The Crimson Throne

Chapter 87: Verdict

The Duchess closed Laeticia's letter and returned it to the maid. "The evidence is sufficient. This child is a product of the affair and not His Grace's offspring," she announced.

Small machine wheels rotated inside Elaine's head, assembling the pieces into a terrifying realization. Liviane never wanted to investigate the truth from the beginning, and the current trial was a performance staged to perfection. The evidence's legitimacy and Agnes' allegations meant little to the Duchess except for an excuse to erase the last traces of Laeticia from the Croix estate. Elaine could not conclude the possibility of Estella's mother authoring the mistress' demise or knowledge about the special ink. However, she suspected Liviane had decided on the ending before stepping into the Summer Manor. The Duchess' final verdict would remain the same regardless of the 'evidence' Laeticia's former maid presented.

Elaine glanced at Azalea's despairing figure. The mistress' unexpected fall from grace inevitably determined her daughter's fate.

"This child's continued existence tarnishes the Duke's and Croix estate's reputation. Thus, I cannot allow her to live."

"Please have mercy, Your Grace!" Agnes cried, lifting her head. Her forehead reddened from the repeated impact with the marble tiles, while shock and horror marred her features. "The Young Miss is but a child!" 

Did she not provide evidence against the little girl moments ago? Elaine's inquisitive gaze studied Laeticia's former maid. The contradictions in her words and actions were too stark to ignore. Several questions piled inside her mind. What did Agnes hope to accomplish?

"Milady, please reconsider your decision." A mistress rose from her seat and ran to the chamber's center, kneeling and inclining her body against the floor. "The child is innocent and should not bear responsibility for her mother's crime." Her voice, though frantic, was soft and clear like wind chimes.

Another unforeseen development. Elaine's eyes traveled from the plump maid to the mistress. The woman was similar in age to Laeticia and had dark auburn-colored hair. Her petite frame and delicate features crafted an image of fragility, like a baby animal. Based on Estella's memories, the mistress was from the House of Valois, Isabella de Valois. Why is she risking Liviane's wrath to help Laeticia's daughter?

"Are you prepared to shoulder the responsibility with the child?" the Duchess inquired, a taunting amusement resonating in her voice.

"No…no, milady. I…" Isabella hesitated.

"You are wasting my time. Speak or disappear from my sight," Liviane glowered, her tone becoming impatient.

"Ple, please spare the child, Your Grace. Thou, though Miss Laeticia's crime is unforgivable, her daughter does, does not deserve death," the mistress pleaded. Her body quivered, cowering under the Duchess' applied pressure.

"What punishment do you propose?" The jeer returned to Estella's mother's lips.

"I…I believe a banishment would suffice." Isabella continued lowering her head, not daring to meet the Duchess' piercing gaze. "Your Grace could remove the child from the Croix's name and forbid her from returning to the Geris Dukedom."

The atmosphere became subdued while Liviane contemplated the mistress' proposal.

"I disagree." Elaine's voice broke the strained silence, startling all those involved. "If you would allow my humble opinion, mother." She directed her gaze at Estella's mother.

"You may continue." The Duchess nodded, a bit surprised at her daughter's sudden interference. Estella rarely meddled in the mistresses' affairs.

"I, too, do not believe we should serve the child the death penalty. However, exiling her is also not a preferable option. It could risk exposing this matter to the public, smearing our House's reputation."

Liviane did not respond, waiting for her to continue.

"Therefore, I thought of a better punishment," Elaine beamed—her angelic face and songbird-like velvety voice captivated everyone's attention. Yet, considering Estella's parents' notoriety, the ethereal visage only invoked fear and dread in the observers. After all, an apple would not fall too far from the tree.

Elaine rose from her seat and glided toward Azalea, halting a few steps before her. She stared into the girl's hate-filled eyes, then shifted to face Liviane. "Why not strip the child of Croix's name and imprison her? With this method, we can always monitor her actions and prevent distasteful rumors from spreading. Don't you agree, Miss Isabella?" Elaine's gaze trailed back to the bowing mistress.

"Y, yes. Lady Estella's method is…is much better," Isabella reluctantly agreed. "I, I cannot compare. Please forgive my earlier foolishness, Your Grace." Though the mistress' body trembled, her head stayed glued to the floor, preventing Elaine from scrutinizing her reaction.

"What are your thoughts, mother?"

"Is it not much simpler to quell rumors by executing the child?" Liviane countered, furrowing her brows. What troublesome scheme was her daughter plotting? Perhaps her intuition about Estella's changed behavior was a mistake.

"No, mother. Miss Laeticia chose an easy death despite committing a reprehensible act, damaging the Croix's name. And now, her daughter has to continue paying for her mother's sins. Instead of releasing her through execution, would it not be better to prolong her suffering? Force her to live a torturous life." Elaine's gaze returned to Azalea, displaying a beautiful smile while her eyes ignited in twisted delight. "A punishment worse than death. Is it not more interesting? Don't you all agree?" 

An immense pressure weighted the atmosphere, suffocating the mistresses and their servants. They lowered their heads, struggling to contain the horrors and chills spreading through their bodies. Although Lady Estella's suggestion allowed the child to escape the death sentence, many reconsidered their view after witnessing the sinister curl from her lips. Perhaps dying might not be the worst ending.



Good or evil is irrelevant during a war, only the winner matters.

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