned and clothed just like their sister.

The others in the room prepared for the afterbirth, cleaning up the room and making a bath for the Queen.

Rhaenyra took this time to grab the firstborn twin from the midwife. She brought her over to Alicent hoping seeing the older twin would distract from the younger.

"Look Alicent, your daughter." Alicent gazed down at the baby. Just like with Aegon, her daughter had her father's silver blond hair, snow white skin, and soft violet eyes, but the rest of her features were her own.

Rhaenyra gently placed the baby in her mother's arms, tracing the girl's cheek with her finger as she did so. "Have you and the King thought of a name?"

Alicent thought about it for a moment. When Aegon was born, Viserys had not come to her with any ideas or even brought up the topic at all, leaving Alicent to assume that she had full say over what her firstborn son was to be called.

This was until her father; Otto Hightower had entered the room after the pregnancy and proclaimed her son to be Aegon. He told her, 'It is a name for a future King, would you not agree?'

Alicent in her exhaustion and misery, accepted 'her' decision. The Lord Hand gave his daughter a smile, kissing her forehead and leaving to inform the King of his son's birth.

Now Alicent was sure that any child of hers from this point forward would give her more leeway. Yes, they were the children of a Valyrian king, but she knew that they would be viewed as less important than the King's eldest daughter and his firstborn son.

"Helaena. Her name will be Helaena." Alicent stated, gently crating her fingers through her daughter's hair.

"Princess Helaena Targaryen of House Targaryen. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Rhaenyra said softly.

Alicent soon looked at the crowned Princess, remembering what she had meant to ask when she barged in. "Princess. What are you doing here?"

Rhaenyra flinched, not expecting to be asked and partially because Alicent had reverted to calling her 'princess' once again.

"I heard about your labor and I... I wanted to be sure..." The Princess trailed off, but it was clear to the Queen what she meant.

She was worried that the twins and I would die. That we would end up like her mother and brother. Alicent thought.

"I understand, Rhaenyra." Both women smiling softly at each other, the peace was broken when the maesters returned with the younger twin wrapped in a black blanket that was like Helaena's but was hidden from their view.

"Your Grace, my Princess. We must speak with you about the babe." Mellos spoke, his face gravely serious.

"What's wrong with them? I thought you said they would live." Rhaenyra narrowed her eyes at the men.

"They may, Your Grace. But we are worried about their... body."

"What is wrong with their body?"

"When I first held the babe, I was sure they had been born male but after being washed that had changed..." The maester paused, flinching slightly when he saw Rhaenyra's glare grow fiercer.

"The babe was born with both male and female genitalia, Your Grace."

The chamber fell into dead silence, no one, not even the newborns, made a sound as if they too understood the gravity of what was said.

"What?" Alicent whispered.

"My Queen, we speak the truth. Although we believe that the babe is primarily female given, they have more hair on their head and bigger eyes." The maester spoke.

"So, my newborn sister has a cock?" Rhaenyra immediately asked.

"Rhaenyra!" Alicent yelled, her grip on Helaena tightening only to calm down a little once she her the baby's whimpers.

How could this happen?! How could my child be born like this? To have such a deformity...

"We believe it best to give the babe the mercy of a quick end-" Mellos was cut off by Rhaenyra quickly closing the distance between them.

"How dare you?! You want to kill the daughter of my father, the King?! My sister?!" The Princess roared.

Mellos bowed his head, "I apologize Your Grace. But I believe it will be the best outcome. There is no telling if the child will survive the cradle with their... condition. And if they did, others especially the Faith will think her an abomination."

Alicent sat there despondent, the sounds of the maesters and Rhaenyra were muffled in her ears, her emotions raging within her.

An abomination...

How could this be? What have I done for this to happen? She is my child but... can I love them as they are? Despite being my son, I have found it hard to love and care for Aegon the way a mother should, I feel as if everything I do is wrong. He would be better off with someone like Rhaenyra as his mother instead of me. Will I be able to love this child, even if they are viewed as monstrous?

"Hand her to me."

Everyone turned to look at the Queen, her expression was absolute as she stared them down.

"You heard the Queen, give her the babe." Rhaenyra said, still angered over what was said about her sister.

Just one more word and I will feed these bastards to Syrax!

The maester moved past the Princess, gently placing the newborn in Alicent's left arm, as she was still holding Helaena in her right, Rhaenyra taking his place once he stepped back.

Alicent let out a small gasp as she took hold of her youngest daughter, her appearance taking her by surprise. The newborn was smaller than Helaena, with a tuff of light ginger hair and a single strand of white on the left side of her head, pale ivory skin, and large amethyst purple eyes.

