The Crystal Palace Of Heaven

Chapter 13 - The ranks of the strong

This is already the third week of Lu Xi’s coming to Colorful Rose Island. However, he feels that these three weeks, it seems that he has spent all the hard work accumulated for more than ten years.

   Get up at six o’clock in the morning, if you want to stay in bed, you will be poured into a soup by a water column that appears out of thin air.

Breakfast at half past six, breakfast under the supervision of housekeeper Gamcha. According to the old monster, breakfast is a healthy food with high nutrition and low calories, but Lu Xi always feels that these games should be used to feed the cats.

7:00 to 8:00, this is the most important meditation time for the magician. The magic power consumed by the magician every day can only restore his mana by resonating his spirit and elements through meditation. It is said that this time of dawn is the most effective time for meditation.

At this time, the old housekeeper Gamcha would always beat the gong and drums next to himself, saying that it was Olucello ’s instructions. According to him, this is a special training focused on Lu Xi.

8 o’clock to 12 o’clock, finally it was Lu Xi’s time to enter his office. During this period, Olucello’s experiment began. As an experimental assistant, Lu Xi needed to clean the test tubes, take care of the mercury lamp, prepare materials, and organize notes. It stands to reason that as a mage, participating in Orusello ’s magic experiment will be a lifelong experience that will be difficult for them, because it will open a wide door to the truth of Austrian law.

Unfortunately, Lu Xi, who lacked basic education, only experienced cumbersomeness and fatigue. Just like a junior high school student, even if Tian Tian and Hawking are inseparable from each other, it is unlikely to have any feelings.

12 o’clock to 12:30, lunch time, still meow food …

12:30 to 2 pm, for other magicians, this should be lunch break.

Magicians are a special group. Whether it is fighting or research, or even the most basic meditation, you need to stay focused. Concentrating energy for a long time is very consuming, so a healthy and adequate sleep is very important.

However, this is only for other magicians …

   “If you really encounter an enemy, will you wait for you to sleep comfortably? The person I tuned out from Oulusello must surprise people at all times!”

  So, after a long morning, Lu Xi needed to practice his spell-casting skills at this time, whether it was spells, handprints, or running positions. Orussero does not care whether you are tired or not, as long as he feels dissatisfied, a flash of lightning will pierce it, and it will definitely make Lu Xi get up all over the body.

  Two to five o’clock, this is free reading time. Olucello ’s library gave Lu Xi ample freedom, allowing him to read books at will. Lu Xi even found mantra scrolls of chains of lightning, meteor rain, holy word, great disintegration, etc. on the bookshelf, but he didn’t have a good way to learn. He understands that with his own magic power, if he wants to exert these strategic weapon-level destruction magic skills, there will be only one ending. In the magic counterattack, hemiplegia is paralyzed and even broken.

But he was a bachelor, and he transcribed all these spells in his magic book.

From 5 o’clock to 6:30, this is unique to Olucello, the so-called elemental communication training …

Once once, Olucello buried Lu Xi in the ground, only showing one head.

“The so-called magic is that the magician refines the magic through meditation, and then communicates with the six elements between heaven and earth, and then achieves a supernatural phenomenon. Therefore, the general magicians think that magic is the most important, but I think: and the element are more effective This is the most important way of communication. “Olucello said.

“What does this have to do with burying me in the ground?”

“You are almost integrated with the earth now, don’t you feel the existence of the earth element?”

“… I’m almost breathless.”

This is just one aspect, for example, tie yourself to the flagpole to feel the wind, such as pressing in the lake to feel the water, for example, pressing the fire to feel the fire … so many, I will not list them one by one.

From six thirty to seven o’clock, it is cat food time.

From 7:00 to 9:00, this is the evening research time of Orusseau. Lu Xi must continue his work in the morning, record the report of the experiment process and results, and clean up and clean up the laboratory.

Nine to ten, this is the time for washing and free time. Usually at this time, Lu Xi will spend half an hour recording today’s learning experience, and spend another half hour quietly meditating for a while.

Ten o’clock, turn off the lights to sleep.

This kind of repetitive life lasted for three weeks.

Lu Xi had to admit that Orusello’s educational ability is still very reliable. During this time, he did not trigger a new task, and he could not get experience. The level was still stuck at level 10. However, through the above series of exercises, the most important attributes of the legal professions such as spirit, intelligence, and perception jumped. At the 30 mark, strength, dexterity, and physical strength have also increased slightly.

Perhaps it was a bitter life for the waste material civilians. Lu Xi is currently focusing his energy on the magic of the plastic and spiritual systems that are most suitable for combat and auxiliary combat, and uses the remaining experience to point these two skills into In addition to “Sculpture Mastery Level 2” and “Spiritual Foundation Level 8”.

The full level of the magic foundation is level 10. If you upgrade, it will become “master level 1.”

In addition, Lu Xi also learned some miscellaneous auxiliary skills, and the tens of thousands of experience accumulated over the years are running out.

