The Crimson Throne

Chapter 97: Soleias

Past Étoile Emperors had always neglected the Northern borders. Unlike the endless expansion campaigns in the other three regions, the empire's soldiers' presence in the North only solidified during the brutal monster invasion occurring every few years. 

Elaine suddenly recalled Elias' first meeting with the Duke after he rescued her from the Devil Beasts. The male protagonist mentioned a fierce battle four years ago during their brief exchange. Based on the conversation, she surmised Elias suspected the Duke's involvement in his friend's death. 

The Battle of Northern Plain. 

Though she was only ten then, the original Estella heard of its bloodied aftermath. Thousands of knights and soldiers died alongside tens of thousands of civilians. The carnage decimated an entire city and surrounding towns, transforming their buildings into ruins and residents into corpses. Near the end of the gruesome fighting, the Duke of Geris arrived with reinforcement, turning the tide and emerging victorious. The triumph heightened his honor and esteem within the empire. 

Even if the Duke's contributions were irrefutable, considering the benefits he gained after the battle, the male protagonist's suspicion also carried merits. But how did Elias know? Elaine wondered. Gerard was a shrewd and meticulous individual. He would not dirty his hands or leave trails behind.

"We have finished counting our men. Prepare to depart." Yusef's announcement broke Elaine's rumination.

"How many did we lose?" she asked Cecil.

"Nine men, milady," he replied. The blonde-haired young man understood without Elaine's elaboration.

"Nine…" she repeated. Her mind wandered to a forest imprinted by abysmal darkness and the grotesque monsters occupying its grounds. The mere association flushed her skin with goosebumps. Elaine questioned the portal creatures' intention for the kidnappings and recalled their attempts to obtain her soul. Did the souls provide them with nutrients like when humans consumed livestock, or did they serve other insidious purposes? Though the morbid query plagued her mind, she suppressed her curiosity. After all, Elaine preferred not to delve too deep into the mysteries of the book's world. Her meddling might uncover some unpleasant surprises.

"Stand back," a magician called. "We will open the portal."

Unlike the tiny red door Elaine traversed through on her previous visit to the Capital, an enormous arched golden gateway appeared before her eyes. Its entrance was wide enough to accommodate five carriages simultaneously. She could see a faint outline of the palace's extensive gated walls within the misty opening. Although the Duke's party arrived last, the magicians ordered the crossing arrangement by rank. Thus, the other entourages stepped aside, allowing the Croix to advance. 

"We wish you and your family a delightful time, Your Grace." The magicians bowed, bidding farewell.

The Duke nodded in acknowledgment, then gestured for departure. The coachmen whipped their horses, directing the carriages through the passageway in succession. Seconds later, they finally arrived at the center of the mighty and glorious Étoile Empire, the Sun Capital, Soleias. Reigning on a lush, verdant hill, Soleias boasted a prolonged history stretching back to antiquity—the origination of the ancient Étoile Kingdom. It had weathered countless wars and dynasties, withstood invasions, and survived natural disasters. 

The beating heart of the Sun Capital was the Lumière Palace, the primary residence of generations of Étoile rulers. Behind its opulent exterior hid innumerable conspiracies and untold bloodshed. Étoile extended records chronicled many previous Kings and Emperors who ascended the throne with hands soaked in their siblings' blood. Bones stacked like mountains behind their magnificent coronations. The current Étoile ruler was no exception, and the cursed history would soon repeat itself.

Perhaps it has already begun. Elaine's eyes panned over the impressive structure. Her carriage halted outside the gate, waiting for Yusef to confirm the invitation with the guarding knights. It was a formality since every living being within Soleias recognized the Croix insignia. The knights accepted the invitation without examining its contents, then inclined their bodies and pulled the gate open. Yusef returned to Gerard's side, and the carriages' wheels slowly rolled into the palace courtyard.

An orange-reddish glow blanketed the skies as the sun relinquished its throne to the double moons—their silhouette remained dim in the distance. Cecil dropped from his stallion, opened the door, and assisted Elaine from the carriage.

Elaine thanked him and stood waiting for Estella's family. The Duke and Duchess exited their carriages and advanced toward her, exhibiting caring visages for the surrounding onlookers. Liviane held her son, flashing Elaine a warm, motherly smile. "Shall we go in?" she suggested, grasping her daughter's hand.

"Yes, mother." Elaine's lips curled sweetly, replicating the artificial gesture. 

Gerard watched them with doting eyes and chuckled, staging the 'loving' fatherly image and completing the 'perfect' family. "Let us go," he said, climbing alongside them up the marble stairs.

When they reached the palace entrance, the guards bowed and opened the grand, aureate double door, revealing an extravagant Great Hall of over three floors. Lavish frescos of the Gods occupied the ceiling. From them hung rows of precious stones embedded chandeliers, like blessed gifts descended from Heaven. Intricately carved walls and beautifully designed large arched glass windows lined all sides, further accentuating the luxurious impression. Another servant waited inside and led Elaine and Estella's family down the hall to a smaller, yet no less extravagant double door. 

"The Duke and Duchess of Geris," the Herald announced their arrival.

"Learn how to conduct yourself this time. Do not again bring shame to our Dukedom," Liviane whispered. Despite maintaining her kind expression, her palm squeezed Elaine's.

She glanced at the Duchess. The honeyed smile remained on her lips. "Of course, mother. I will not disappoint you." It was not me the previous time anyway, she scoffed. Each Croix member continued their pretenses and entered the Ballroom.



Bonus points for those who remembered the references 😃

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