The Crystal Palace Of Heaven

Chapter 20 - Come from the capital

“Lu Lu, it’s been almost a month since you left. I feel a bit lonely without you. Everyone misses you, come back and see if you have time. Don’t forget, Norda is your home.

During this time, my sister and teacher have been busy with something. Both Legras and Haldir held a lot of baffling reports and documents every day. It seems that you are right, the company will definitely lose money this quarter. But did you give me all the shares before you left? Is it possible that I still have to pour money? Lulu, you must give me an explanation!

At this time, everyone was busy organizing various activities to save customers, but the results were not very good. Without you, everyone didn’t seem to know how to run the company. Sure enough, my Lu Lu is the best! So, did you find the new business?

Ps: The Crypt Lord who attacked us last time was never found, but the monsters in the forest were almost cleared. However, my sister and teacher seem to have encountered some annoyances, and have been very worried for two weeks. But he refused to tell me, in fact, I always wanted to worry about them.

Ps and Ps: This year’s fresh holy moss and pure fruit are already ripe, I sent it together. Don’t forget to write back to me and maltose.

  Ps3: I heard that “Song of Dawn” has been published in the fourth volume, but when we can buy it here at least next year, Lu Lu, you must buy it for me. I want to see how humans write stories about teachers, sisters, and brother Parn.

Your Nicole. “

This letter was obviously written by Nivea one month after Lu Xi left, but when he arrived in his hand, it was already the first week of September. It had been half a year since he arrived at Colorful Rose Island. In this regard, Lu Xi also had to despise the postal efficiency of the current medieval world, and no wonder that a historical novel published by Nadia had to wait for the first half of the year to be listed by Grolen.

   At this time, he was sitting on the grass by the lake. A small road that can pass the carriage, meandering through the woods in front of me, all the way to the castle on the mountain.

  Lu Xi folded Nicole’s letter and put it in the pocket of his shirt, and decided to write it back before going to bed at night. Now he still has his homework done. He opened the book and took notes carefully.

According to Orusello’s philosophy: a great magician should not only use Arcane battles, but also master knowledge of natural resources, alchemy, engineering and so on. Linking the power of Austrian law and human life, in a true sense to promote the progress of civilization. Otherwise, it is no different from a brave man who fights hard.

The Alliance of Knowledge became the only ruling group in the sky world, not only because of the arcane power they possess, but because of the most advanced academic and knowledge.

After returning from the garrison, Orusello’s training for Lu Xi not only stayed in magic training, but also began to increase the learning of the above knowledge. As a result, Lu Xi suddenly felt that his life seemed to be back to the vast sea of ​​high school days before he crossed.

Orusello may have trained Lu Xi on his own, but the latter is really unable to appreciate it. Alchemy, engineering, and sacred horses are actually just chemical physics with a different name, and because of the consideration of the magic effect, its complexity is even higher than the former, but he has been completely in science and engineering since childhood. not interested.

If there is no system to help upgrade, I am afraid that I would have drowned in these tedious calculation formulas.

But even if you smashed all the experience points earned from the bandit mission to the “Alchemy Foundation” and “Engineering Foundation”, and upgraded them to Level 4 and Level 3, respectively, it is only one of the Central Academy of Magic The level of ordinary graduates is still far from the requirements of Olucello.

“Experience can’t be used indiscriminately, otherwise it is simply a bottomless hole.” Lu Xi looked at the experience he had just gotten clear again and couldn’t help but howl, and finally he honestly chewed up the book like an ordinary student.

Patience finished reading the layout information, and took notes carefully, then Lu Xi took a long breath. He clamped the book and the notebook together, and just stood up and found out: I do n’t know when there was another person on the side road, and he was looking at himself with a smile.

It was a twenty-five-year-old young man, dressed in a decent silver-gray summer dress, with a red and elegant red dragon badge hanging on his chest. He has a flattering linen-colored hair, a five-crown with a graceful and elegant atmosphere, and a smile on the corner of his mouth.

According to the theory of homosexual repulsion, as a silk, Lu Xi, who is still a pseudo-mother, should be very unpleasant to look at the elite Gao Fushuai, but I have to say that this young man’s temperament is really too elegant. Anyone’s first impression of him should be very good.

“What’s the matter?” Since the other party’s smile was so refreshing, Lu Xi had to squeeze a particularly friendly business smile on his face, and asked.

“Excuse me, how is the home of Master Orusello?”

   “It’s the castle that looks very tasteless, as long as you follow this path…Forget it, anyway, I have to go back, you should join me.”

“Oh, thank you so much.”

The two of them walked side by side on the path. After a while, the young man suddenly asked: “Are you supposed to be a new disciple of Master Orusello?”

“It’s just an assistant, not a disciple.” Lu Xi replied.

“Oh, it’s okay,” the young man smiled. “Everyone knows what’s going on?”

Lu Xi’s heart sank a little, and Olivier’s reminder to himself suddenly came to mind. This guy in front of you will not be coveted as the disciple of Orusello, one of those who envy, envy and hate himself.