"She looks just like you, Alicent." Rhaenyra said before touching the strand of silver hair. "Except for this and those beautiful eyes."

Alicent ignored the comments, deep brown met amethyst purple as mother and daughter continued to stare at each other. The newborn had yet to make a sound, only breaking eye contact with Alicent when her sister began gurgling, drawing her attention away from their mother.

Alicent then lifted her head and stared at the maesters, her gaze was cold and steely. "I will not be giving her a 'mercy' as you said. My daughter is the child of a King and shall live as such."

"Of course, Your Grace." The maesters bowed before leaving the room with the midwives, no doubt to inform the King of the birth of his twin daughters.

"Have you thought of a name?" Rhaenyra asked after a few minutes.

Alicent looked back at her daughter, the newborn was still quiet but had begun to move around. After a few tries, she had finally managed to remove her arms from within the blanket, the babe then rubbed her tiny hands against her mother's chest.

The babe finally gurgled, causing Helaena to resume her own chirps. Both babies giggling at the sounds the other was making.

Alicent smiled, "Her name will be Lilyanna."

Rhaenyra snapped her head towards Alicent, but the woman's attention was solely on her children. She had been expecting the newborn to be given a Valyrian name like everyone else in their family, like her twin, not an Andal one.

There would be others, their fathers, who would question Alicent's choice, and there would be those who would see this as the Hightower's continued overreaching.

But Rhaenyra did not voice these thoughts as she knew the inspiration for the girl's name...

Alicent's mother, Lady Lily Hightower, late wife of Otto Hightower, daughter of Lord Jarad Rowan and elder sister of current ruling Lord, Thaddeus Rowan.

Rhaenyra had only met the woman once, but she knew from how Alicent had spoken of her in their childhood that despite their brief time together, Lily had a profound impact on her daughter.

"It is perfect. It uniquely suits her." Rhaenyra said.

Alicent smiled once more, for the first time feeling that she could be a good mother as she continued watching her twins.


This cannot be happening?! This cannot be happening?!

After dying at the hands of a deranged drug addict, Rosalind McDaniels awoke to find herself alive in another world.

A Song of Ice and Fire to be exact. The popular series of fantasy novels written by George R. R. Martin that spawned novellas, tv shows, comic books, and games.

Several hours after her second birth, Rosalind now found herself lying next to her new twin sister in a large cradle. The two being placed there by their mother, Queen Consort Alicent Hightower.

I remember reading the books and watching the shows and I know damn well that Alicent never had a second daughter. How is it even possible that I ended up here and in this position? Of all the worlds to be isekai'd to...

Even those who had never seen anything of series know just how bloody and violent Westeros was. It's just my luck to not only be sent to ASOIAF, but a little more than two decades before the Dance of the Dragons, a civil war between Aegon II and Rhaenyra Targaryen over the Iron Throne, which went down as one of the bloodiest wars in the continent's history.

Honestly, fuck me...

Rosalind looked to the side, a gallant effort given her newborn status and lack of motor skills, watching her sleeping twin sister, Helaena Targaryen. She thought about the fate that awaited the newborn. Being forced to marry her alcoholic and abusive older brother, becoming a mother at an early age, watching as her eldest son was decapitated before her very eyes, being told of her youngest son death from being ripped apart by an angry mob, and finally Helaena committing suicide and throwing herself out of her bedroom window, becoming impaled on the spikes below, at only twenty-one years old.

This led the reincarnated baby to think of the fates of all her immediate family members during the civil war. Aegon, Aemond, Alicent, Daeron, Jaehaera, even Otto came to mind as she remembers how each of the Greens met their ends.

She then thought of the death that was the point of no return for the Dance, Lucerys Velaryon. Rhaenyra, Jacaerys, Joffery, Daemon, Rhaenys, Corlys, Baela, Rhaena, Aegon the younger, and Viserys II also came to mind, half of them dead by the time the Dance ended.

Will I end up just like them? Meeting a brutal end in a civil war I want no part in? Even if I don't die my life will still be full of strife, according to the maesters I'm intersex so I know will be rejected by others especially since this is a medieval world.

Rosalind was removed from her depressing thoughts when the door opened, being a newborn, she was unable to lift her head and was forced to wait until the newcomer moved into her line of sight to know their identity.

Soon Alicent appeared with the two handmaids, one of which was holding a toddler in their arms. Based on his appearance, along with her and Helaena's birth, she knew this to be Aegon Targaryen. Known a perverted drunk along with being Helaena's husband, father to an unidentified number of children, and usurper of his sister Rhaenyra's birthright.

