The Crimson Throne

Chapter 90: Dilemma

Tasha neither reacted nor responded to the head maid's pleading—only watching her with cold, emotionless eyes.

Ahh, I see. Elaine's observation of the interaction flashed a light bulb inside her head. She crossed her arms and crouched down. "You and my new maid seem very familiar," she commented.

"No, no, milady. I, I…" the woman stuttered, realizing her fumble. She lowered her gaze, not daring to meet Elaine's.

"Leave us," Elaine told the knight.

"As you wish, Lady Estella." He inclined his body and returned to his station.

"No need to hide anymore. I already know who your master is," she chuckled, resting her cheek on one palm. "Since I just obtained Tasha from my mother today, perhaps I should return you. It is a fair trade, don't you think?"

"No!" the head maid cried, her face turned pale. She grabbed the cell bars with trembling hands, squeezing tight. "I, I cannot go back!" Being sent back by Lady Estella would hammer the final nail into her coffin. In the Duchess' view, her return would imply failure—a worthless pawn required discarding. "Pl, please spare me, milady. I, I will do anything…." She gritted her teeth.

"Perhaps I could reconsider," Elaine mused. Fingers touching her lips, her countenance plastered a visage of deep contemplation.

A spark of hope lit the head maid's desperate eyes. "I…I will do anything," she repeated. Her head and hands both dropped to the ground.

"Anything is a broad pledge. Would you go against your master on my order?" 

The woman stiffened. "I, I…" she again stuttered, unable to answer Elaine's question.

"Don't worry. It was only a jest," Elaine said. "I will not force you to go against my mother. However…” She leaned close to the dungeon's cell. "You will now also report to me."

The head maid lifted her head. Eyes awash with confusion. 

"You shall simultaneously communicate everything to my mother and me," Elaine explained. "From now on, you shall brief me on all the information you learned and observed." She paused momentarily, darkening her cast and narrowing into the woman on the other side. "If I find out you hid even the smallest details from me, my mother's punishment will be the least of your worries. Do you understand?" The head maid's loyal affiliation mattered little to Elaine. Her authority allowed her to 'persuade' the woman through intimidation and fear—a method she found highly effective. Perhaps Elaine learned well from the many ordeals she encountered since arriving in the book's world.

"Thank you, Lady Estella," the head maid exclaimed. "I swear never to betray you." She bowed several times with tears of relief streaming down her cheeks.

A worthless promise, Elaine smiled in mocking amusement. She did not believe a single word. However, she possessed plenty of means to ensure the woman's corporation. "I believe you." Elaine stood up, dusting her dress. "Because if that happens, you and your family will reap the consequences. It shall not be a simple death." Her lips evolved into a perfect curl.

The woman jolted, falling backward—her face filled with horror, staring at the beautiful silver-eyed young girl. Currently, she only saw a terrifying devil underneath the flawless human skin.

"Someone will come and retrieve you later," Elaine informed the head maid before turning and leaving the dungeon without waiting for her reaction. Outside, she entered her carriage and instructed the coachman to return to Estella's manor.

When the carriage arrived, Elaine ordered a maid to lead Tasha toward her new living quarters, then retreated to her chamber. Before entering the antechamber, Elaine dismissed everyone except Cecil. After the servants had dispersed, she signaled for him to follow her inside. "You may sit, Sir Ascania," Elaine said.

"I am unworthy," Cecil replied.

"This is not a request."

"Please forgive me, milady," he apologized after a brief pause and settled on an elegant piece of furniture in the middle of the room.

Elaine proceeded to a tall shelf and picked a small transparent container with a purple gel-like liquid inside. She carried the container toward the center and opened the cap, using her finger to swipe a tiny amount. Elaine placed the item on the table beside her and moved forward, extending her hand to rub the cooling substance over the red mark on Cecil's cheek. She leaned closer, her face inches from his, watching Liviane's handprint disappearing. "You should not have interfered, Sir Ascania," Elaine remarked. "I know how to handle my mother."

A momentary silence descended between them, then Cecil suddenly caught Elaine's hand, kneeling before her. His lips gently touched her fingers. "I swore to protect you, Lady Estella. And I do not regret my choice." He lifted his head—the distinctive heterochromia engulfed in stubborn determination.

Elaine's gaze studied Cecil, furrowing her brows. She desired to save the young man before her from his tragic destiny while needing his protection until the main plot began. Yet, she realized Cecil's continuation as her guard would only strengthen his loyalty and resolve. How would she liberate him from the Croix's brainwashing regiments? What if the time came and Cecil refused to leave? It was a dilemma Elaine currently had no solution to.

"I am tired and wish to retire early today." Elaine retracted her hand and again turned her back to him. "You may leave, Sir Ascania." 

"As you wish, milady," Cecil replied in his familiar, calm voice. He stood up and bowed to her before turning to leave.

Elaine wanted to glance back but controlled herself. She needed to continue her hardened projection and did not wish to see his disappointed expression. For now, Elaine decided maintaining her emotional distance from him was the best path forward. She waited for the door to close behind her, and Cecil's footsteps faded before breaking character, slumping down on a seat.



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