The Crimson Throne

Chapter 33: Spotlight

Elaine shut the curtain and returned to the sofa. The sight of Alexander dissuaded her from continuing her observation. She pinched her temple, feeling an incoming headache. Because of their factions, the invitations to the Lévis dukedom and Alexander were only formalities. She persuaded herself he would not show up, and he never did before. But Alexander came. Then, would members from the d'Amboise family also appear? These events she was experiencing happened before the book, and she just hoped their unexpected presence would not stir any unnecessary troubles. 

"Milady, you look unwell. Should I summon the physician?" Mariam's worried voice echoed inside the room.

The young maid's comment made Elaine realize she was staring absentmindedly into her teacup. "No need. I am just thinking about my debut." She looked up, reassuring Mariam.

"I'm sure you will be perfect, milady." Mariam encouraged her mistress.

"Yes, let's hope so." Elaine put down her tea and glanced at the clock. "It's almost time. I should go now."

Like clockwork, she heard a slight knock from behind the double door. "Milady, it is time for your appearance," Yusef informed her.

"I understand." Elaine stood up and brushed off the feeling of uneasiness. Be Estella. Be Estella. She chanted in her mind. Then, she approached the opening door with her back straight and head held high.

"Introducing Lady Estella Marie de La Croix," the Herald called out as Elaine stepped onto the top of the grand staircase overlooking the entire ballroom. Below, everyone stopped their conversation and looked up. Their attention was all focused on her.


Elaine's heart pumped against her chest while her body shifted uncomfortably. She managed her practiced smile but could feel her nerves eroding. Before the transmigration, Elaine was never one to enjoy the spotlight. Even after inheriting Estella's mind and physical memories, the stares from hundreds of strangers still troubled her. At that moment, her mind went blank, unable to remember the lessons she had learned in the past few weeks.

What am I supposed to say? I can't remember. The diamond chandelier above her head seemed brighter than usual. At the same time, the figures below turned hazy, becoming nothing more than thousands of shapeless blobs with eyes.

"My beautiful daughter, come down and greet our guests. They arrived from throughout Étoile to celebrate you today." Gerard's voice tore Elaine from her trance, saving her from self-sabotage.

"Yes, father." She softly exhaled and glided down the staircase.

The Duke stretched out his hand, displaying a 'fatherly' countenance. "Come, my pride and joy. Let me introduce you to everyone."

Elaine felt revolted by those words but still accepted his hand as he guided her toward the middle of the ballroom. "Thank you for attending my beloved daughter's coming of age ceremony. I hope everyone will have an enjoyable time tonight." Gerard started.

Elaine's eyes scanned the room while the Duke was making his speech. Many of the nobles present looked unfamiliar. These individuals had never attended Estella's birthday before. So why did they decide to come this year? Did they all know certain information except for her? Suddenly, Elaine's eyes halted and widened in disbelief. Among the strangers were two familiar faces, a young man and a young girl with dark hair and amethyst eyes. She met the young man's gaze and hurriedly glanced away.

What are they doing here? Elaine's fear came true. Her future formidable enemies gathered on a day she most wanted to pass uneventfully. But why?

"And please enjoy yourself until the main event tonight." Gerard finally finished his speech. 

Is this not the main event? Elaine stared at the Duke in surprise. Gerard disregarded his daughter's bewilderment and continued. "Now, it is time for the Lady's first dance."

Everyone was silent. Then, a young man of about seventeen or eighteen rose from the crowd. His silver hair, a symbol of royalty, was combed back neatly and tucked behind his ears. He had a typical handsome aristocrat face, light emerald eyes, and a reputation far exceeding his dapper appearance. Nevertheless, no one doubted the young man's identity. He was the Crown Prince, Louis Philippe de Castellane.  

Louis tilted his body and reached out his hand. "Milady, may I have this dance?"

"It would be my pleasure, Your Highness." Elaine curtsied and inclined her head in reply.

The music started, and they waltzed around the ballroom under the watchful eyes of the attending aristocrats. The original Estella was an expert dancer. Therefore, Elaine could match the Crown Prince movement in perfect harmony.

"How lovely."

"What a beautiful couple. The Crown Prince and Lady Estella are perfect for each other."

Though the music was loud, Elaine could still hear the nobles' whispered praise of their union. She glanced at her esteemed partner. Louis was smiling, but she could tell his attention had already diverted elsewhere. Elaine followed his line of sight and discovered the object of his interest. A beautiful young girl of about fifteen or sixteen with radiant sapphire eyes and hair the color of the sun. No introduction was necessary. Elaine instantly recognized the girl's identity. Maybe it was instinct or part of an unavoidable struggle between the villainess and the heroine—a sudden feeling of repulse emitted from the depth of her heart. Celeste Vivie d'Artois, a name Estella knew well, and so did Elaine, her natural enemy and the story's female protagonist.

She again looked at her fiancé. This situation was not surprising since Louis was obsessed with Celeste in the book. Despite his debauchery and playboy tendencies, the female protagonist captured his heart. Though known for her beauty, the Crown Prince thought his fiancée Estella resembled a glacier with her distant and haughty attitude, compared with Celeste. The latter was like rays of sunshine during midsummer with her sweet smile and caring characteristic. Louis would rather enjoy the summer warmth than freeze to death in the frigid winter.

Despite knowing the Crown Prince's preference, the original Estella could not care less about his personal affairs. After all, their union was one of mutual benefits, not love. He needed her to solidify his position, while she wanted the seat next to his to control her destiny. 




Happy 4th of July! Though this is not intentional lol I just happened to complete writing this chapter today.

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