Due to Orusello’s non-human teaching method, Lu Xi also has an additional talent “Elemental Awareness”, and the magic casting speed is + 8%. In this way, his comprehensive strength leapfrogged the Black Iron Tier and reached the Bronze Tier 3, which is already equal to a knight who has completed regular training.

The only pity is that although Olucello is seriously teaching Lu Xi, the B-level mission “Arcian Way” is still in an incomplete state, that is to say, in the mind of the Great Magister, he is not enough Is his disciple.

At five o’clock on the day, it was time for the necessary element communication training …

“Speak, what kind of new patterns do you have today? If you still fill the ground and roast the fire and press the sink or something, then forget it, otherwise I will doubt your creativity.”

Orusello managed the robe, and Shi Shiran took a breath of a pipe, and then asked: “You first count, what magic has you mastered so far?”

“In addition to flying, it should be some very basic magic. The plastic energy includes fireball, wind wheel, ground stab and dust. The spiritual aspect is only elementary intimidation and mute. However, , The only thing that can be done without using a weapon is the dusting technique. “

“Well, this is already very good. The vast majority of apprentices of magicians can only do this before the college’s trial exams.”

“In other words, it took me three weeks to complete six years of hard work for others? Well, I am really a genius.”

“Do n’t be stupid. The enrollment time of the Magician Academy is generally twelve years old, but the first and second years are the study of basic and theoretical knowledge; in the third year, I will enter the laboratory and learn to deploy the simplest potions and Rune; only after the fourth year will formally come into contact with the spell-casting. The most troublesome one is to increase your spiritual power through meditation. You have learned the way of meditation from Druid from Tifario. Rui’s magic and arcane are completely different magic systems, but the most basic meditation is the same. Moreover, the forest of Norda is one of the most abundant holy places in the natural world. That is to say, you have long been I have more spiritual power than the average magic apprentice, but I do n’t know how to use it. Now, as long as I learn these basic magic through effective learning, it is a matter of course. So, it ’s not you who is the genius, but me who teaches you .”

Orusello attributed all the results to himself without changing his face, but he was secretly secret in his heart. Even if the above explanations are all reasonable, such progress is really too exaggerated; he does not know the existence of the system, and of course can only secretly praise Lu Xi ’s talent.

“Is Tifario old confused? Obviously it is a beautiful jade that hasn’t been seen in thousands of years. How could he almost be taught as waste material?” This is probably the real idea of ​​Oulusello.

“… you are the boss, you are right to say anything.” Lu Xi pouted, but did not argue sensibly.

“However, your growth rate has indeed exceeded my plan. I thought that this process will take two months, and now it only takes three weeks, which is considered talented. Although it is not comparable to me …”

Lu Xi was complacent when he heard the previous words. When Oulusello’s second sentence came out, he couldn’t help but ask, “When did you reach my level?”

“I released my first magic when I was two years old. I was officially qualified as a magician when I was twelve, and I got the title of Grand Magister when I was thirty-two. Are you at this level, probably when I was ten years old? Roughly the same.”

“… Just blow it.” Lu Xi whispered softly.

“I know you certainly don’t believe it. However, you will soon understand the gap between you and me.” Olucello glanced at Lu Xi with a smile. “Today’s training is yours and mine. Right practice! “

“Don’t practice? Don’t be kidding.” Lu Xi shook his head hard. “Although you are a little out of tune (Orusello’s blue muscles come out), and narcissism (he gritted his teeth), sometimes he is too old to forget. The tutor started to squeeze his fists), but after all, he is also a big magician. Just a small lightning can bombard me as an apprentice. How dare I practice with you? “

“You don’t worry.” Oruccio squeezed a smile out of the ugly expression, “I only use the magic you know, and the magic output overwhelms the apprentice level, so is it OK?”


“of course it’s true.”

“Then … let’s start this way!” Lu Xi’s words didn’t fall, his left hand had already opened the magic book, and his right hand didn’t know when he had pulled out the staff. A wheel-shaped vortex formed by a stream of air roared towards Orussero.

This is the simplest wind wheel technique in wind magic. It controls the other party’s activities through the high-speed rotating airflow. When used properly, it can even use the fluctuating airflow to form an air blade and directly tear the opponent. Don’t look at its low power, it can even work wonders if used properly.

Is the Orusello in front of him, who once used an enhanced version of a large wind wheel to capture the wings of a dragon, making his opponents unable to fly, and created the ancient anecdote of the dragon family being killed alive. His title of “Dragon Slayer” actually came out like that.

However, the wind wheel released by Lu Xi hadn’t touched the opponent, it seemed to have caused some invisible damage, and suddenly disappeared without a trace. At this time, Lu Xi stepped back a few steps, gasping for a long time, a lingering expression on his face.

Just now, Orusello suddenly broke out. The drink contained an endless sense of oppression, as if a tremendous invisible giant wave swept towards him. Lu Xi stepped back almost subconsciously, his spirit dispersed, and naturally he could not maintain magic.

