The Crimson Throne

Chapter 119: Chat

Elaine's and her companion's footsteps echoed throughout the twisting pathway as they climbed a dimly lit corridor to return to the Ynones Tavern's public quarters. They were alone, yet the flickering lights cast many moving shadows on the wall, encircling their own.

"Are you certain he is the one?" she suddenly asked while continuing her advance.

"Yes, Lady Estella," a man replied. The gruff voice was not Cecil's, despite him being the only one beside her.

"Bring my other guard and that man to a private chamber. I will meet them there," Elaine instructed, quickening her steps. She had wasted too much time on her unexpected detour and needed to return to the original objective. 

"As you wish, milady." A shadow disappeared from the wall.

"Lead the way," she commanded.

The remaining silhouettes bowed, then continued their ascend.

When Elaine learned of her target's location, excitement swarmed her. She intended for an inconspicuous investigation. However, she was far from naïve to believe she could escape the Duke's watchful gaze. After all, his eyes and ears scattered all over Astria, especially in the Ynones Tavern—the headquarter of the Croix's surveillance network. The tavern's true purpose was confidential knowledge, privy only to a select few. Even Roiland, who guided her, was oblivious to its covert business. 

Elaine initially planned an 'earnest' play for Gerard. Yet, the discovery of the special patron derailed her careful calculation. The Viscount's murderous resolve, though thwarted by the mysterious birds, further forced her to employ the Croix's resources. The meeting was imminent, allowing her no time to inform Roiland of the last-minute deviation. Though her disappearance would cause a commotion when the burly young knight returned, she could not permit a golden opportunity to slip through her fingers. 

After weighing her options, Elaine delayed her theatrical performance until she finished pursuing the Léonas First Prince. She used the Croix's insignia and elemental magic to contact the tavern's unofficial 'employees,' ordering them to clean up the gruesome scene and notify her other guard before entering a concealed pathway to the secret chamber.

"I will be your guide from here." A soothing female voice dragged Elaine back from her recollection. She glanced up as fluorescent rays seeped through the opened entrance, basking her in light and warmth. Elaine blinked a few times, adjusting her eyes to the brightness as she reached the passage's end and passed through the threshold leading to an ordinary guest chamber. A young woman with an indistinct, almost forgettable face greeted her on the other side. "Please follow me, Miss Elaine."

Elaine nodded, trailing after her. They exited the chamber and climbed to the third floor, crossing a long hallway before stopping at a wooden, dull-colored door. The young woman raised her hand and performed a series of knocks as if sending a secret code to those within. After a couple of seconds, several sounds of unbolting locks alerted everyone to movements from the chamber.

"Welcome back, Elaine." The handle twisted, and the door opened, revealing Roiland on the other side. "We have been waiting for you." He received her with a wide smile.

"I see," she said, returning his gesture. "I hope our distinguished guest will forgive my tardiness." Elaine peered behind him, confirming the target before strolling inside.

Interesting. I wonder who chose this room.

A few steps in, Elaine halted her advance to study her surroundings. It was a mid-size, windowless room illuminated by dozens of lanterns, projecting ghostly contours against the torture apparatus filling its walls. Except for the standard-looking table at the center, each piece of 'furniture' occupying the space represented a nightmarish method of inflicting pain and suffering. It reminded her of the Croix's dungeon, though more condensed.

After satiating her eyes with the unique 'decorations,' she traced them back to the table and the lone stubby young man sitting there. "My apologies. It is unbecoming of me to keep the guest waiting." She stared at him, sincerity oozing from her expression.

The young man jumped at Elaine's sudden address and then recoiled. Beads of sweat dripped down his forehead as he tried shrinking his rotund body into the chair. His eyes meekly met hers while worries and nervousness etched his face. "N, n, no…It, it is fine," he stammered. 

"Astria is famous for its hospitality and entertainment. I reckon you have enjoyed your stay?"

"I, I d, did." The young man's gaze darted around the room as though looking for an escape route. 

Elaine walked closer, amused at his reaction—shivering despite the chamber's temperate condition. "Don't worry, mister. I only wanted to ask a few questions," she said, smiling affably. "I will not harm you. Unless," Elaine paused. Though the curl remained on her lips, her gaze sharpened, piercing daggers into the young man's body. "Unless you dare lie to me."

The stubby young man bobbed his head before sinking further into his seat.

When Elaine reached the table, Cecil had already marched ahead and pulled a chair for her. "Thank you." She settled into her seat, then again focused on the unwilling guest. "Let's have a chat, shall we? How should I address you? Mister Lino? Or do you still respond to your real name, Paraveas Rossi?"

Paraveas' mouth turned agape as horror descended on his face. His stout body erected, seeking to flee, but immediately got restrained by Roiland, who slipped behind him undetected and forced him back into his chair. "Have you no manners?" the young knight scolded his 'new friend.' "You should at least answer my sister's questions before leaving." His hands squeezed Paraveas' shoulders.





Sometimes work takes over and I can't write because my brain is fried...

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