The Crimson Throne

Chapter 105: Cleaning

Again, perplexity colored his features, now even more distinct—as if it was the first time he heard those spoken words. His gaze fixated on Elaine, emitting an invisible pressure.

She regretted her impulsiveness, feeling cold sweat down her back. Given the Third Prince's reaction, perhaps she had offended him. 'Please forgive my impudence, Your Highness.' Elaine did not understand why she uttered the statement. Unlike Estella, Alexander grew up with the love and backing of the High Lady and her powerful clan, the House of d'Amboise. It was a strange notion for Elaine to conclude that he would have difficulties dealing with the conspiracies within the palace.

For a long moment, the Third Prince's piercing gaze held her hostage until a dulcet laughter exited his lips, and his visage relaxed. 'You are a fascinating individual, milady,' he stated.

Elaine could not explain, but she could discern Alexander was not donning his usual performative charming facade. The current expression was genuine. 'Please do not tease me.' She glared at him, no longer caring about etiquette. He almost gave me a heart attack.

'Forgive my light jest, milady.' The silver-haired young man ceased his laughter, though the levity remained on his countenance.

A sudden concern came to Elaine. 'What happens to the foreign envoys, Your Highness?' The Emperor's plan did not include representatives from other empires and kingdoms. How would he explain the mass killing? Did he also silence them?

'Do not worry, milady. Most will survive,' the Third Prince assured her.


'It would be too suspicious if everyone escaped unharmed after an insurrection, would it not?' His voice remained neutral while his lips curved into a devilish arc. 

The dangerous gleam radiating from the silver-haired young man's eyes sent chills through Elaine, rendering her silence. She realized her concern was unnecessary. Everything was already meticulously planned and ruthlessly executed.

'The banquet has concluded. You should return, Lady Estella.' Alexander abruptly stood up and glanced in the palace's direction.

'I understand.' Elaine stayed in her seat, careful not to raise suspicion from her guard behind them. 'Your Highness, would you allow me one last question?'

He nodded.

'Why did you help me?' she asked—the conundrum had persistently swirled in her mind.

Though the Third Prince affirmed their alliance many times, Elaine remained doubtful. In her perspective, the original Estella and he were no more than acquaintances. Perhaps it would not be too far-fetched to call them enemies because of their families' complex relationships. Since the beginning, she understood her position within their unbalanced contract. Apart from her status as the Crown Prince's fiancée and the Duke of Geris' legitimate child, she had little to no influence over Gerard's decisions. Would it not be better to supplant her and find a more obedient replacement among the Duke's other daughters?

'Because we are allies, milady. Is that not a good enough reason?' He leaned toward Elaine, halting only a few inches from her surprised countenance. 'Besides, I prefer a resourceful partner to a submissive doll,' Alexander whispered in her ear, then pulled back. 'We shall meet again at the Ballroom.' 

Before Elaine could respond, the silver-haired young man vanished, leaving behind only the cool breeze brushed against her hair and the illuminated serene lake. For a brief moment, she remained in her seat, watching the closing fire show in the skies. "Let us return, Sir Ascania." Elaine finally rose and glanced back at the blonde-haired young man.

"As you wish, milady." Cecil marched toward her from a distance.

She knew his watchful gaze never left her side the entire night. Though she tried to behave naturally during her conversation with Alexander, Elaine wondered if Cecil had noticed. Even if he did, the blonde-haired young man never raised the question. 

She and her guard followed the original path back to the Lumière Palace. Elaine observed her surroundings during their walk. Besides the oppressive silence still lingered in the atmosphere, nothing seemed amiss. The servants shuffled about while the knights and guards made rounds. Everyone continued their duties and carried on like ordinary. If not for the tiny bloodstains on some servants' outfits, the normality facade would have deceived her.

The guarding knights greeted Elaine when she arrived at the palace's entrance. Proceeding through the Great Hall, she sporadically passed groups of nobles coming from the Ballroom's direction and heading outside. Many young aristocrats had pallid expressions and hurriedly followed their calmer older peers while avoiding eye contact. Before even reaching her destination, Elaine could hear the enraged voices from inside. 

"What is happening?" she asked, standing before the Ballroom's double door.

"Forgive us, Lady Estella. We cannot discuss matters above our station," a guard replied.

"Fine, let me in," she sighed. I'll find out soon enough.

The guards bowed and opened the double door, allowing her to enter.

The scene inside resembled more of a war zone than the lavish celebration Elaine left behind after completing the first dance—bodies littered on the floor, with blood and foam spilling from their mouths. The dance floor, once crowded with aristocrats, was now replaced by servants. Some hauled the corpses of the nobles and their families like furniture to a designated area and counted them. Others swept and scrubbed from the marble tiles to the aureate windows, returning the chamber to its former luxurious glory. 

The Étoile Emperor and Empress sat on their throne at the back of the Ballroom. Behind them stood the High Lady, the Third Prince, and the Crown Prince. The remaining nobles scattered around the royal family while a group of envoys from other empires and kingdoms gathered at the center, demanding an answer for the current situation.

"With all due respect, Your Majesty. Even if our empires are in an alliance, we would still require an explanation for today's situation to report to our sovereigns," spoke the man in extravagant golden attire leading the group. His tone was moderate and collected, yet anyone could hear a brewing storm hidden within those words. Other envoys all nodded in agreement. 

The Léonas Empire’s envoy. 



Just a normal day in the Étoile Empire 😀

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