The Crimson Throne

Chapter 56: Minds

Elaine watched the departure procession with other aristocrats, though her eyes focused more on the two unassuming 'soldiers' squished in the middle of the d'Artois formation. She could see the smaller of the two visibly shaken, sticking close to 'his' companion. While she could not distinguish their faces because of the helmets, Elaine speculated the nervous soldier was the maid. Then, her unmoved counterpart must be the female protagonist, Celeste. Unfortunately, the book never delved into why the female protagonist infiltrated the expedition. Thus, Elaine could only make informed guesses based on her knowledge of the story.

Celeste's father, Marquis Veros, was an anomaly among Étoile's aristocrats, devoting himself only to a single wife. He then lived a blissful life with his wife and four children, ignoring the inquisitive stare of his peers. Born the youngest daughter of a loving family, Celeste received showering affection from her parents and older brothers. And as the main character, her personality differed vastly from many noble ladies in Étoile. Curious and outspoken by nature, with an overwhelming sense of justice, Celeste's antics often landed her in trouble. However, the protagonist's halo shone brightly on her head, and she escaped many situations unscathed. 

Elaine deduced that hearing about the d'Artois' participation in this year's joint expedition piqued the female protagonist's interest. However, Étoile's strict rules for speculators meant Celeste could not join her father and eldest brother on the journey. And unlike Estella, the Marquis did not have enough influence to request special permission from the Emperor for his daughter, leaving Celeste no other choice besides developing her current plan.

If Elaine's guesses were accurate, then the female protagonist's plan was very flawed and dangerous. Not only did she and her maid lack the attributes and discipline of a typical soldier and knight, but no one knew what monstrous creatures lurked inside the Insidious Forest. Records showed there were high fatalities during previous events. How could a sheltered rose raised inside the greenhouse garden expect to survive when even the professionally trained succumbed?

Despite disapproving of Celeste's reckless behavior, Elaine did nothing to stop her. After all, she needed the girl to extend her protagonist's halo to Cecil. Whatever danger he would encounter inside that gloomy forest, she would be there to save him.

'You have been looking intensely over in the d'Artois troop's direction for a while now. What could make you so interested, Lady Estella?' A familiar voice suddenly appeared inside Elaine's head, startling her. She started glancing around, but it stopped her. 'No need to raise suspicion, milady. Remember, the soul contract bound us together. Therefore, we can communicate through our minds.' Elaine again displayed a cool veneer and peeked over at the voice's owner. 

Alexander sat gracefully in his seat, watching the departure ceremony while conversing with a servant. He seemed unaware of her furtive gaze, though the voice inside her head contradicted his innocent appearance. 'It is impolite to stare too long at others, milady. Perhaps the Croix's tutors have not taught you that lesson yet?' he chuckled.

Elaine's nostrils flared and gave him a heated glare. But then she recalled her resolve to act friendlier toward the Third Prince and calmed herself. She then retrieved her gaze and returned to observing the procession. 'You seem to be in a merry mood, Your Highness.' And leisured enough to bother me. Elaine tried replying to Alexander with her mind. 

'Yes, you are correct, milady. The departure ceremony is quite dull, and conversing with my future queen is more exciting.'

He can read my mind! Elaine panicked but did not know how to block the intruder from her inner thoughts. Does that mean he could hear everything I have been thinking these past few months? Even more panic kicked in.

'Haha. Milady, you still have lots to learn about keeping your thoughts to yourself. Since our minds are connected, I can hear everything you think unless you create a barrier between our conversation and your inner thoughts. And unfortunately, though it is more convenient for me, I cannot converse with you using this method unless we are a short distance from each other.'

'How short exactly?' So I can move further away from you.

'I suppose you will have to acquire the answer to that question yourself, Lady Estella." He paused for a moment. "Shall I teach you how to create the barrier?'

Though reluctant and skeptical, she accepted his offer. 'If you would, Your Highness. Besides, I doubt you would find most of my nonsensical musing fascinating.'

'On the contrary, milady. I find your inner thoughts quite entertaining,' Alexander rebuked her. 'Still, it is unbecoming of me to intrude on a lady's sanctuary, even if we are allies.'

'Thank you, Your Highness.' Elaine sighed in relief. At least Alexander knows boundaries.

"Is something bothering you, milady?" The young maid standing behind her asked, seeing Elaine's sudden expression change.

"No, it is nothing. I am just tired." Elaine shook her head. 

Mariam poured her mistress a cup of tea. "Please have some to ease your exhaustion, milady. I am sure the ceremony will conclude soon." 

"Thank you, Mariam. I hope so, too." She accepted the tea and took a sip, appeasing the worried maid. Elaine then returned to her secret conversation with the Third Prince. 'So, Your Highness. How should I start?'

'No need to rush, milady. We will have plenty of time.' His chuckle again rang in her mind. 

Elaine could feel her patience snapping but forced down the unflattering thoughts. 'Yes, you are right. We do have lots of time.'



Holiday season, the next chapter will probably be delayed.

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