This is the “intimidation technique” of the spiritual system, which oppresses the enemy’s soul through words and spirits. Fortunately, Orusello was merciful just now, otherwise, with his control of magic power, Lu Xi could be scared to the ground.

“You have to understand that magic is not to show off power. Choosing the most appropriate spell at the most appropriate time is what a good magician does. Just now you chose to use a wind wheel to attack suddenly, but it distracts you from the spirit. Protection, so it gave me the opportunity to take advantage. “Olusello said.

Lu Xi nodded, keeping this lesson in mind. He raised the staff in his right hand, and a wave of sand suddenly lifted, splitting his head towards Orussero Yang.

Olucello smiled slightly, raised his left hand, and suddenly formed an invisible gas shield, blocking the sand waves from the outside. At this moment, he suddenly felt: Lu Xi jumped through a series of moves and moved quickly, and it was difficult for him to catch his exact position for a moment.

“Where is it like a magician, clearly a wild monkey.” Oulusello could not help shaking his head, but remembering Lu Xi’s sixteen years of life experience in the forest of Norda, it was quickly relieved.

At this time, Lu Xi jumped behind Orusello, he raised his staff, and the body was covered by a burning flame, forming the shape of a sword.

The blade formed by the flames collapsed without breaking into Orusello’s body. The Great Magister turned his body and hit his right fist **** Lu Xi’s face; so, the little otaku flew two meters away, and his face was almost swollen and tall, let alone maintaining the fire sword.

“Ah, it hurts,” Lu Xi shouted, covering her face, “Teacher, you actually use fists, is this also a magician?”

“Who tells you that the magician must use magic when fighting?” Oruccio looked up and looked down at the landing. The sneering eyes seemed to mock a mentally retarded, “Like the situation just now, you see the effect Is n’t it good? However, I ’m going to take a look at you, I did n’t expect you to learn even the Flame Sword. It ’s a pity that it ’s completely out of date, and you do n’t know how to use swordsmanship at all. What’s the use? “

“Well, this is also true,” Lu Xi nodded and thought, “It seems that I have to find an opportunity to learn some martial arts skills of body protection. I remember seeing a copy of” The Ancient Oakland Swordsmanship “in the library last time …”

“Don’t be distracted when fighting!” Olusello shouted. A flying wind wheel exploded beneath his feet, and then the wind rushed to Lu Xi like lightning.

“Bang!” Lu Xi hadn’t responded yet, and his head had been knocked lightly with a cane.

“This is too unfair! Why can you easily cast spells so easily that you don’t even use magic tools?”

“Then I would like to ask you, under what circumstances can the spell be instantaneous?”

“The easiest and hardest way is to memorize the spell spells and practice the spell-casting skills constantly, so that you can do whatever you want, such as pointing your arms or even instinct …”

“Why is that the hardest?”

“This is of course. There are 108 letters in the mantra, and the possible arrangements are absolutely astronomical numbers, and there are now more than 30,000 ordered arrangements. No magician can put There are more than 30,000 kinds of magic in your mind? It ’s good to be able to practice a few kinds of limited ones. “

“It’s true that most magicians can’t do instant magic on their own in a lifetime. However, the battle changes rapidly, and there is no room for you to spell at any time, so what is the second method? “

“Of course, with the help of external force, UU reading is also a magic weapon.” Lu Xi said, “No matter what kind of magic weapon, it is basically divided into two types-magic book and magic wand. The magic book is used for The spell is recorded, and the staff is used to store and increase the magic power. The magic book is made of special materials. As long as it is linked to the spirit of the mage, the mage can easily bring the spell on the book to the brain, which is eliminated. The time to read the spell; before the battle, the magician can store the prepared magic in the staff, just like the arrow prepared by the archer. With these two, there is a condition for instant magic.”

“You’re right, it seems that the basic learning is usually not in vain.” Olucello nodded. “However, this is just a well-known method.”

“Whether it’s self-exercise or borrowing instruments, it’s plain to communicate with the elements through mantras. However, many people don’t know: the person itself is the real treasure house. The person itself is the most communicated with the element Good props. “Olucello smiled and extended his right hand. A flame was blooming in his palm, the flames were dancing like a dance, and the colors were constantly changing. Holy white, warm orange-red, passionate red, seductive purple, cool blue, quiet blue and deep black, colorful and fragrant.

The flames were dancing, the shape was constantly changing, and finally, it slowly condensed into a strange colorful rose.

Lu Xi looked at this gorgeous wonder but couldn’t help but stunned.

“Spells and magic instruments are necessary means, but they are not the only means. You must learn to communicate with your own body and spirit and elements, and use your own soul and thought to control magic. Only at that time, in Arcane In the realm of the world, you can enter the ranks of the strong! “

System prompt: whether to learn the skill “magic micro-manipulation”.

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