The Crimson Throne

Chapter 51: See

Afterward, Mariam continued to tell Elaine about other rumors she had heard. Even among the mistresses who had no chance of competing for succession, they still fought over other matters within the Croix estate. Estella's mother, Lady Liviane, was responsible for distributing resources to the mistresses, and she considered them eyesores. Although she seemed impartial, Elaine suspected she tweaked and tuned some distributions and enjoyed watching the infighting. 

Time quickly passed, and the coachman's announcement caught her by surprise. "We arrived at the end of the portal, milady."

Elaine looked out the window and saw a bright light ahead. A mixture of relief and wariness washed over her mind. Relief that the creatures did not harass her for the first time, yet her chest felt heavy. Why did they spare her this time? Was it because she had someone else in the carriage with her? Elaine recalled riding with Elias through the portal a few months ago, and it did not prevent the creatures from appearing.

What are they planning?

"Haha. See you soon, big sis." A little girl's voice whispered in Elaine's ears as her carriage passed through the threshold to the outside world. Elaine covered her ears and immediately turned around, only to see a confused Mariam staring back at her. "Is something wrong, milady?"

"No, it is nothing." She gripped her dress, forcing down her trembling voice and the shiver running through her. What did the creatures mean by 'soon'? Did they not live inside the portal? Could they also travel outside like her?

"Mariam, ask the coachman how long till we reach the Insidious Forest?" Elaine buried her uneasiness. She could spare no time worrying about the unknown. Whatever the creatures hurled at her, she would deal with it when the time came. Right now, the joint expedition was more critical.

"Yes, milady." The young maid complied and opened the window, leaning her head outside to ask Elaine's question.

"We are currently at the Kalis Kingdom's border. Therefore, we should reach the Insidious Forest in about an hour, milady." She heard the coachman's answer.

"Do you have other questions for him, milady?" Mariam inquired.

"No, that is all for now."

"Yes, milady." The young maid closed the window and returned to her seat. 

"I want to rest for a bit. Do not disturb me until we arrive." Elaine ordered, then lay down on the carriage's cushion and closed her eyes. Remaining on high alert for three hours frayed Elaine's mind, and she needed to be in her best state during the tournament in case unexpected situations occurred.

"As you wish, milady. Please rest well." She heard Mariam's gentle whisper before her consciousness drifted away.

Elaine awoke surrounded by darkness. Where am I? Where is the entourage? She stood up and glanced around but could discern nothing besides the immeasurable blackness. "Hello? Is anyone there?" She stayed still for a moment, waiting, listening for any sounds, yet all that responded to her was an uncanny silence. A paralyzing fear spread throughout Elaine's body when she realized everyone had vanished and she was alone. 

How did she get here? Was she kidnapped? Questions swirled inside Elaine with no answer in sight while terror held her hostage. She needed to leave, to escape from this place. But how? Elaine did not even know where she was. Finally, rather than useless idling, she resolved to walk, finding her way within the darkness. 

On her first step, Elaine heard a rustling sound under her feet. She crouched down to search for the unidentified object, finding several of them scattered on the ground. The object's texture and smell informed Elaine of its identity. Leaves? Then she must be outside. Maybe a hill or forest. Her hands then felt the surrounding area until she touched a solid object. It was large and had a bumpy texture. Is it a tree? Elaine continued examining it until suddenly, something prickled her. As blood trickled from her finger, Elaine heard a loud rumbling sound. The 'tree' body opened hundreds of illuminating eyes with spikes growing between them. The bright yellow irises all moved together, staring at her.

Elaine stumbled backward, horrified. She turned around, wanting to run. Yet unable to see inside the darkness, Elaine tripped over an obstacle and fell to the ground. The thing under her wriggled and grasped her feet, dragging her toward the monster. Elaine struggled, kicking and crawling, trying to escape, but its strength overwhelmed her. Eventually, it hung her upside down, ogling at her with its freakish hundred of eyes. Then, below the monster's belly, a giant crescent upward curling gap ripped out. Saw-like teeth filled its blood-red inside. Elaine's eyes widened in disbelief. She could recognize that monstrous crimson mouth anywhere. 

"Did I not promise to see you again soon, big sis?" A young girl's lyrical voice emerged from the ugly creature.

Elaine's heart's rhythmic beating rapidly increased, threatening to explode from her chest. Though she knew it was futile, Elaine reached for the small dagger she kept inside her dress pocket, attempting one last struggle. Then, everything turned black.


"Milady, we have arrived." Mariam woke Elaine from her slumber. 

She jolted up, sweat drenching her back. Elaine scanned around, realizing that she was inside the carriage. Did I have a nightmare? She clenched her chest, calming her still thundering heartbeats. Everything felt so real.

"Milady, are you alright? Should I summon the physician?" Worry filled the young maid's face.

"No need. Bring me some water." Elaine declined. She could not tell Mariam the reason, but her problem was one no physician could diagnose.

Though she complied, Mariam's concerned eyes studied Elaine's face. "As you wish, milady." 

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