The Crimson Throne

Chapter 48: Obscure

Elaine studied the materials provided to her by Herbert. It seemed the joint expeditions were more treacherous than she thought. Records showed many people had died during previous occurrences. Both empires always chose dangerous locations to conduct their 'friendly' tournament. This time, too, was no exception. She inquired the old man about the current site, and his answer troubled her.

According to Herbert, savages established the Bael Kingdom around six hundred years ago. They worshipped a devilish God called Enigma and would steal many people from neighboring kingdoms for their barbaric human sacrifice rituals.

Elaine scoffed at the word 'barbaric.' Was the act truly more heinous than Croix's coming of age ceremony—a killing festival happily attended by Étoile noblemen? How ironic to denounce others' savagery while justifying committing the same sin. 

"What do you know about the Insidious Forest?"

"Not much. Many explorers did not live long enough to tell the tale. It is a mysterious place, milady." The archives keeper grimaced as though the mere mentioning of the subject conjured fear through his being.

"Please tell me what you know."

"The Insidious Forest spawned out of thin air after the Great Battle. No one knows how or where it came from, but it terrified the nearby inhabitants."

The Great Battle. Six hundred years ago. Somehow, these two facts always came up. How were they related to the Bael Kingdom and Insidious Forest? What happened in the past?

No. I don't have time for unnecessary curiosity. I need to focus! Elaine pinched herself, and the pain made her squint.

"Are you hurt, milady? Should I summon the physician?" The old man noticed her contorted expression.

"I'm fine. Please continue." Though the book's world contained many mysteries, including several not revealed in the original story, Elaine could not let them divert her from her primary purpose. She only needed to fulfill her role and then exit the stage. Discovering unexplored worlds and solving mysteries were jobs reserved for the main protagonists, not her.

"Ah, yes." Herbert cleared his throat and began again. "I heard the forest is shrouded in darkness as if it is allergic to light. Its canopies are so dense that even sunlight has difficulty seeping in. Rumors circulated about strange and vicious creatures roaming its floor, but we have yet to substantiate their validity."

"Has Étoile conducted an expedition there before?"

"Yes, several. Though we were mostly unsuccessful."


"We cannot get to the Bael Kingdom unless we pass through the Insidious Forest. However, many did not return, and those who did went insane from their experiences."

"Could we not teleport there?"

"Unfortunately, milady, the magician association does not maintain communication with that kingdom's occupants."

"I see." Elaine toyed with her hair, contemplating the new information. "Who chooses the battleground?"

"Both empires alternate, and our Emperor received the honor this year, milady."

There are too many uncertainties. Why would the Emperor choose such a bizarre and dangerous location for the competition? What would he gain from it? Elaine began regretting her decision to come and observe.

It seemed Étoile attempted to conquer Bael many times, with little to no success. And the forest was protecting it from Étoile's wrath. What made a small kingdom in the far west so enticing to a mighty empire? What resources did they offer we could not find in our closest neighbors? Elaine did not expect the keeper of the archives to know the answer. Maybe the Duke would be a better person to raise the question.

"Thank you, Herbert. Once again, you have provided me with invaluable knowledge."

"It is my pleasure, Lady Estella. Please call on me anytime."

Elaine returned to her manor with new apprehension about the upcoming joint expedition. Should she warn Cecil? But that would change a story event and have unintended ripple effects. Elaine understood her selfish decision would place him in danger, yet she hesitated. He survived, didn't he? Did the book not state that Celeste will save him? And Elias will also be there. I have nothing to worry aboutElaine attempted to reason with her conscience.

In the end, she decided not to disclose the information to Cecil. The knight captain might have already told him details about the infamous region, and she did not want to cause him more anxiety. Besides, even without Elaine, the Duke had already selected him to participate—a decision she lacked the authority to change.

After she met with Gerard, Cecil began an intensive preparation program with the other selected knights in training. Elaine allowed him to stay within the training ground and did not see him much afterward, although sometimes he would come back to the manor and report his progress. Elaine also wanted to prepare but was uncertain about what or how she should approach the matter. Since Estella would only join the event as a spectator, the organizers would position her far away from the danger.

Wait! Then how did Celeste end up in the middle of everything? Indeed, her doting family would not have allowed their precious jewel to get entangled in risky situations. So what happened during the tournament? Will I be safe? Elaine rummaged through her memories but could not find any additional detail inside the book. She strongly desired to spew expletives at the original author during these times. How could the story gloss over such a significant event? Was the main characters' first meeting not important enough to describe? 

After connecting the dots, it thrilled Elaine to discover the main storyline had finally begun. No longer would she navigate blindly in ambiguous situations or stumble on unknown landmines. Yet now, after the initial happiness faded, she realized that even the most transparent path had many holes.

Over the weekend I discovered the wonder of AI and went a bit crazy with creating the concept arts for my characters. So here is the first batch to feast your eyes on (if you wanted to of course) 😉


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