The Crimson Throne

Chapter 53: Emperors

Elaine also moved forward and knelt alongside the Duke, inclining her head. The Étoile Emperor then turned around. Though she could not see his face from her current position, she remembered him from Estella's memories. All Étoile subjects knew their ruler's name, yet speaking of it was disrespectful to the monarch. 

The Emperor was a man of few words. Estella met him a few times during the occasional royal banquets and summoning, but she could never decipher his intentions. He always had a bored expression, and Estella had never seen him laugh or be angry. At least her father would sometimes show her different emotions, though most were not genuine.

"You all may rise."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Elaine stood up with her head remain lowered, sneaking glances at Étoile's current sovereign. 

The Emperor appeared older than the Duke, with features resembling Alexander's. The few creases lining his forehead did not diminish but added a layer of authority to his distinguished image. Unfortunately, the book featured few details about the man. From Elaine's knowledge, he mainly existed in the story's background, idly ruling his empire while watching his family members' bloody war for the throne. Maybe that is his goal. Her theory was not far-fetched. In a world valuing the strong, only a worthy heir could garner enough support from the aristocrats and quell the opposition. Even right now, before the story began, shimmering discontent with the Crown Prince had already surfaced. Elaine doubted Louis could keep his position if not for his relationship with the Croix. 

"Haha. The famous Duke of Geris. I am glad to see you again." A booming voice directed at Gerard.

Elaine peeked at the voice's owner. The Léonas sovereign was the definition of a warrior king. Most considered Gerard and the Emperor as tall, yet they were still a head shorter than the Léonas ruler. Elaine imagined he could crush a man employing nothing but his muscular body and herculean strength. She then switched her gaze toward the handsome young man beside the foreign Emperor. Unlike his older counterpart's lighthearted demeanor, a serious expression marked his countenance. He looked about seventeen or eighteen years old with a height almost matching his father, though his body was not as brawny. From the outside, the young man resembled a typical aristocrat. Yet, underestimating him would be a grave mistake, since the Léonas people pride themselves on their combat ability, especially royals. 

"It has been a couple of years. I am happy you still remember this lowly subject, Your Majesty." The Duke again inclined his body—a sign of respect for the allied monarch. "The fine young man standing next to you must be Prince Nickolas. His Highness has grown so much since I last saw him," he remarked.

Nickolas Augustus von Abercron! A bell rang inside Elaine's head. Another significant character from the book appeared. 

Nickolas was the First Prince of the Léonas Empire and heir apparent. However, unlike Étoile, being the firstborn in Léonas would not entitle a prince to the throne. Instead, he would have to overcome trials and defeat his many half-brothers for the honor. Elaine guessed by bringing Nickolas to the joint expedition, the Emperor had already recognized him as his heir. 

The book did not explain, but when the main storyline started, the First Prince had already ascended to the Léonas throne. From then on, the friendly alliance between the two empires began showing cracks. The culmination of the deteriorated relationship led to the Léonas Empire's attempt to conquer Étoile in the story's latter half. 

Something happened between now and the beginning. But what is it? Elaine contemplated her current knowledge. If Prince Nickolas became the reigning Emperor in the future, then the laughing older man before her was already dead. She again directed furtive glances at the foreign sovereign. The man looked healthy. Did he catch a deadly disease or get killed in battle? Was it connected to Étoile?

Wait, all this has nothing to do with me.

Suddenly, Elaine remembered. The Léonas conquest event would happen after the Croix's downfall. Unfortunately, by then, Estella had already committed suicide inside her dungeon cell and no longer participated in the plot. The morbid thought made Elaine's chest tight, but she was determined to follow Estella's storyline until the end. 

"Duke Geris, you still have not introduced us to your lovely daughter." The Léonas Emperor's focus unexpectedly shifted toward her.

"My apologies, Your Majesty. This young girl is my eldest child, Estella." Gerard nodded at Elaine. "Go on, pay your respect to His Majesty."

She stepped forward and curtsied. "It is an honor to make your acquaintance, Your Majesty."

The Léonas Emperor studied her for a moment, then suddenly spoke the unthinkable. "Beautiful little princess, have you been promised to anyone? If not, how about marrying my eldest son?"

The surrounding areas turned silent, and a strange heaviness weighed down the atmosphere. Many aristocrats wore shocked looks on their faces. Even the usually aloof Étoile Emperor seemed surprised. 

Elaine pursed her lips. Even when I'm not looking for trouble, it keeps finding me. She observed the monarch causing her latest headache, then lifted her head, mustering the courage to answer the intimidating older man. "I am flattered by the kind offer, Your Majesty. But, unfortunately, I am already betrothed to the Étoile's Crown Prince."

The Léonas Emperor looked down at her. Though Elaine maintained her straight posture, the pressure from his intense stare raised the hair on the back of her neck. Then, a roaring laugh came from the older man. "Hahaha. I see. How truly unfortunate." He leaned forward, smiling at her. "Do not worry, little princess. The Léonas people are not in the habit of stealing others' betrothed. You may regard this as a small jest."

Your joke almost gave me a heart attack!

"Thank you for your understanding, Your Majesty." Elaine also chuckled and again curtsied. 


Happy Halloween!

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