The Crimson Throne

Chapter 14: Conversation

Alexander was the same age as the Crown Prince. Born two months later, the emperor bestowed upon him the title of the Third Prince. His eldest half-brother, the First Prince, and his maternal family were of inferior status and out of the emperor's favor. In Étoile, the royal council considered only those with familial ties to marquis or higher for the throne. As a result, it was common for royal children to live their lives in obscurity or turn into tools for political maneuvering, a fate shared by many of Alexander's siblings. 

Elaine stared at Alexander, suspicious of his genial appearance. "I am honored for your invitation, Your Highness." She performed a perfunctory curtsy.

"How rude of me. A good host should have come down and greeted his guest. I hope Lady Estella will forgive my lack of manners." Alexander's palm patted his forehead, displaying an expression brimming with innocence.

Don't let him beguiled you. Alexander is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"No need to apologize, Your Highness. I will come to you." Elaine smiled and glanced at Crowle. 

"Please follow me, milady." The old knight guided Elaine, along with Cecil, through the manor and up the second floor. He then stopped at a large decorative double door, announcing their arrival. "Your Highness, I have brought Lady Estella."

"Let her in," 

Two maids opened the door from the inside, revealing an expansive, aureate room. Intricate carving adorned its walls, enriched by rare antique and elegant furniture. The extravagant, however, seemed pale in value compared to the young man sitting on the balcony.

"Lady Estella, my honored guest. Please make yourself comfortable." Alexander gestured at the seat across from him.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Elaine sat in the chair and straightened her back, dissimulating her nervousness. "May I ask, what might be the reason for my summons today?" Not in the habit of beating around the bushes, she went straight to the point.

"No need to be so tense, milady. I simply wanted to continue our conversation." He chuckled. "You must be hungry after the long journey. Please, try these sweets. I had one of the best pastry chefs in Étoile craft them." 

Elaine looked at the savory selection before her. Although a bit hungry, she had no patience for his games. "If the reason for Your Highness' invitation is to have me taste these sweets, then let us arrange another time, for I have other matters to attend." She rose from her seat.

"Please stay where you are, milady." Alexander was still smiling, though it did not reach his eyes. "I understand Lady Estella dislikes jesting. As you wish, let us return to that evening." He waved his hand, dismissing all the servants. 

Cecil stood in silence, with no indication of leaving. 

Alexander raised his brows. "Does your servant not understand how to follow orders?"

"Sir Ascania is my trusted guard. Where I go, he will follow." Elaine sat back down, her expression filled with determination.

"Fine. If that is what Lady Estella prefers, then I will allow it."

"Thank you, Your Highness." She smiled. At least for now, he seemed reasonable. Cecil was her shield. No matter the situation, he had to remain by her side.

"Now then, milady. I am inquisitive. What did you witness that evening?" He took a sip of tea, cavalier in his question.

"I do not know what you are referring to, Your Highness. I was merely strolling through the royal garden when I got into an accident."

"Could you elaborate on the accident, milady? I, too, happened upon an incident. A failed assassination attempt by a lovely young girl." Alexander stretched his words, emphasizing the last sentence. 

Elaine's back was drenched in cold sweats. She could feel his icy gaze piercing hers. "How terrible, Your Highness. Did you catch the perpetrator? Regrettably, the garden was a bit too dark for me to notice. I must have slipped and hit my head during the assassination attempt." She rearranged her words, careful to distance herself from the event.

"What convenient timing Lady Estella seemed to possess. Though I did not capture the culprit, I was fortunate to retain a slight residue from the owner's magic shattered on the ground." He pulled out a tiny bottle. Inside, ice sparks flashed wildly, bouncing up and down within the container. "It is common knowledge that magic will exhibit a powerful reaction when nearing its original owner. I wonder what would happen if I placed the bottle next to you, milady."

If he had indisputable evidence, why not report it to the emperor? What was the purpose of arranging today's elaborate tea party? The charade was over, and Elaine could no longer deny her involvement. 

Elaine closed her eyes, desperate to keep her composure. She came despite knowing the possibility that Alexander could incriminate her. She had hoped his evidence would be inconclusive and she could fabricate her alibi. But Elaine underestimated Alexander and overestimated herself. In the book, Alexander never showed his hands unless he was at least eighty percent confident he could win. The young man sitting before her grew up in the palace, a place filled with schemes and bloodlust. Not until five days ago, Elaine was still an ordinary college student. How foolish of her to believe she could triumph over him. Her lips curled into a bitter smile. 

"Please state your objective, Your Highness." Elaine reopened her eyes. Tranquility permeated from her expression. Alexander was not the type to forgive others for offenses committed against him based on her knowledge. He hid Estella's misdeed because he required something of her. 

Alexander stared at Elaine for a moment, then a smirk entered his face. "You truly inherited Duke Geris' blood. I'm glad I selected you, milady. Now that we both understand each other, let us get down to business, shall we?"

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