The Crimson Throne

Chapter 61: Bird

Several low growls assailed Elaine's ears from nearby, causing her body to tense in anticipation of the soon to arrive trouble. She lifted heavy lids and found herself besieged by a pack of unknown wild beasts. Elaine stiffened. Her dimming vision could barely distinguish their vague outlines tainted by tendrils of dark mist. She scooted upward, balancing herself against the tree. Her stomach knotted, eyes squinting to keep track of the leering predators. Unable to run in her current state, with her wounds still recovering and her exhausted body on the verge of collapse, Elaine could only watch the snarling beasts inching closer to her location. 

Their growls grew raucous, teeth grating against each other while baring sharp fangs, ready to attack. Elaine's heart thundered inside her chest as she took wheezing breaths. Her fingers dug deep into the tree bark, head shifting to the side with eyes firmly shuttered, waiting for the inevitable slaughter. 

A few seconds passed, yet the expected pain never came. Elaine could hear her attackers' snapping jaws and thrashing sharp claws, but their attentions seemed diverted elsewhere. The sounds of wings flapping made her risk a peek, and the prevailing scene surprised her. Even with her diminished eyesight, Elaine could still discern bird-like creatures descending from above, fighting and picking at the predators. Her eyes expanded, and confusion spread across her countenance. What is happening? Before Elaine could continue her speculation, the following scene further stretched her disbelief. One beast leaped into the air and bit a bird's neck, teeth chewing through its flesh, head swinging the meddlesome creature like a rag doll, then claws ripping it to shreds. The bloodied kill roused the pack's excitement, and their exhilarating howls evolved into high-pitched sounds, grinding against Elaine's ears. Suddenly, the lethal creature's focus shifted, reversed its body, fangs exposed and charged at its hunting companions. 

A stunned Elaine watched the bizarre images repeated over and over. Each time a beast killed the bird, something would seep into its consciousness, turning it against its kin. The wild animals lunged at each other in death matches, no longer distinguishing friends from foes. Eventually, from a couple of dozen, only a few survived. They eradicated the birds, but at a grave cost. Injuries covered the remaining beasts' bodies. Their growls now lacked the previous arrogance. Instead, they were wounded and ravenous. Finally, their attention flickered back to Elaine, the original prey—their target before the pesky birds interrupted. The creatures peered at her, eyes red with murderous intent. 

Elaine squeezed her dagger, sweat drenching her palm. Even with the beasts' injured condition, she doubted she could outrun or win against them. But Elaine would rather die fighting than passively accept her fate. One of the ferocious animals jumped toward her, jaws expanded, hungering for carnage and blood. She flinched, arms raised over her head, bracing for impact. 

The roar suddenly twisted into a yelp, then smothered before reaching her. "How curious that I am always reunited with you during precarious situations, Lady Estella." A familiar voice echoed amid the chaos, silencing the surrounding noises.

Elaine slowly lowered her arms, studying the aftermath. Through the haziness of her sight, she could see her attacker lying motionless, sliced in half. Red liquid gushed from its body like a river, dampening the fertile ground. A foot stomped on the beast's head, declaring victory over the vicious creature. Then, the foot’s owner plucked his sword from the fallen body and tossed it to the side. The sword flew at rapid speed, decapitating another target, and boomeranged back to his hand. The remaining beasts whimpered and bolted in different directions, afraid to confront the new yet formidable enemy. Elaine's rescuer ignored the escaping creatures. He sheathed his weapon, stepped over the dead animal, and sauntered toward her. 

Her eyes drifted upward and saw gleaming violet eyes, like auroras shimmering through the boundless night sky, their magnificent beauty struck her. For a moment, Elaine stood, frozen in time, breathlessly immersing herself in his gaze. Her lips quivered and her body wobbled. Then, all the strength, stubbornness, and conviction gradually slipped from her grasp. Elaine's hands relaxed, dropping her dagger. She plunged forward, overtaken by fatigue. 

A pair of arms caught her waist and drew her into a broad embrace. "You are safe now. Please rest, milady." Elias' calming voice soothed Elaine's wrinkled brows as she felt her consciousness slipping. Still, her hands tightly clutched his armor, fearful of returning to the nightmare once she loosened her grip. In her delirious state, Elaine could feel someone gently picking her up and carrying her on his back. It's warm, she thought before darkness finally enveloped her.

When Elaine reawakened, she was lying on a blanket inside a small makeshift tent. Her wounds still ached, but she felt much better than before. Elaine blinked, realizing her vision had also returned. Did Elias use an enhancement spell on me? She crawled out of the tent and saw the male protagonist sitting beside a campfire, roasting an unidentified animal. The mouth-watering smell wafted against her nose, and her stomach grumbled, reminding Elaine of her hunger. Elias glanced at her and chuckled. "I see you are recovering quite well. Come closer, milady. The meat will be ready soon." He waved her over.

Elaine grabbed her growling stomach while a pinkish tint colored her cheeks and ears. How embarrassing. But beggars can’t be choosers. She swallowed her pride and advanced toward him.

"Thank you, Sir d'Amboise."

Merry Christmas!

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