The crimson princess

Try to find the right combination

Pov Dia,

Dia:" What do you mean by putting runes on my crimson weapon?"

Scathach: "You materialize your crimson weapon then a rune is placed there that will solidify the weapon"

(Author's note: I know it's incomprehensible, but just tell yourself that it allows you not to stay focused on the weapon and therefore be able to fight without restraint with a crimson weapon.)

Dia:" You know which rune to put Scathach-sensei?"

Scathach:" I don't know we'll have to experiment. After all, if you want something that uses runes to be effective, you have to find the right combination of runes. And above all try not to cancel each other out."

I see, it's gonna be complicated, but we're gonna get there.


What happened the next day is that I learned the runes from Scathach-sensei for 2 hours and then she worked on the matter of my crimson weapon.

This lasts more or less 2 hours, then after I train on my fighting technique and control of my POD.

How can I train my POD while I master it very well, I go in an area created by Scathach-sensei that disturbs my control of my POD.

According to her it will be useful if someone installs an anti-magic barrier. The barrier in reality does not prevent the use of magic but it so disturbs the control that it is very hard to be able to do what we wanted to do.

Rimuru and Sera are happy that Scathach-sensei is less present to supperaim to train, so they do not need to train at the extreme limit of their body.But, not knowing how Scathach-sensei knows when they don't give it their all.

So she gave them a choice.

Take rune lessons and try to place runes on weapons or train without it.

But if she notices that they didn't give it their all, they'll train until they die.

The two decided to follow me in learning the runes.

Right now we're trying to place runes on ice weapons that Sera created while Scathach-sensei is trying to place runes on my crimson weapon.

The crimson weapon she's testing is a knife. Why? Simply because it has the smallest area and so if we manage to put runes on it we can put on just about any weapon.

Once she finds the right runes. It's my turn to practice. After success I should practice creating a weapon and place the runes directly.

The faster the time, the less chance I have of dying if I'm in a fight to the death.

Sera:" It's more complicated than I thought to put on a runes. My weapon just destroys itself."

Scathach:" If it were so easy to make them, all the weapons of the world would be impregnated with runes."

Sera:" You're not wrong."

We kept focusing on what we were doing when all of a sudden.

Rimuru: "I did it."

Dia:" Did you manage to place runes on Sera's ice swords?"

Rimuru:" No, but I found the set of runes it took to hold the chalk weapon. Can you make one please, Dia-sama. "

Dia:" What weapon do you want. "

Rimuru:' The one you prefer."

I'm afraid if we continue in this direction, Rimuru will have nothing she prefers.

I created the weapon I am most comfortable with, the Imperial Claymore, and handed it to Rimuru.

Rimuru:" Focus on the weapon until I finish."

Me, Sera and Scathach-sensei watch him create the runes and place them on my weapon for 10 minutes.

Scathach:" It's still quite long."

Rimuru:" It's mostly that I don't test that I'm just applying what I think is good. But normally it should be good. "

She continued for a moment until she stopped.

Rimuru: " Well, I think I've finished trying not to focus on your weapon. "

I tried and my gun didn't disappear.

Dia:" You have to teach me what you did. "

Rimuru:" Of course Dia-sama."

I already warn you the next 3 chapter its a little more deceiving

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