And now he is my older brother... How fun.

The first servant pulled out a decadent chair from the other side of the room placing it right next to the cradle, Alicent quickly sitting on it. Rosalind was surprised that Alicent was able to walk to the nursey from her bedchamber after giving birth a few hours ago.

Especially since this is a world without anesthesia and pain killers. The women here are built different!

Once the Queen was seated, the handmaid carrying her brother placed him on his feet next to Alicent before walking away with the other maid, standing at the far end of the room, and waiting for further instructions.

"There are two people I want you to meet, Aegon." Alicent said to her son.

Aegon leaned forward, staring at the babes. "Babies? Why they small?"

"They are still young. You were just as small when you were born" Alicent told him.

Aegon's eyes widened, "What?! No way!"

The toddler's yelling caused Helaena to awaken. Tears started to form in her eyes and her body started to squirm, Rosalind saw this and moved and reached her arm towards Helaena, rubbing her tiny fist against Helaena's cheek. Helaena soon calmed down, her squirming ceased, and her destressed sounds turned into giggles.

"Oh my..."

Rosalind turned away from Helaena looking up at Alicent and Aegon. The Queen looked surprised as she stared at her daughters.

Fuck, I'm supposed to be a normal baby. That was not normal, you idiot! Rosalind thought.

It is as if she knew Helaena was about to cry and how to calm her. But newborns should not be able to do that... Alicent thought at the same time as Rosalind.

Mother and daughter were brought back to reality when Aegon began talking again. "Red! She's red mama!"

"Yes, she is. These are your sisters; this is Lilyanna and that is Helaena." Rosalind felt relieved, believing her odd behavior to be forgotten due to her brother.

It was not, unknown to her this would be the first in a series of instances where Alicent and others would notice how truly strange Lilyanna Targaryen was.

"Lily! Hely!" Aegon yelled while giggling.

Oh, right. I guess I should get used to being called Lily or Lilyanna. No one will ever call me Rosalind ever again...

"Hehe. They're squishy!" 'Lily' realized that Aegon was poking her and Helaena's cheeks, laughing when fingers would cause their faces to jiggle.

Lily saw the smile that overtook the prince's face. He was a cute child; it was clear that their Valyrian blood was doing its work and that Aegon would grow to be a handsome man. Only for those looks to deteriorate once his lazy and overindulgent personality took shape.

While she knew what was to come, it was hard to imagine that such a happy child would become an alcoholic rapist that would throw the realm into chaos by the time he was fully grown. A malicious and ill-prepared puppet that spends his reign and most of his life being used by others.

But does that have to happen? I am a member of this family now; do I really have to sit back and watch as everyone around me tears themselves and each other apart? But what if I change one thing and it leads to an even worse situation? Does my birth in this world already change things?

I'm already starting to get attached to them. Lily thought as she looked at Alicent and Aegon talking to each other about the twins.

Lilyanna was unable to think further on the matter when the door to the nursery swung open.


Lord Otto Hightower has always been a man who valued his family and their reputation more than anything else.

It was not hard to understand why, as the Hightowers of the Reach were one of the oldest and most powerful of the great houses and the rulers of Oldtown.

Oldtown, the oldest city in Westeros, was built around the High Tower, the massive steep tower that was their family's ancestral seat and was home of the Citidal, the Starry Sept, and the High Septon.

While it may not be as powerful as it had been before the Conquest, it was still regarded as one of the richest cities in Westeros.

As a second son Otto was not expected to rule Oldtown, that honor went to his older brother, Hobert. A man who was proud, arrogant, and thought himself better than he was. A man who would have ruined Oldtown if not for Otto, their vassal houses, and their liege lord tempering him, although Horbert would never admit or acknowledge that fact.

As a first son, Hobert was always expected to rule, to be given the honor, prestige, and power that came with being a ruling lord. Not because he was the best person to rule but simply because he was born first.

As a second son Otto would get none of what his brother was born with.

He would inherit nothing, rule over nothing, and pass nothing onto to his offspring. At best, he would become household knight in his brother's service, a steward, or even join the Faith.

He would have been destined to live in the shadow of Hobert, nothing more than a footnote in history as most second, third, and fourth sons always were.

So, Otto decided to make something of himself, using his intelligence to go further than most in his situation were able to. His fame then grew as his inteligence became more widely known, and he was soon named Hand of the King, serving under King Jaehaerys Targaryen and continuing to serve under King Viserys Targaryen.

Now his daughter Alicent was Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, giving birth to the King's first son, and today she has brought two daughters into the world.