As if seeing Lu Xi’s mind, the other party quickly shook his hand and said, “Don’t get me wrong. I already have a teacher. Although Master Oulusello is my idol, he will not betray the teacher because of it. Door, “

   He paused and held out his hand: “My name is Arantis Narcis, a disciple of Master Russell. Nice to meet you.”

Lu Xi groaned for a moment, and quickly read out the information of Ruther in his mind.

Russell Clement, Ph.D. in the League of Knowledge, one of the four who has the title of “Magic Magi”, the highest title of a magician, along with Orusello, a federal senator, deputy chairman of the Federal Governing Council Rusello was a student while serving as a lecturer at the Central Olympic College of Nadia.

Of course, the above content is not important. The key thing is that Russell is still the Federal Minister of Military Affairs and the highest chief of the 300,000 standing army of the Nadia Federation.

“Wow, count, this guy’s teacher is at least a deputy prime minister and secretary of defense. Isn’t this guy a second-generation official?” When Lu Xi was thinking so, he hadn’t thought about how much he was. Be considered a member of the “second generation of officials”.

“My name is Lu Xi, please take care of me for the first time.”

“Lucy? This name really suits you.”

Some time ago, some people said that this name is not suitable for me, but the guy’s head was blown away by me, but it is really not a good example. Lu Xi rolled his eyes secretly and ignored it.

“It is said that you have destroyed the Yu Fang of the Black Fist Brothers without any effort? It is indeed a disciple of Master Orusello!”

Lu Xi couldn’t help but think of his own experience of killing the gang of wingmen and bandits. Although the result was brilliant, the process was really not worth mentioning.

“Hehe ~~” Lu Xiqiang smiled, “It’s just a group of soul thieves, really nothing.”

“But many formal magicians can’t do this.” Arantis shook his head and sighed. “Although this also proves that the current magician is becoming more and more untrue, but it can also explain your skill. . With this credit, when you pass the formal exam, I don’t know how many government and military departments are rushing to ask you.”

“Formal exam?”

  Alantis explained to Lu Xi: After graduating from the School of Magic, all magic apprentices will take a formal examination task, some of them will destroy the wanted Warcraft, some will serve in the army for a few months, some will **** treasures or VIPs, etc. Of course, non-school students can also take this test, but require their teachers to be magicians registered by the federal government and the Knowledge Alliance, as well as formal letters of recommendation. Once the exam is completed, the magic apprentice will automatically be upgraded to a magician and formally become a member of the Learning Alliance. As for the losers, they can only go home to review and wait for the exam next year.

“Ke Ke’s profession has long been a magician … well, maybe there is no species of magic apprentices in the eyes of the system. Is it possible that all magic apprentices are false mothers?”

According to federal regulations, the Alliance’s enchanting magician is equivalent to having a federal iron rice bowl. Not only is there an annual allowance, but also you will be assigned positions.

Of course, if it is an excellent talent, there will naturally be a lot of important, rich and oily key departments are eager to ask, if the performance is mediocre, they have to go to Shimizu Yamen to eat and wait to die.

“It seems that after promotion, job selection is also very important.” Lu Xi thought, he looked at Arantis and asked: “It may be a bit impolite to ask, but I sincerely hope you give me some suggestions. Please ask , What kind of work are you doing now? “

“It’s actually nothing.” Alantis replied with a smile, “I’m serving as the chief deputy officer of the teacher. Although there is a little nepotism, but as long as I can help the teacher, I am satisfied.”

Uh, a typical cronyism! Federal government, do you really matter?

   “So, Master Rasell should tell the teacher something important. Otherwise, why would he let his disciples run by themselves. The adjutant of the Secretary of the Army should also be busy?”

“It’s actually nothing. But things are a little urgent,” Arantis smiled modestly. “In two months, the federal parliament will begin. All important bills will be discussed and passed at that time. The teacher hopes that Oru Master Siro was able to participate on time. “

“Oh? This is not an important thing.”

“Of course not,” Arantis was silent for a moment, and couldn’t help but smile bitterly. “But Master Oulusello has not participated in Parliament once a decade ago. This is the longest record of the absence of Parliament since the establishment of the Federation. No matter how much he hates politics, as a lifelong honorary member of the Federation, he has to be a good guy anyway, otherwise, would n’t he make the country ’s parliamentarians like fools? No, this year, even the teacher ca n’t stand it anymore, just send me Come here. “

Lu Xi recalled his teacher ’s face and patted Arantis ’shoulders sympathetically,“ I think you ’ll have to run once in vain this time. You know, once a scientist like this enters the research state, the house It’s up to the goddess Nadia to show her spirit and she will not ask. And the boss of our family is now in this state…”

“Ah?” Alantis’s handsome face couldn’t help but reveal the bitterness. “The teacher said that if I didn’t take Master Orusello back, I wouldn’t have to go back.”

“Oh, it’s so pitiful, what must you have done recently to offend your teacher?”

