The Crimson Throne

Chapter 45: Clue

Elaine stayed inside her manor for the next few months, adopting Estella's routine. She never left her residence save for some occasional summonses from the Duke. Estella disliked her half-siblings, and they, too, feared her. Even her mother and younger brother rarely visited. Thus, she seldom had company. Elaine also preferred the arrangement. Less interaction with other family members would prevent them from noticing the personality change.

Elaine asked Cecil to teach her some basic self-defense techniques and would practice them daily. Even if her simple skill would not be sufficient during an actual dangerous situation, at least she could try to defend herself. In her free time, Elaine also wrote her recollections of the book's events with Earth language-a precaution in case someone discovered the journal. Then, they would not understand her writing.

This evening, she again stood on the balcony attached to her bedchamber, staring at the foreign skies. No matter how often she saw the double moons, Elaine still could not acclimate herself to this world. She missed her parents and the mundane life she had left behind. No longer could Elaine saunter along her college campus, admiring the changing leaves in fall or skiing on the snow during winter. Now she hid behind a facade, living in constant paranoia and fear. Her only solace was the hope that she could one day return home.

"Milady," Mariam's voice came from behind.

Elaine turned around. "What is it?"

"Sir Ascania is seeking an audience with you."

"Let him in."

"Yes, milady." The maids opened the door, and Cecil stepped inside, kneeling before her.

"Please state your matter, Sir Ascania."

Cecil lifted his head, and strands of curly blonde hair outlined his face like ocean waves. "Milady, do you remember the evening of our first meeting?"

Elaine gave him an inquisitive look, then suddenly, she remembered their conversation that night. Did he discover something? Since their first meeting, ten more poison testers had died. Though no longer feeling squeamish at such a sight, Elaine still lost her appetite every time it happened. One day, if she was unlucky, the bloated purple face with foams spilling from its mouth could be hers.

"Everyone leaves us. I have some private matters to discuss with Sir Ascania." She ordered.

The maids bowed and exited, closing the door behind them. The room fell into silence, with only Elaine and Cecil remaining. She motioned for him not to talk and walked over to her desk, pulling out a paper and pen. She then signaled him to approach her. 

Cecil understood Elaine and started scribbling the information. She watched him work, impressed by his elegant handwriting. Elaine often wondered how different Cecil would become if the Duke did not ruin his family. Would family and friends surround him? Maybe he would get engaged to a lovely noble girl and inherit his father's title. However, reality struck down in cruel delight and destroyed his happy future, all due to the whim of one man.

"I am finished, milady." Cecil's voice interrupted Elaine from her musing.

"Thank you, Sir Ascania. You may now leave."

"As you wish, milady." He inclined his body and swiftly exited the antechamber.

Elaine picked up the paper he left behind and studied its content before tearing it into pieces and throwing them into the fireplace. "You all may come back in." She then called.

The maids dripped inside, and Mariam returned to Elaine's side. "Continue with your work." She directed.

"Yes, milady." They again spread out and continued their daily chores.

At night, Elaine lay on her bed, thinking about Cecil's information. The poison testers were not the only casualties if she could trust his discovery. Besides them, three to four kitchen staff would die suspiciously each month. Whoever was perpetrating these murders, was she not their primary target? Why also kill the innocent kitchen staff? The new information did not resolve her previous questions but added more layers to an already complex problem. 

The hours passed, but Elaine kept tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Within the Croix household, many wanted to harm Estella and her brother. Eliminating legitimate children would mean elevating their offspring and receiving the chance to inherit the powerful House of Croix. However, Elaine did not worry about Estella's brother since he lived in the main manor and received the utmost protection from their mother, Lady Liviane. Estella, though, was different. Not only did she live by herself, but her existence itself was dispensable. As a female child, she was not qualified to inherit the Duke's title, and even if she expired, Gerard could choose a replacement from many of her younger half-sisters. 

Although the story guaranteed Estella would live up to her nineteenth year, Elaine no longer believed its simple truth based on her experience these past months. Her future now seemed uncertain, with every step dangling on thin ice. Can I survive until then? She lay awake with her thoughts until the sunlight seeped through the curtains. When Mariam arrived to wake her up, Elaine had already sat on the bed, tired from the lack of sleep. 

"Milady, are you alright? Did you not sleep well last night? Should I call the head physician?" Mariam voiced her concern after seeing the two large dark circles under Elaine's eyes.

"No, I am fine." Elaine motioned Mariam to stop. "Prepare breakfast. I want to be alone until then." Her hand rubbed her forehead, hurting from the slightest noise. 

"Of, of course, milady. I will prepare breakfast straightaway." The young maid observed her mistress' moody state and immediately ceased her rambling. She then bowed and rushed down the hallway.

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