Otto continued to make his way towards Maegor's Holdfast in search of his daughter, grandson, and newly born granddaughters. He let out a sigh when he thought of the newborns, specifically the youngest twin. He was with Viserys in the small council chambers when they were informed of the Queen's labors and when news of the successful birth was given.

And he was there when the Mellos and the other maesters told them of the younger twin's condition. Both men were stunned into silence at the news, taking a few moments to digest the information.

"Are you sure?" Viserys quietly asked.

"We are sure, Your Grace. We believe the Princess to be a hermaphrodite." Mellos spoke.

"Has this ever happened before?"

"It is an incredibly rare condition, Your Grace. The only notable example we have of it was Queen Jeyne Westerling, one of Maegor the Cruel's black brides. She gave birth to a stillborn child possessing both male and female genitalia and she died soon after." The maester explained.

"Is that all that is wrong with them?" Otto finally spoke.

"Yes, my Lord Hand. Other than that, the babe is perfectly healthy."

"Then I shall go check on my daughter and granddaughters. Will you be joining me, Your Grace?"

Viserys jolted slightly, clearly lost in thought as he looked up at his Hand. "Oh, no. I shall visit my wife and children later."

Later? It has already been several hours, how much later are you going to wait?

Otto stiffly nodded before walking past the maesters and leaving the chamber.

It was not long before he found himself at the nursery door. He did not wait for the guards stationed there to announce his presence, simply opening the door, and walking inside.

When he entered, he saw Alicent with Aegon in her arms leaning against the cradle in front of them to allow the prince to interact with his new siblings.

"Father. I was not expecting you." Alicent said as she saw him approach, she did not need to look up to know it was her father. He was the only person in the Keep besides Rhaenyra who would enter a room unannounced and without permission.

"I came to see my new grandchildren." Otto spoke, stopping next to next to his daughter. He rubbed Aegon's head a few times when the boy noticed him.

The two stared at each other for a moment before Alicent spoke. "You have heard the news, I take it."

"I was with the King when the maesters informed us of her condition."

"She is still my daughter, your granddaughter." It was moments like this that Alicent truly hated. When her father's face grew impossible to read, when she did not know what he was thinking and what actions he would take.

"Do you think the people of Westeros will care? Do you think they will respect her status of a Princess with this deformity? That they will not demand her death as an abomination? No one will want her, Alicent-"

Alicent cut off her father's rant, her eyes narrowing as she talked. "I will want her. I know how the world will view her, but that does not change the fact that she is our blood. I do not care if she is hated, I will protect her, and her siblings will do so as well."

Otto paused, he was inwardly surprised by his daughter's outburst, Alicent had always been demure and quiet, this kind of emotion was not something he had seen in her before.

Especially regarding her child, Otto was not blind; he saw Alicent's reluctance and lack of innate mothering skill towards Aegon. He assumed that she would grow into her new station, but after two years she had yet to properly do so.

Maybe having a child such as this is finally showing Alicent that she must properly raise her children. Especially for what comes...

Otto released a small sigh, turning to look down at the cradle. "Which is which?"

Alicent gave her father a small smile, "This one on the left is the elder, Helaena and the one on the right is the younger, Lilyanna."

Otto flinched; his eyebrow furrowed giving his first visible reaction since he was told of Alicent's labor. His mind was reeling when he heard Lilyanna's name, memories of his late wife flashed through his mind.

Otto cleared his throat, "After your mother?"

"Yes, it-it just felt right." Her attention solely on Otto as she spoke.

Otto did not respond as he stared at his granddaughters, the difference between the two was night and day. Helaena was larger than her sister, with the typical Targaryen features, having silver-blonde hair, white skin, and violet eyes. Lilyanna on the other hand was smaller, with Hightower red hair, slightly darker skin, and amethyst eyes. He also noticed the single strand of white on the left side of Lilyanna's head, time would tell if her hair color would change.

While Helaena was squirming around and mostly focused on Aegon, Lilyanna kept her gaze directly on Otto. She did not squirm like her sister or even make a sound, just staring at her grandfather, barely blinking as she did so. The Hand felt unnerved by the look, as if he were being watched by someone far older and wiser than he knew the child to be.

Otto shook the feeling off, reaching down to touch Lilyanna's hair. The newborn closed her eyes, enjoying the gentle touch, "It seems the Hightower in her won out."

Alicent let out a small laugh, "It appears that it did. I believe that by the time she is older her hair will be as dark as ours."

"Let us hope that she lives up to the name she has been given. All of them."

Alicent paused for a moment, she knew what her father meant. Not only the Targaryen name but the Hightower one as well.

Along with the name of Lily Rowan.

"I know she will father."

I hope she will...

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