“Well, maybe it is.” Alantis really frowned and thought, after a while, he said suddenly, “But the task that the teacher gave me will definitely be completed. If it’s a big deal, I will talk to Austria here. Master Rousselot took it, and it took him to change his mind and talk again.”

Suddenly, Lu Xi had to pay homage to the persevering “second generation official”.

   “Master Rasell must be a great character.” Otherwise, how could you teach you such a two-stroke apprentice?

“Hehe,” Alantis still had that bright smile on his face, “He just taught me: people can’t stand without faith. No matter how difficult things are, as long as you set a goal, you must do it to eliminate all difficulties. Otherwise, Unbelievers. “

“It’s just such a thing, as for this height?”

“The teacher also said: Now, the biggest problem of the Federation is that the officials have no faith in the people, and the people are naturally unrighteous to the country. In this case, as one of the highest governors of the Federation, you must start from your own, otherwise What about changing this country? “

It sounds like this Master Russell is still an aggressive reformist, and Lu Xi couldn’t help but feel more sympathy for the Federal Minister of Military Affairs.

Unsurprisingly, Arantis and Orusello met to get the first sentence, that’s it.

“You told Russell that my research is now at the most critical juncture. The meeting will not be attended.”

“It’s really a cow!” Lu Xi couldn’t help thinking. I have grown up so far, and I have not heard of any NPC deputy or CPPCC member who said to the vice-chairman of the country and the chairman of the military commission: This year the two members of the two sessions will not go. “

“But master, several important bills will be passed at this meeting. Without your solidarity, the teacher will be isolated and helpless in the parliament.” Arantis said eagerly.

“There’s no way. I’m just a researcher, not a politician, and I don’t understand politics,” Olucello shrugged with a helpless expression on his face. “And even with me, Sur will not have any advantage. “

“Anyway, you still receive a parliamentary allowance of one hundred gold mira from the parliament every year. Why are you not a politician?” Lu Xi, who was sitting on the side, still said.

“I’m an honorary life-long member. Remember, it’s an honorary life-long. When did you meet any honorary professor, honorary mayor, honorary advisor, etc. Have you ever taught students, managed government affairs, or consulted? Orusello raised his head and raised his head plausibly.

For such a cheeky old man, Lu Xi was also speechless, so she had to tears of sympathy for Arantis.

“But, Master, are n’t these reform bills the result of your consultation with Master Russell? Does n’t this depend on your own political ideas and enthusiasm for the country? This meeting is the best way to pass these bills. It’s a good time. If you miss…”

“Young man, you are too naive.” Oruzzello waved his hand, and his tone was very heavy. “Politics is not a **** game. Let me talk about how these bills will be troubled in parliament. Even if it is passed, how can it be guaranteed that it will be carried out at the local level? How many of those who benefit from it will attack your teachers? His title of the great magister can only deter foreign enemies and monsters, but not those Inspiring borers in Game of Thrones. “

“Even so, the teacher decided to fight with those guys well. Isn’t his temper, Master, you know best?”

“Yeah,” Oruzzello sighed slightly, revealing a nostalgic look, “That guy was a two-shot since I was a kid, and that’s why I got so close to him.”

That’s right, only the master of the second pole can teach the apprentice of the second pole! Lu Xi couldn’t help but add in his heart.

“You go back and tell your teacher, what I do now is the same as what he did in Chaotang. We are all changing the country and the world in our own way. Please understand!”


“Okay, okay,” Lu Xi said quickly. “Teacher, it’s really not good. You old man can just take a trip. It won’t take much time anyway. UU reading is missing two or three months. Your research will be sloppy. Besides, no one can be sure of the usefulness of such research results. However, the change of the decree bill on society will always be immediate. “

Olusello picked up his cane and knocked on Lu Xi’s head: “Stinky boy, which one of you, rebel you! I think it’s your boy who wants to play.”

“Which is there, I do n’t see your old man staying in the laboratory every day, do you persuade you to go out and relax? You see, being an otaku is very easy to break your body, you are so old …”

“Stinky boy,” Orusello gave another shot, “I will cast a curse on you in more words.”

Without such power to suppress people. Lu Xi clutched the bag on his head and squatted tearfully in the corner to draw a circle.

Orusello pondered for a while, and suddenly said: “If you want to go like this, then run for me.”

“Well?” Lu Xi raised his head.

Oruzzello ignored him and said to Arantis: “I wrote a letter to Russell, and I will bother you to give it to him, admonishing him to think twice. In addition, I have to trouble you to take care of me. This little assistant. “

“This is what you should do next, then, Master …”

“I’m old and I really don’t want to drip the muddy water,” Oulusello refused each other indiscriminately, and then said to the landing Greek one by one: “When you get there, you give me your big and nothing Take a good look at God ’s eyes: look at what the current Federation has become! “

“Is this homework?” Lu Xi looked at Orusello’s serious and solemn expression and asked involuntarily.

“Yes, this is homework!” Olucello answered solemnly.

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